Question 1
According to the Namibian Liquor Act 6, 1988, who may not hold a liquor licence?
Question 2
In tabular format, a) state 3 of the major wine regions of Bordeaux, France, and b) the grape variety the
region specialises in and c) a well-known producer of the region.
Question 3
Coffee has played an active role in the Worldwide development of trade and culture since the 15th century
when coffee cultivation began on the Arabian Peninsula. Coffee cultivation and processing is therefore of
key importance to the modern world. Write a short essay on how coffee is a. cultivated and b. processed
Question 4
Write a detailed, step by step instruction manual, explaining the beer production process to a new
Question 4
Espresso is a strong, rich coffee and is usually served by the "shot". It has also become the base for many
popular espresso-based drinks. Describe the composition of the following espresso-based drinks.
4.1 Cappuccino
4.2 Latte
4.3 Mocha
Question 5
Champagne production and quality is very strictly controlled. Give a detailed explanation of the following
a. the permitted grape varieties used,
b. the 3 styles of champagne and
c. the sweetness levels.
Question 6
Differentiate between the different types and categories of liqueurs according to their category, flavour,
generic example and branded example in tabular format as below.
Generic Example
Proprietary or Branded