2.1 Hospitals, clinics and medical practices face many challenges in the use of Electronic Health Records
(EHRs).Name and discuss any five (5) of these obstacles/challenges that businesses may encounter
when making use of EHRs.
2.2 Health providers must put measures in place at their facilities/practices to protect electronic health
information of their patients. Explain four (4) ways how a practice can protect electronic health
information of patients.
2.3 One of the most common methods of documenting patient visits in a file note involves the use of
the SOAPmethod. Name and discuss what happens at each of the four acronyms of SOAP. (8)
2.4 Patients information should be protected and kept confidential. Discuss "confidentiality agreement
in detail.
3.1 Medical Office Assistants will deal with a variety of patients daily. Discuss the billing basics that
he/she must keep in mind when it comes to the charges for minors.
3.2 A superbill is a document from which the patient's bill is generated and contains the patient's
diagnosis and list of charges. Discussthe two (2) ways in which a superbill can be produced.
3.3 A new employee known as Ms Roxanne Neidel has started to work at the reception area at Happy
Dental Clinic in Ondangwa where they deal daily with patients that make appointment and not
turning up. The clinic has a policy on charging for missed appointments. As a Medical Information
Systems 2B student, explain to her how to go about in dealing with "missed appointments" when it
comes billing at Happy Dental Clinic.
3.4 Discussany four (4) rights that patients have in Namibia.
4.1 Medical aid schemes and health care insurance programme face tremendous problems related to
medical aid and health insurance benefits. Discuss five (5) of the most common fraud or abuse
practices that medical aid schemes and health care insurance companies must deal with. (10)
4.2 NAMFISA is an independent institution established by virtue of Act No. 3 of 2001. Discussthe three
(3) main functions of NAMFISAstipulated in the NAMFISAact.
4.3 Medical Office Assistant's deal with different legal and ethical issues in medical billing. Discuss a
MOA's responsibilities when he/she must deal with estate claims.
4.4 Medical debt is a huge problem that practices must deal with. Discuss four (4) reasons why
patients accounts may not be paid.