The influence that the tool of trampling, followed by rest, has on the condition of the
rangeland depends largely on the season and the texture of the soil. Explain the differences
in response to trampling in the growing season and dry season between sandy and loamy
soils, and recommend which soil should rather be trampled more in which season.
Question 8
Copy down the table below except for the contents of the second column, and then
rearrange the contents of the second column so that the most appropriate indicator fits in
the same row alongside the process which is most likely to have taken place.
Process likely to have taken place
Sheet erosion
Gully erosion
Wind erosion
A succession of good rainy seasons
Many years of excessive browsing
Continuous selective grazing
Coppice dunes
Large areas of soil capping
The only Boscia albitrunca plants are tall
Lack of mulch cover over the soil
A low decreaser:increaser ratio
A high density of Acacia mellifera
Exposed roots on one side of a large
Question 9
Describe the characteristics of a sweetveld?
Question 10
Different farmers may use different strategies to cope with changing rainfall over the years.
Describe each of the four strategies marked A-D in the diagram below and explain the major
contrasting implications of each.