Question 1 [12 marks]
1.1. Define the following terms:
1.1.1. Probability function
1.1.2. Power set
1.1.3. o-algebra
1.1.4. Consider an experiment of rolling a die with six faces once. Show that the set a(X) = {9,S, {1,2,4}, {3,5,6}} is a sigma algebra, where S
represents the sample space for a random experiment of rolling a die with six
[3] Givenaset Y = {(1,2,3.5), {4}, {6}}, then generate the smallest sigma algebra, a(Y)
that contains a set Y.
Question 2 [24 marks]
2A, Let X be a continuous random variable with p.d.f. given by
x+1, for-1<x<0O,
f(x) {ins for0<sx<1l1,
Then find cumulative density function of X
2:2: Suppose that the joint CDF of a two dimensional continuous random variable is given by
F. x; = 1—e-*-—eY¥+e"F*), ? ifx>0; ’ y>0 ’
xv (%y) 0,
Then find the joint p.d.f. of X and Y.
2.3. Consider the following joint pdf of X and Y.
_ (2, x>0; y>0; x+y<1,
fay) = {0 elsewhere.
2.3.1. Find the marginal probability density function of f(y)
2.3.2. Find the conditional probability density function ofX given Y = y, fy(x|lY = y)
2.3.3. Fi, nd P(x <>|1], Y =-1 )
2.4. Let Y;,¥2, and Y3 be three random variables with E(Y,) = 2, E(¥2) = 3, E(¥3) = 2, of, = 2,
OF, = 3; OF, = 1, OY, Y, = —0.6, Oy, Y, = 0.3, and OY, y, = 2.
2.4.1. Find the expected value and variance of U = 2Y, — 3Y, + Y3
2.4.2. IfW = Y, + 2Y3, find the covariance between U and W
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