Building material or construction material is any material that can be used for the construction
housing projects. It commonly includes steel, copper, cement, bitumen, lumber, masonry bricks/blocks,
and sand among many others. The housing construction industry is one of the most important industries
that underpins the economic development of a nation [9]. The construction sector impacts socio-
economic expansion development in the developing countries by contributing substantially to their
gross domestic product (GDP) [10,11). As a result of this, it is crucial for the sector to understand the
impact of the building materials cost in completing housing projects as scheduled. Building materials
cost can actually comprise half (50%) of the total cost of all projects executed by a construction industry
[12). Moreover, building materials cost depends on supply and demand, as well being affected by
quality, quantity, time, place, buyer, and seller during a construction production [13). Other factors are
currency exchange, material specification, inflation pressure, and availability of new materials in the
country [14). Generally, total cost of executing a housing project is hugely affected by improper material
handling on the construction site, and all this impacts the quality and time scheduled for a project to be
completed [15). Durdyev and Hosseini [16) conducted a survey and systematically reviewed studies on
construction project delay; this revealed that the ten most common causes of this are climatic
conditions, ineffective communication, deficiency in coordination and conflicts between stakeholders,
improper planning, material shortages, financial problems, payment delays, equipment/plant shortage,
lack required experience among project stakeholders, labour shortages, and poor site management.
According to some researchers, building materials play a (a) ______
role in building as a
substantial input in the project development [17). In South Africa, the incessant rising in price of building
materials is a huge challenge towards the performance of the construction industry in delivering
projects with quality and within the time scheduled [18). The (b)______
(always changing)
market value for building materials tends to cause high project risk to all stakeholders (suppliers,
contractors, and clients) involved in the construction production [19-21). The demand for housing of all
types, coupled with inflation and tight (c)______
supply, has caused a big challenge to the cost
of building materials in the construction industry [22). Therefore, an improved sustainable housing
delivery within the budgeted time, cost, and expected quality, as well taking into consideration the
stakeholders' satisfaction and cost of building materials, is absolutely essential. Sustainability is
generally elaborated as a development that satisfies the needs of the current generation, without (d)
future generations [2]. Therefore, to achieve the UN Sustainable Development goal,
there is the need for a significant reduction in the cost of construction. As building materials contribute
up to 50% of the cost of construction, there is a need to consider the factors which will minimize the
excess cost of building materials Table 1 revealed variation in the construction material price index in
South Africa between 2010 to 2018. These percentage increases are in line with overall inflation, as
measured by the price index. Additionally, the survey of [18) revealed a diverse trend in the cost of
building materials over the past two decades in South Africa (2001-2011). It appeared that the cost of
building materials increased (e)______
yearly without any fail. Considering this, it is necessary to
evaluate the effects of upsurge in the price of building materials on the delivery of affordable housing in
South Africa.