Geoinformation Management
Question 1: GIS Implementation
The establishment of a GIS is a complex process which needs careful planning, based on a thorough
analysis of the respective institution and its requirements. This is influenced by the type, purpose
and level of GIS implementation.
1.1. Give four reasons why proper planning of GIS is needed.
1.2. List four main types of GIS implementation levels in an organisation. For each, explain what
reasons could trigger the “Thinking about Implementing a GIS” at that level.
1.3. The GIS planning and implementation methodology can be subdivided into four main phases
and nine planning stages. Name and briefly explain the four phases.
Question 2: GIS Project Planning and tools
2.1. If you are hired as a consultant to implement a multi-user GIS for a very large organisation. List
six main GIS aspects (or components) that you will need to consider in the planning process. _— (6)
2.2. The Logical Framework is an approach to project planning that was developed as a tool for
detailed planning with clearly defined objectives that can be measured by using appropriate
indicators. List the ten steps in the development of a logical framework in their correct logical
sequence. (no explanations please).
2.3. Draw a blank logical framework template (use any style that is commonly used).
Second Opportunity/Supplementary Exam
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January 2020