a) Companies handle the organizational aspect of new-product development in several ways. Many
assign responsibility to product managers. But product managers are often busy managing existing
lines and may lack the skills and knowledge to develop and critique new products. You have been task
to advice the Product Managers on new product development stages, mention and discuss the eight
{8) stages of new product development.
{16 Marks)
b) You are further task to advice the Product Managers on ways to find great product ideas. Discuss
any five (5) ways to find great product ideas.
(S Marks)
c) Discussthe five (5) adopter categories.
(10 Marks)
Marketing management is a process of controlling the marketing aspects, setting the goals of a
company, organizing the plans step by step, taking decisions for the firm, and executing them to get
the maximum turn over by meeting the consumers' demands.
a) Discussany four (4) objectives of Marketing Management.
(8 Marks)
b) The major functions that a manager completes can be categorized into four different functions.
Discussthese four (4) functions.
(10 Marks)
a) Macro-Environment Audit includes all the factors outside the firm that influences the marketing
performance. Discussany five (5) components of the PEST/SLEPTanalysis.
(10 Marks)
b) Discussthe six {6) stages of Environmental analysis.
(6 Marks)
c) McKinsey's Elements of Success (7S Framework) is usually used as a tool to evaluate and monitor
changes in the internal situation of an organization. Discuss the four (4) elements known as the
(8 Marks)