1.1. Differentiate between the two (2) types of plant growth.
1.2. Explain what is meant by differentiation, giving two examples.
1.3. List the three principal criteria by which an element can be judged essential or non-
essential to a plant.
1.4. Give three reasons why photoperiodism is important in plants.
1.5. What do you understand by the terms plant physiology and plant anatomy?
2.1. Discuss nitrogen metabolism.
2.2. Discuss stomata! responses to water stress.
2.3. Describe the soil, plant, and atmosphere continuum (SPAC).
2.4. Deliberate how water potential, evapotranspiration, stomata! regulation, and solute
concentration differences between the xylem and phloem influences transportation of water
in plants.
3.1. List the two types of mycorrhizal fungi and explain how they facilitate nutrient (including
which nutrient is important in which fungi) uptake by plant roots. Also discuss nitrogen-fixing
bacteria in roots.
3.2. Describe tissue culture and list four advantages of propagation by tissue culture. (10)
3.3. Explain how photosynthates are transported in plants.
3.4. Define plant catabolism and describe the three stages of catabolism in details.
3.5 Differentiate between C3, C4, and CAM photosynthetic pathways.
Final Marks: 100