Question 1
Explain the following terms and provide clear examples where possible:
1.1 Required - Food Cost Percentage
1.2 Required - Beverage Cost percentage
1.2 Differentiate between Cost and Market Orientation
1.4 Variability of Output
1.5 Briefly explain in what ways might the expectations of regular customers to Hotels
and Restaurants differ from those of first-time users?
Question 2
"Menu Engineering" plays a vital role in sales and targets to be achieved daily in provision of
Food and Beverages. Illustrate and briefly explain the term, its components and potential
action to be taken!
Question 3
Li..ideritz Fishing Industries decided to announce a 12 % Increase on all Seafood & Fishing
products with effect from 01 May 2024. As the newly employed Food & Beverage Manager of
your unit; (i) what would you consider as aspects that led to this decision and (ii) what
immediate steps would you take in the department to avoid a drop in revenue and
consequently major losses. Discuss!
Question 4
In Food & Beverage Management, with the focus on "NUST" and the Aloe Hotel, Restaurant and
Bar, which not only sell food & beverages but is involved in other operations daily. Discuss the
unique selling points of "NUST" and the Aloe Hotel, Restaurant and Bar.
Question 5
Describe the functions of the Food & Beverage Manager in Food & Beverage