Question1(20 Marks)
(a) Sketchthe planesidentifiedby the followingmillerindices.
(i) (101)
(ii) (112)
(iii) (123)
(b) Distinguishbetweenthe following:
(i) a normal grain boundary and a twin boundary.
(ii) dislocationclimband dislocationannihilation.
(c) Explainthe effectof the followingdefectson the strength of a metal:
(i) Highanglegrain boundary.
(ii)lowanglegrain boundary.
(d) Theactivationenthalpy for the formationof vacanciesin copper is83 700 J/ mol,whilethe
activationenthalpy for the formationof self-interstitialatoms in copper is385 000 J/ mol.
(i) Calculatethe equilibriumconcentrationof vacanciesin copper at 1000 K.
(-ii)Calculatethe equilibriumconcentrationof interstitialatomsin copperat 1000 K. [3]
(iii)Commentand explainyour answersin (i) and (ii).
Question2 (20 marks)
Thediagrambelowshowsthe lead-tinphasediagram.
(a) Commenton the solubilityof leadand tin withineachother, and identifythe terminalsolid
solution(s)and the intermediatephase(s).
(b) PointEindicatesan invariantpoint.
(i) Identifythe invariantpoint.
(ii)Calculatethe phasefractionsin the alloyat point E.
(iii) Sketchthe microstructureof the alloy formedat point E.
(iv)Whatisthe alloy formed point Ecommonlyusedfor, and why?
(c) Considera Pb-20Snalloy.
(i)Sketchthe coolingcurve for the alloygiventhat the pouring temperature during castingis
(ii) Calculatethe phasefractionsin the alloyat lOOoC.
(iii) Sketchthe microstructureof the alloy.