1. In your own words, what does policy mean?
2. With the use of examples, discuss any two (2) characteristics of a policy.
(2 Marks)
(8 Marks)
3. Why would there be a need to develop or change a policy? Provide at least three (3)
(10 Marks)
4. Explain the policy-making process as guided by the National Planning Commission.
(10 Marks)
5. Explain any five (S) major problems identified during Under Problem Identification of the
policy making process.
(10 Marks)
6. Explain any five major problems identified during under Policy Implementation and
Monitoring of the policy making process.
(10 Marks)
7. Discussthe importance of any five Guiding Principles of the 2021 TVETPolicy. (10 Marks)
8. In the latest TVET Policy, the TVET sector has set itself the following vision: A TVET sector
which promotes economic and employment growth through a focus on initial (pre-
employment) and continuous TVET programmes and courses for the formal and informal
economy. Through your experience of the Namibian TVET sector, reflect on this vision by
assessing whether it can be achieved or not.
(10 Marks)
9. Policy Objective 2 of the 2021 TVET Policy is: To Enhance Quality and Relevance of TVET
Programmes. Discussthree (3) strategies that will be used to achieve this Objective?
(10 Marks)
10. Policy Objective 4 of the 2021 TVET Policy is: To Promote Research, Innovation and
Entrepreneurship in TVET. Discuss three (3) strategies that will be used to achieve this
(10 Marks).
11. Discuss the role of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation
(MLIREC)in the implementation of the 2021 TVETPolicy.
(10 Marks)
Total Marks: 100 Marks