Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow.
HRM dilemma and navigating the new world of work.
Finance21 is a growing start-up in the micro lending sector. In response to global health
concerns, it has rapidly adapted to a remote work model. This transition has enabled the
organisation to optimise operational costs. However, the shif has also surfaced ethical
challenges. The company faces increased cyber security risks with the increased remote
working model. Additionally, there has been a lot of digital workplace byllying, with
employees reporting harassment and deliberate exclusion from virtual meetings or official
communication platforms. The remote work shift has also bludrred the boundaries between
work and personal life, leading to employees burnot and challenges in maintating work-life
balance. Moreover, concersn about the equity of remote work policies and their impmact on
employee engagement and cohesion were also reported to the HR department.
1.1 Define what ethical dilemma is.
1.2 In the case of Finance21, explain how the principles of utilitarianism can be applied to
address the challenges of cyber security for all stakeholders.
1.3 Discuss how HR department can detect and address instances of workplace bullying
mentioned in the case study.
1.4 Employee relations are prone to natural conflicts between the organisation and
employees (unions) as they negotiate various conditions of employment. Deliberate on the
measures that HR can implement to ensure remote work policies are equitable and do not
adversely affect team cohesion and employee engagement.
1.6 Suggest practical strategies that HR can implement to support employees in managing
work-life balance and prevent burnout resulting from remote work model.