[20 marks]
la) What is the meaning of the statement, " ...Namibian Constitution is the supreme law". (2)
lb) Explain the four sources of law in Namibia. (8)
le) Discuss at least three (3) constitutional provisions that affect the media in Namibia. (10)
[20 marks]
2a) Freedom of expression is a constitutional right. However, this right is not absolute. What
does it mean to say that a constitutional right is not absolute? (4)
2b) Explain the limitations of the right to freedom of expression and freedom of press as
indicated in the Namibian Constitution. (16}
[20 marks]
3a) Court reporting is derived from the principle of 'right to open justice'. Explain the concept of
'right to open justice' and show why it is important. (10}
3b) Define the following terms:
i. Sub-judice (2);
ii. In-camera proceedings (2);
iii. Defendant (2);
iv. Plaintiff (2);
v. Charge sheet (2).
[20 marks]
The law of privacy consists of four torts. Identify and explain each tort. In your explanation of each
tort, provide an example of how journalists can invade privacy. (20)
Question 5
[20 marks]
In a defamation case, the onus is on the plaintiff to prove defamation. Discuss the five elements of
defamation. (20}