Question 4
[8 marks]
a) Define the term collective bargaining and name two issues that that can be addressed
through collective bargaining.
(3 marks)
b) Define the term shop stewards and name two roles of the shop stewards. (3 marks)
c) Using an example, explain the difference between Best Alternative To
a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) and Zone Of Potential Agreement (ZOPA) as it applies
to negotiation.
(2 marks)
Question 5
[16 Marks]
a) Create ONE scenario of not more than 300 words of an interpersonal conflict situation
which is caused by poor communication and task interdependence in your company.
(4 marks)
b) Name the conflict management style(s) (you can use more than one conflict management
style) that that you will use to resolve the conflict described in (a). Motivate your choice in
relation to how it can aid in converting the dysfunctional conflict described in (a) into a
functional conflict.
(3 marks)
c) Write a 3 person dialogue where you take the role to resolve the conflict between your
sub-ordinates. You will need to show you will resolve the conflict scenario you described in
(a) and convert it into a functional conflict using the conflict management style(s) discussed
in (b). You will have to demonstrate effective communication skills, active listening and
problem solving skills in the dialogue.
(9 marks)
Question 6
[14 Marks]
The collective bargaining unit has been tasked to negotiate transport allowance with the
a) Explain clearly the mandate you are using for the negotiation on both groups. (2 marks)
b) Explain the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) for each group and
explain the criteria you used to arrive at each BATNA.
(3 marks)
c) What is the Zone of Potential Agreement (ZOPA) for the two groups?
(1 mark)
d) There are 3 shop stewards and 3 Management staff members (assign names & titles to
the people) at the negotiation table. Write a dialogue clearly showing the use of the 4
points of principled negotiation to reach an agreement on the salary increment. Make
sure the dialogue includes the mandate mentioned in (a) and agreement falls within the
ZOPA mentioned in (c).
(8 marks)
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