Cadastral Surveying 2
(e) Describe FULLYthe procedure for connecting a survey to the national survey control system when
satellite-based positioning techniques are being used.
Regulation 18 refers to favourably situated main survey stations. Name ANY TWO attributes of such
(g) Regulation 9 prescribes limits of allowable errors in different classes of fieldwork. Outline these
classeswith a typical example for each classof the survey.
Name any six components of survey records.
Question 4 (All questions relate to Act 32 of 1993. Any reference to COUNCIL in this question refers to
the Namibian Council of Professional Land Surveyors, Technical Surveyors and Survey Technicians).
(a) Outline the categories of persons that are not eligible for appointment to the Council as members
or alternate members.
(b) Persons registered as apprentices are required to work under supervision. Outline the minimum
requirements for supervision for the different categories of apprentices.
(c) State the members of Council.
(d) What acts constitute professional misconduct for disciplinary proceedings against a practitioner?
(Exclude those acts specifically referring to a professional land surveyor)
First Opportunity Examination
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June 2022