Question 1
1.1 Define the following properties of hazardous waste:
(a) Explosive
(b) Oxidising
(c) Harmful
(d) Infectious
1.2 The different components of a Hazard Incident Response are: Recognition,
Evaluation, Information, Safety and Control. Briefly describe the process involving
these components.
1.3 Name the main categories of waste-treatment technologies.
Question 2
2.1 Many climate experts agree that it is not possible to unambiguously separate
atmospheric compounds into distinct groups of either air pollutants or climate-
influencing gases and particles. Use different examples of known compounds to
demonstrate the air pollution and climate nexus (i.e. connection).
2.2 (a) Define Radiative Forcing Geoengineering Technologies with respect to climate
(b) Describe how are the strategies in (a) achieved.
(c) Name two technologies that belong to this group.
2.3. The following questions relate to the remote sensing technique called LIDAR.
(a) What does LIDAR stand for?
(b) What is the basic principle of this analytical method?
(c) What useful information can be obtained from the atmospheric components
that are analysed through this method?