1. Data collected at a point in time is called
a) Cross-sectional data
b) Time series data
c) Pooled data
d) Panel data
2. OLSstands for what in Econometrics?
a) Optimally Linearized Solution
b) There is no such thing in Econometrics
c) The only rock band that Econometricians are crazy about
d) Ordinary Least Squares
[20 MARKS]
3. In the estimated model logQ. = 2.25 - 0.7logPi + 0.02Yi, where pis the price and q is the
quantity demanded of a certain good and Y is disposable income, what is the meaning of
the coefficient on logP?
a) If the price increases by 1%, the demanded quantity will be 0.007% lower on average,
ceteris paribus
b) If the price increases by 1%, the demanded quantity will be 70% lower on average,
ceteris paribus
c) If the price increases by 1%, the demanded quantity will be 0.7% lower on average,
ceteris paribus
d) None of the answers above is correct
4. In the estimated model logQi = 2.25 - 0.7logP; + 0.02Yu where p is the price and q is the
quantity demanded of a certain good and Y is disposable income, what is the meaning of
the coefficient on logY?
a) If disposable income increases by a thousand dollars, the demanded quantity will be
0.02% higher on average, ceteris paribus
b) If disposable income increases by a thousand dollars, the demanded quantity will be
0.0002% higher on average, ceteris paribus
c) If disposable income increases by a thousand dollars, the demanded quantity will be
2% higher on average, ceteris paribus
d) None of the answers above is correct
5. Data collected for a variable over a period of time is called