2. What is the difference between equity and equality?
3. Differentiate between inclusive education and special education
4. Noessel (2003) said learner needs can be Cognitive, Social, Affective and Psychomotor. Choose the
appropriate learner's need to correspond with the relevant behaviour.
4.1 Communicate with peers. -
4.2 Provide and be open to feedback from others -
4.3 Practice problem solving -
4.4 Manage time and tasks. -
4.5 Have adequate energy level -
4.6 Have access to equipment and tools -
4.7 Give and receive support -
4.8 Attain goals -
5. How do learners with disabilities communicate verbally with one another? Name only five facts.
(5 X 2 =10)
6. Name and explain the three broad reasons why Namibian VTCsshould adopt inclusive education.
(3 X 3 =9)
7. What are the reasons for introducing inclusive education in TVET? Provide five reasons. (5 x 2 =10)
8. Skills amongst others such as Focusing, Questions, Silence, Immediacy and Building rapport are
needed to perform your counselling responsibilities. Briefly describe each skill a future trainer or
teacher should need for effective counselling.
(5 x 3 = 15)
9. Miller's model of a framework for clinical competence distinguishes four hierarchical layers of
competence: Knowledge, Competence, Performance and Action according to the figure below.
Explain each layer in detail.
(4 x 2 = 8)
3 :Performance
10. Provide a suggested process that technical schools might adopt or adapt to facilitate the effective
keeping and management of records of learners and trainees with disabilities.