SECTION A: Answer all questions in this section.
Choose the letter from the options that best completes the following sentences:
1.1 Indicate to which interdependence type is referred to, when the output of unit A becomes the
input of unit B. Hence unit B is directly dependent on A.
A. Pooled interdependence
B. Reciprocal interdependence
C. Sequential interdependence
D. Timed interdependence
E. Scheduled interdependence
1.2 Refers to a work area available to everyone as needed:
A. Caves
B. Commons
C. Cottaging
D. Guesting
E. Just-in-time office
1.3 The B in the acronym POSDCORBstand for.
A. Beautiful
B. Between
C. Budgeting
D. Better
E. Boardroom
1.4 Indicate to which management function is referred to, in a multi-dimensional administration
function concerned with the bringing of resources together to get things done.
A. Organising
B. Staffing
C. Planning
D. Leading
E. Coordinating
1.5 The abbreviation VMOSA stands for:
A. Version, Main, Objectives, Steady & Activity
B. Vision, Military, Objectives, Survey & Authority
C. Virtual, Micro, Organising, Staffing & Administrative
D. Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategy & Action Plans
E. Virtual, Mission, Objectives, Strategy & Achievement
1.6 __ refers to the authority based on a person's expertise, knowledge and experience.
A. Position authority
B. Expert authority
C. Line authority
D. Staff authority
E. Functional authority