4.15. Patch size has a crucial influence on community structure, species diversity, and the (1)
presence and absence of species.
5.1. (a) Is this statement correct: "The earth is a system"?
(1) (7)
(b) If your answer is no, why do you think it is not a system? If your answer (6)
is yes, what does it mean when you say the earth is a system? (Start
your answer with a basic general definition of a system)
5.2. Which four biogeochemical cycles are important for ecology?
6.1. Prey species have evolved a wide range of characteristics to avoid being detected, (10)
selected, and captured by predators. These are categorized as either chemical or
behavioural defences. List with examples any five (5) chemical predator defence
mechanisms that were discussed in class.
6.2. One of the possible outcomes of interspecific competition is resource partitioning. (4)
Explain resource partitioning using relevant examples and ecological terms.
7.1. What are survivorship curves and why are they important?
7.2. Explain why the logistic growth curve/model is more realistic in describing (2)
population growth than the exponential growth curve/model.
7.3. Based on studies of survival by a wide variety of organisms, Population Ecologists (9)
have proposed that most survivorship curves fall into three major categories. Draw
a graph illustrating the three survivorship curves and explain each one of them
with a relevant example of a species that exhibits that growth.
8.1. Almost all levels of organisation in ecology share a set of properties. List the three (3)
properties you have been introduced to in class.
8.2. Provide a detailed explanation as to why areas around the equator have higher (4)
biodiversity, compared to areas north or south of the equator.
8.3. Various indices are used to estimate species diversity, to what extent do they (3)
8.4. Dispersal limitation is one of the key factors that shape and affect community (5)
organisations. Name five factors that affect/prevent the movement of a species
from the community in which they were born to another community, or
population, where they will settle and reproduce.
9.1. List and explain three limiting factors for primary production in a terrestrial (6)
Conservation Ecology 1 (CSE511S)
2nd Opportunity-July 2024