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Stories to Tell to Children [electronic resource] / Sara Cone Bryant
Democracy and Education : An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education [electronic resource] / John Dewey
The Education of the Child [electronic resource] / Ellen Key
The Child Under Eight [electronic resource] / Henrietta Brown Smith
The New Ideal in Education : An Address Given Before the League of the Empire on July 16th, 1916 [electronic resource] / Nikolaj Velimirović
A Collection of College Words and Customs [electronic resource] / Benjamin Homer Hall
Emile [electronic resource] / Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Art of the Story-Teller [electronic resource] / Marie L. Shedlock
La Suggestibilité [electronic resource] / Alfred Binet
The Infant System : For Developing the Intellectual and Moral Powers of all Children, from One to Seven years of Age [electronic resource] / Samuel Wilderspin
Story Hour Readers — Book Three [electronic resource] / Ida Coe
Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young : Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Methods in Harmony with the Structure and the Characteristics of the Juvenile Mind [electronic resource] / Jacob Abbott
Study of Child Life [electronic resource] / Marion Foster Washburne
Cambridge Essays on Education [electronic resource]
The Evolution of "Dodd" : A pedagogical story giving his struggle for the survival of the fittest, tracing his chances, his changes, and how he came out [electronic resource] / William Hawley Smith
The Teacher : Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young [electronic resource] / Jacob Abbott
How to Use Your Mind : A Psychology of Study: Being a Manual for the Use of Students and Teachers in the Administration of Supervised Study [electronic resource] / Harry Dexter Kitson
How to Study and Teaching How to Study [electronic resource] / Frank M. McMurry
How to Teach [electronic resource] / George D. Strayer
Reveries of a Schoolmaster [electronic resource] / Francis B. Pearson
A Study of Fairy Tales [electronic resource] / Laura Fry Kready
Stories to Tell Children : Fifty-Four Stories With Some Suggestions For Telling [electronic resource] / Sara Cone Bryant
Craftsmanship in Teaching [electronic resource] / William C. Bagley
Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel translated and annotated by Emilie Michaelis ... and H. Keatley Moore. [electronic resource] / Henry Keatley Moore
The High School Failures : A Study of the School Records of Pupils Failing in Academic or Commercial High School Subjects [electronic resource] / F. P. O'Brien
Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals [electronic resource] / William James
How to Tell Stories to Children, and Some Stories to Tell [electronic resource] / Sara Cone Bryant
Youth : Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene [electronic resource] / G. Stanley Hall
Ontario Teachers' Manuals : History [electronic resource] / Ontario. Department of Education
The Reconstructed School [electronic resource] / Francis B. Pearson
The Mind of the Child, Part II : The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX. [electronic resource] / Henry W. Brown
The Elements of General Method, Based on the Principles of Herbart [electronic resource] / Charles A. McMurry
Thoughts on Educational Topics and Institutions [electronic resource] / George S. Boutwell
The Recitation [electronic resource] / George Herbert Betts
Sciências Naturaes : Pela Redacção da «Educação Nacional» [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Ontario Normal School Manuals : Science of Education [electronic resource] / Ontario. Department of Education
The Vitalized School [electronic resource] / Francis B. Pearson
The Mind and Its Education [electronic resource] / George Herbert Betts
The Science of Human Nature : A Psychology for Beginners [electronic resource] / William Henry Pyle
What Is and What Might Be : A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular [electronic resource] / Edmond Holmes
Education and the Higher Life [electronic resource] / John Lancaster Spalding
New Ideals in Rural Schools [electronic resource] / George Herbert Betts
Cartas sobre a educação da mocidade [electronic resource] / António Nunes Ribeiro Sanches
Jan Amos Komenský : Johano Amos Comenius [electronic resource] / Jan Václav Novák
The Teacher : Or, Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young [electronic resource] / Jacob Abbott
The Measurement of Intelligence : An Explanation of and a Complete Guide for the Use of the Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale [electronic resource] / Lewis M. Terman
Teachers' Outlines for Studies in English : Based on the Requirements for Admission to College [electronic resource] / Gilbert Sykes Blakely
Stanford Achievement Test, Ed. 1922 : Advanced Examination, Form A, for Grades 4-8 [electronic resource] / Lewis M. Terman
Here and Now Story Book : Two- to seven-year-olds [electronic resource] / Hendrik Willem Van Loon
The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated : In Nine Discourses Delivered to the Catholics of Dublin [electronic resource] / John Henry Newman
Spontaneous Activity in Education [electronic resource] / Maria Montessori
Ontario Teachers' Manuals : Nature Study [electronic resource] / Ontario. Department of Education
The New Education : A Review of Progressive Educational Movements of the Day (1915) [electronic resource] / Scott Nearing
Ontario Teachers' Manuals : Literature [electronic resource] / Ontario. Department of Education
Finger plays for nursery and kindergarten [electronic resource] / L. J. Bridgman
Pedagogics as a System [electronic resource] / Karl Rosenkranz
Rural Life and the Rural School [electronic resource] / Joseph Kennedy
Practical Education, Volume II [electronic resource] / Maria Edgeworth
Practical Education, Volume I [electronic resource] / Maria Edgeworth
Émile; Or, Concerning Education; Extracts [electronic resource] / Eleanor Worthington
On the Future of our Educational Institutions [electronic resource] / Oscar Levy
Three Addresses to Girls at School [electronic resource] / J. M. Wilson
The Curse of Education [electronic resource] / Harold Edward Gorst
The Aural System : Being the Most Direct, the Straight-Line Method for the Simultaneous Fourfold Mastery of a Foreign Language. [electronic resource] / Charles Hardy
How to Study [electronic resource] / George Fillmore Swain
The Child and the Curriculum [electronic resource] / John Dewey
The Philosophy of Teaching : The Teacher, The Pupil, The School [electronic resource] / Nathaniel Sands
Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools [electronic resource] / Virginia McGaw
Schedule of Salaries for Teachers, members of the Supervising staff and others. : January 1-August 31, 1920, inclusive [electronic resource] / Boston (Mass.). School Committee
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook [electronic resource] / Maria Montessori
College Teaching : Studies in Methods of Teaching in the College [electronic resource] / Paul Klapper
A Catalogue of Play Equipment [electronic resource] / Jean Lee Hunt
A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education [electronic resource] / James Gall
Practical High School Speller [electronic resource]
Means and Ends of Education [electronic resource] / John Lancaster Spalding
Adequate Preparation for the Teacher of Biological Sciences in Secondary Schools [electronic resource] / J. Daley McDonald
Special Method in Primary Reading and Oral Work with Stories [electronic resource] / Charles A. McMurry
Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College [electronic resource] / Charles Franklin Thwing
The Autobiography of Thomas Platter, a schoolmaster of the sixteenth century. [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Anne McCaul Finn
In the School-Room : Chapters in the Philosophy of Education [electronic resource] / John S. Hart
Algumas lições de psicologia e pedologia [electronic resource] / António Aurélio da Costa Ferreira
Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests [electronic resource] / Lewis M. Terman
Story Lessons on Character-Building (Morals) and Manners [electronic resource] / Loïs Bates
Mother Truth's Melodies. Common Sense For Children. A Kindergarten [electronic resource] / E. P., Miller
Froebel's Gifts [electronic resource] / Nora Archibald Smith
Jeugdherinneringen [electronic resource] / Jan Ligthart
The Reform of Education [electronic resource] / Giovanni Gentile
Guide to the Kindergarten and Intermediate Class; and Moral Culture of Infancy. [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
Children's Ways : Being selections from the author’s "Studies of childhood," with some additional matter [electronic resource] / James Sully
Literature in the Elementary School [electronic resource] / Porter Lander MacClintock
Education in the Home, the Kindergarten, and the Primary School [electronic resource] / E. Adelaide Manning
Bill's School and Mine : A Collection of Essays on Education [electronic resource] / William S. Franklin
Education : How Old The New [electronic resource] / James J. Walsh
The Teacher : Essays and Addresses on Education [electronic resource] / Alice Freeman Palmer
Petit traité des punitions et des récompenses à l'usage des maîtres et des parents [electronic resource] / Félix Hément
Kinderen uit m'n klas [electronic resource] / P. J. Cohen de Vries
Educação nova : As bases [electronic resource] / Augusto Joaquim Alves dos Santos
The Montessori Method : Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in 'The Children's Houses' with Additions and Revisions by the Author [electronic resource] / Henry W. Holmes
School Credit for Home Work [electronic resource] / L. R. Alderman
The Montessori Elementary Material : The Advanced Montessori Method [electronic resource] / Maria Montessori
The College Freshman's Don't Book : in the interests of freshmen at large, especially those whose remaining at large uninstructed and unguided appears a worry and a menace to college and university society these remarks and hints are set forth by G. F. E. (A. B.) a sympathizer [electronic resource] / George Fullerton Evans
Die Welt im Kinderköpfchen [electronic resource] / Josephine Siebe
Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits [electronic resource] / Nicholas Murray Butler
Learning to Be a Schoolmaster [electronic resource] / Thomas R. Cole
The Playwork Book [electronic resource] / Ann Macbeth
Outlines of Educational Doctrine [electronic resource] / Johann Friedrich Herbart
Special Days and Their Observance : September 1919 [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Pedagogical Anthropology [electronic resource] / Maria Montessori
Émile eli Kasvatuksesta [electronic resource] / Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Schools of to-morrow [electronic resource] / John Dewey
Huxley and education : Address at the Opening of the College Year, Columbia University, September 28, 1910 [electronic resource] / Henry Fairfield Osborn
Ameisenbüchlein; oder, Anweisung zu einer vernünftigen Erziehung der Erzieher [electronic resource] / Christian Gotthilf Salzmann
On the Future of our Educational Institutions; Homer and Classical Philology : Complete Works, Volume Three [electronic resource] / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Report of the Committee of Fifteen : Read at the Cleveland Meeting of the Department of Superintendence, February 19-21, 1884, with the Debate [electronic resource] / H. S. Tarbell
Froebel as a pioneer in modern psychology [electronic resource] / E. R. Murray
The Story in Primary Instruction : Sixteen Stories and How to Use Them [electronic resource] / Samuel B. Allison
Daily Lesson Plans in English [electronic resource] / Caroline Stearns Griffin
Die schöpferische Pause [electronic resource] / Fritz Klatt
World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls : One Hundred and Eighty-seven Five-minute Classic Stories for Retelling in Home, Sunday School, Children's Services, Public School Grades and "The Story-hour" in Public Libraries [electronic resource] / William James Sly
College Men Without Money [electronic resource] / Carl Brown Riddle
The School and Society : Being three lectures [electronic resource] / John Dewey
Education of Women [electronic resource] / M. Carey Thomas
For the Story Teller : Story Telling and Stories to Tell [electronic resource] / Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Montessori children [electronic resource] / Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Feeding of School Children [electronic resource] / R. H. Tawney
Reading : How to Teach It [electronic resource] / Sarah Louise Arnold
Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Reform [electronic resource] / W. S. Monroe
Hints on Child-training [electronic resource] / H. Clay Trumbull
Educating by Story-Telling : Showing the Value of Story-Telling as an Educational Tool for the Use of All Workers with Children [electronic resource] / Katherine Dunlap, Cather
Were You Ever a Child? [electronic resource] / Floyd Dell
Introduction to the scientific study of education [electronic resource] / Charles Hubbard Judd
A Montessori Mother [electronic resource] / Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Thinking and learning to think [electronic resource] / Nathan Christ Schaeffer
Reginald Bateman, Teacher and Soldier : A Memorial Volume of Selections from His Lectures and Other Writings [electronic resource] / Reginald Bateman
Practical School Discipline : Introductory Course [electronic resource] / Ray Coppock Beery
The Art of Story-Telling [electronic resource] / Marie L. Shedlock
Mietteitä kasvatuksesta [electronic resource] / Hjalmar Filip Lilius
English as She is Taught : Being Genuine Answers to Examination Questions in Our Public Schools [electronic resource]
The Story Tellers' Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, June 1913 [electronic resource] / Richard Thomas Wyche
The Educational Writings of Richard Mulcaster [electronic resource] / Richard Mulcaster
The Story Hour, Vol. I, No. 1, November, 1908 : A Magazine of Methods and Materials for Story Tellers [electronic resource] / Richard Thomas Wyche
The Story Tellers' Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, July 1913 [electronic resource] / Richard Thomas Wyche
The Story Hour, Vol. I, No. 2, December, 1908 : A Magazine of Methods and Materials for Story Tellers [electronic resource] / Richard Thomas Wyche
Education [electronic resource] / Ellen Gould Harmon White
How to Teach Reading in the Public Schools [electronic resource] / S. H. Clark
Positions [electronic resource] / Robert Hebert Quick
Studies of childhood [electronic resource] / James Sully
Course of Study of the Oakland High School [electronic resource] / Oakland. Board of Education
Muutamia mietteitä kasvatuksesta [electronic resource] / J. V. Lehtonen
Practical School Discipline : Applied Methods, Part 1 [electronic resource] / Ray Coppock Beery
Learning to Spell : A Manual for Teachers Using the Aldine Speller [electronic resource] / Arthur W. Kallom
Work and Play in Girls' Schools : By Three Head Mistresses [electronic resource] / J. F. Dove
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