1.1 Differentiate between the two (2) types of plant growth.
1.2 Explain what is meant by differentiation, and give an example.
1.3 List the three principal criteria by which an element can be judged essential or non-
essential to a plant.
1.4 Why is photoperiodism important in plants?
1.5 What do you understand by the terms plant physiology and plant anatomy?
2.1 What do you understand by the term cellular respiration?
2.2 Discuss stomata I responses to drought stress.
2.3 Discuss the soil, plant and atmosphere continuum (SPAC).
2.4 Describe the plastids, vacuoles and cell walls of a plant cell and explain their functions.
3.1 List the different types of Mycorrhizal Fungi and explain how it facilitates nutrient uptake
by roots.
3.2 Define water potential and explain how it is influenced by solutes, pressure, gravity, and
the matric potential.
3.3 Explain how photosynthates are transported in plants.
3.4 Discuss how water potential, evapotranspiration, and stomata! regulation influences
transportation of water in plants.
3.5 Differentiate between C3, C4, and CAM plants and discuss how climate change will
influence their photosynthetic pathways and growth.
Final Marks: 100