Answer all questions
Total marks [55]
1. Explain the main reason why water is referred to as a universal solvent.
2. | What does the acronym ‘PSU’ refer to in Marine Science, and what water property does
it measure?
What is the scientific name of the largest known bacteria that was discovered in
Namibian marine waters? Explain the characteristics of this bacteria.
Why are nutrient cycles in the marine environment referred to as biogeochemical
Briefly explain the main sources of nitrogen in the marine environment.
List the four main sources of organic carbon in the marine environment.
With the aid of a chemical equation only, show how primary producers convert
inorganic carbon to organic carbon in the marine environment
With the use of a chemical equation only, show how the oxidation of sulphur
will lead to the reduction of pH in natural water bodies.
How do the ratios of NHa* to NH4OH affect the alkalinity of seawater?
10. What is denitrification? Why is this process a chemical reduction process?
dls How would the ratio of Carbon to Nitrogen (C:N) affect the rate of decomposition of
dissolved organic matter in the aquatic environment?
12. Name any two marine dinoflagellates that produce the phytotoxin, saxitoxin.
13. Briefly describe the features of marine foraminiferians. How do they differ structurally
from the radiolarians?
14. With reference to organic input, differentiate briefly between oligotrophic and eutrophic
aquatic environments.
15. Explain the main benefit of upwelling on the productivity and biodiversity of the marine