Question 1
The East Asian countries have benefitted significantly from the modernisation economic model,
reaching unprecedented growth in the 1980's. Since the early 1960's, most African economies
implemented the modernisation model, with most recording minimal growth and development.
Critically review the extent to which the modernisation economic model undermines wealth
creation and meaningful transformation in Third World Countries.
Question 2
Community workers will invariably face several needs from which they will have to select one or two
needs to be addressed through community programmes. The selection of only one or two needs
amongst many needs may result in some members of the community feeling disregarded and
unrecognised. As a community worker, develop a strategy that would enable your community to
reach consensus on the different needs.
Question 3
Prior to 1990, education in Namibia was regarded as a privilege reserved for a few. Most black
people were excluded from educational opportunities on grounds of race, status, and sex. Post-
independent Namibia was determined to reverse the discriminatory and oppressive trend by
implementing the education strategy, which focused on access, quality, equity, and democracy.
Based on this strategy, what are the implications of the current status of education in Namibia on
the prospects of development?