Question 1
a. Good quality pre trip information from advanced traveller information systems enables
travellers achieve route optimization, fare maximisation, costs minimisation and travel
time minimisation.
[2 marks]
b. Intelligent Transport Systems {ITS)in commercial vehicle operations deal with efficiency
and effectiveness of the service that is being provided and can increase passenger
safety, as well.
[2 marks]
c. Adaptive traffic signal control, ramp metering and traffic operations centres are specific
applications for advanced traffic management systems.
[2 marks]
d. ITSresemble of an interplay between travellers, data centres, roadside infrastructure,
and vehicles.
[2 marks]
e. ITSstandards refer to a framework that lays out the boundaries, the players, and the
strategies for that process of information management in a specific geographical
boundary and specified time period.
[2 marks]
f. An ITS architecture ensures system compatibility, shrinkability, interoperability and
[2 marks]
g. ITS relies on interactions among three layers of infrastructure, transportation layer,
traffic signal layer and the information layer.
[2 marks]
h. Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Weigh in Motion (WiM) technologies, electronic
cargo clearance systems and telematics are all examples of ITS in commercial vehicle
[2 marks]
i. Advanced Traveller Information Systems provide travellers with information regarding
road conditions and whether c?nditions only.
[2 marks]
j. Incident Management Systems focus on maximizing the use of available roadway
capacity and reducing the impact of nonrecurring congestion resulting from incidents.
[2 marks]