1.1 Define the following concepts
a. Policy
b. Procedure
c. Policy instrument{s)
1.2 Mention four (4) key elements of policy analysis
1.3 The MHETI is currently the overseeing authority for the TVET sector. Name at least four (4)
agencies that shares the responsibility to regulate and finance education and training in
Namibia as per the revised TVET policy of 2021
1.4 Briefly describe the purpose of policy instruments
1.5 Describe the roles of Namibia Training Authority (NTA)in implementing the Namibia National TVET
2.1 Explain the objectives of the revised Namibia National TVET policy
2.2 Explain at least five (5) reasons why a policy may have to be developed or changed
2.3 Explain at least six {6) criteria for evaluating a quality of good policy document
2.4 The revised Namibia National TVET Policy is aligned to global, regional, national and local
contexts focusing on skills development initiatives. These perspectives include, among other,
the Fifth National Development Plan {NDP 5). Briefly outline the targets that are linked to this
3.1 With examples, Compare and contrast the three {3) different types of policy analysis; Ex Ante
Analysis and Ex Post Analysis, Normative Policy Analysis and Descriptive Policy Analysis [15]
3.2 Explain in detail the essentials components of the policy documents
TOTAL: [100]