1.1. What is the difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms?
1.2. What is phytochrome (Pfr} and why is Pfr important to plants?
1.3. Differentiate between a plant cell and an animal cell, by listing the main difference
between the two cells.
1.4. What do you understand by the term Glycolysis?
2.1. Photosynthesis is a two-step process, discuss the steps and mention the location where
it is taking place.
2.2. How does soil pH affect nutrient availability, soil microbes, and root growth?
2.3. Define active transport and then list and discuss the three (3} active transport processes
in a plant.
2.4. Define photoperiodism and describe its three (3} forms?
2.5. List four (4) plant growth hormones and describe their functions.
3.1. Explain how photosynthates are transported in plants.
3.2. Water deficit can have a negative impact on plant production. In your own words,
discuss the morphological, physiological, biochemical and growth responses of plants to
drought stress that can affect their productivity.
3.3. Describe how water potential, evapotranspiration, and stomata! regulation influences
transportation of water in plants.
3.4. Define plant anabolism and describe the three stages of anabolism in details.
Final Marks: 100