1.1 Define the following concepts.
a. Policybasedevidence
b. Policy analysis
1.2. Mention at least six (6) key capabilities of policy analysts.
1.3 Describe the roles of Trade unions and workers' organizations in implementing the
Namibia National TVET Policy.
.1.4The Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation (MHETI) recognises the
diversity and complexity of the TVETsector and, based on that understanding, the
implementation of TVETpolicy shall be aligned with other stakeholders. Mention at
least six (6) key stakeholders in implementing the National TVET policy in Namibia (6)
1.5 Name and explain the four (4) different types of policies.
1.6 Outline eight (8) characteristics of a good policy
2.1 Study the following table specifying various sectors, Identify and describe at least one (1)
policy under each sector that is relevantto the Namibia'sNationalTVETpolicy.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration,
Safety and Security
Ministry of Higher Education, Technology
and Innovation
Ministry of Mines and Energy
Office of the Prime Minister
Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty
Eradication and Social Welfare
2.2. Explain the five (5) main phases of the policy cycle.
2.3. Explain in details reasons why policies are vital for the effective management and
governance of TVET