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Great Astronomers [electronic resource] / Robert S. Ball
Maria Mitchell : Life, Letters, and Journals [electronic resource] / Maria Mitchell
Side-Lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science [electronic resource] / Simon Newcomb
The Story of the Herschels, a Family of Astronomers : Sir William Herschel, Sir John Herschel, Caroline Herschel [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy [electronic resource] / Wilfrid Airy
Kepler [electronic resource] / Walter W. Bryant
Images of Comet Wild 2, Taken by NASA's Stardust spacecraft in 2004 [electronic resource] / United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Curiosities of the Sky [electronic resource] / Garrett Putman Serviss
Color Images from Mars Rovers : Spirit and Opportunity [electronic resource] / Bob Webster
Is Mars habitable? A critical examination of Professor Percival Lowell's book "Mars and its canals," with an alternative explanation [electronic resource] / Alfred Russel Wallace
Half-hours with the Telescope : Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a Means of Amusement and Instruction. [electronic resource] / Richard A. Proctor
History of Astronomy [electronic resource] / George Forbes
La Vita Sul Pianeta Marte [electronic resource] / G. V. Schiaparelli
Recreations in Astronomy : With Directions for Practical Experiments and Telescopic Work [electronic resource] / Henry White Warren
The Uses of Astronomy : An Oration Delivered at Albany on the 28th of July, 1856 [electronic resource] / Edward Everett
The Future of Astronomy [electronic resource] / Edward C. Pickering
The Discovery of a World in the Moone : Or, A Discovrse Tending To Prove That 'Tis Probable There May Be Another Habitable World In That Planet [electronic resource] / John Wilkins
The Reminiscences of an Astronomer [electronic resource] / Simon Newcomb
International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day. October, 1884. : Protocols of the Proceedings [electronic resource] / D.C.) International Meridian Conference (1884 : Washington
Other Worlds : Their Nature, Possibilities and Habitability in the Light of the Latest Discoveries [electronic resource] / Garrett Putman Serviss
Ueber die schrecklichen Wirkungen des Aufsturzes eines Kometen auf die Erde : und über die vor fünftausend Jahren gehabte Erscheinung dieser Art [electronic resource] / August Heinrich Christian Gelpke
The Moon : A Full Description and Map of its Principal Physical Features [electronic resource] / Thomas Gwyn Elger
The New Heavens [electronic resource] / George Ellery Hale
Half-Hours with the Stars : A Plain and Easy Guide to the Knowledge of the Constellations [electronic resource] / Richard A. Proctor
Cosmografía [electronic resource] / Amédée Guillemin
Leçons de cosmographie : à l'usage des lycées et collèges et de tous les établissements d'instruction publique [electronic resource] / A. Guilmin
A Field Book of the Stars [electronic resource] / William Tyler Olcott
Lectures on Stellar Statistics [electronic resource] / C. V. L. Charlier
Astronomical Instruments and Accessories [electronic resource] / William Gaertner and Company
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 1 [electronic resource] / Astronomical Society of the Pacific
The Martyrs of Science, or, The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler [electronic resource] / David Brewster
The Story of the Heavens [electronic resource] / Robert S. Ball
The Story of Eclipses [electronic resource] / George F. Chambers
Astronomy for Amateurs [electronic resource] / Camille Flammarion
New and Original Theories of the Great Physical Forces [electronic resource] / Henry Raymond Rogers
Time and Tide : A Romance of the Moon [electronic resource] / Robert S. Ball
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy [electronic resource] / Richard A. Proctor
Remarks Concerning Stones Said to Have Fallen from the Clouds, Both in These Days, and in Antient Times [electronic resource] / Edward King
Astronomy of To-day : A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language [electronic resource] / Cecil Goodrich Julius Dolmage
Pleasures of the telescope : An Illustrated Guide for Amateur Astronomers and a Popular Description of the Chief Wonders of the Heavens for General Readers [electronic resource] / Garrett Putman Serviss
La terre et la lune : forme extérieure et structure interne [electronic resource] / P. Puiseux
Pioneers of Science [electronic resource] / Oliver, Lodge
Sir William Herschel : His Life and Works [electronic resource] / Edward S. Holden
The Children's Book of Stars [electronic resource] / G. E. Mitton
The Astronomy of the Bible : An Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture [electronic resource] / E. Walter Maunder
A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century : Fourth Edition [electronic resource] / Agnes M. Clerke
Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know : Easy studies of the earth and the stars for any time and place [electronic resource] / Julia Ellen Rogers
The Life of Roger Langdon, Told by himself. With additions by his daughter Ellen. [electronic resource] / Henry Clifton Lambert
Le Système Solaire se mouvant [electronic resource] / August Tischner
Astronomical Discovery [electronic resource] / H. H. Turner
An Introduction to Astronomy [electronic resource] / Forest Ray Moulton
The proceedings of the Canadian Eclipse Party, 1869 [electronic resource] / E. D. Ashe
Photographs of Nebulæ and Clusters, Made with the Crossley Reflector [electronic resource] / James Edward Keeler
A New Astronomy [electronic resource] / David P. Todd
A Plan for Securing Observations of the Variable Stars [electronic resource] / Edward C. Pickering
Astronomical Myths : Based on Flammarions's "History of the Heavens" [electronic resource] / J. F. Blake
The Plurality of Worlds [electronic resource] / William Whewell
The gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe [electronic resource] / Dorothy Stimson
Astronomy with an Opera-glass : A Popular Introduction to the Study of the Starry Heavens with the Simplest of Optical Instruments [electronic resource] / Garrett Putman Serviss
A Textbook of General Astronomy for Colleges and Scientific Schools [electronic resource] / Charles A. Young
The Star People [electronic resource] / Gaylord Johnson
A Text-Book of Astronomy [electronic resource] / George C. Comstock
Remarks on a Pamphlet Lately published by the Rev. Mr. Maskelyne, Under the Authority of the Board of Longitude [electronic resource] / John Harrison
Are the Planets Inhabited? [electronic resource] / E. Walter Maunder
Scientific Papers by Sir George Howard Darwin. Volume V. Supplementary Volume [electronic resource] / George Howard, Darwin
The Asteroids; Or Minor Planets Between Mars and Jupiter. [electronic resource] / Daniel Kirkwood
Plato's Doctrine Respecting the Rotation of the Earth and Aristotle's Comment Upon That Doctrine [electronic resource] / George Grote
Einiges aus der Geschichte der Astronomie im Alterthum : Rede zur Feier des Geburtstags Sr. Maj. des Deutschen Kaisers Königs von Preussen Wilhelm I. gehalten an der Christian-Albrechts [electronic resource] / Friedrich Blass
Comets and Meteors : Their phenomena in all ages; their mutual relations; and the theory of their origin. [electronic resource] / Daniel Kirkwood
Astronomical Curiosities : Facts and Fallacies [electronic resource] / J. Ellard Gore
Astronomy : The Science of the Heavenly Bodies [electronic resource] / David P. Todd
Man's Place in the Universe : A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds, 3rd Edition [electronic resource] / Alfred Russel Wallace
Über die Vulkane im Monde [electronic resource] / Immanuel Kant
The Sun changes its position in space : therefore it cannot be regarded as being "in a condition of rest" [electronic resource] / August Tischner
The Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System : The Substance of Lectures Delivered in 1897 at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Massachusetts [electronic resource] / George Howard, Darwin
Letters on Astronomy : in which the Elements of the Science are Familiarly Explained in Connection with Biographical Sketches of the Most Eminent Astronomers [electronic resource] / Denison Olmsted
The Life of Galileo Galilei, with Illustrations of the Advancement of Experimental Philosophy : Life of Kepler [electronic resource] / John Elliot Drinkwater Bethune
Meteoric astronomy : A treatise on shooting-stars, fire-balls, and aerolites [electronic resource] / Daniel Kirkwood
Mars and Its Mystery [electronic resource] / Edward Sylvester Morse
The Royal Observatory, Greenwich : A Glance at Its History and Work [electronic resource] / E. Walter Maunder
The Story of the Solar System [electronic resource] / George F. Chambers
Astronomy for Young Folks [electronic resource] / Isabel Martin Lewis
The Sidereal Messenger of Galileo Galilei ; and, a Part of the Preface to Kepler's Dioptrics Containing the Original Account of Galileo's Astronomical Discoveries [electronic resource] / Edward Stafford Carlos
Mars and Its Canals [electronic resource] / Percival Lowell
New Theories in Astronomy [electronic resource] / William Stirling
Stellar Evolution and Its Relations to Geological Time [electronic resource] / James Croll
The Science of the Stars [electronic resource] / E. Walter Maunder
Space Nomads : Meteorites in Sky, Field, and Laboratory [electronic resource] / Lincoln LaPaz
On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope : Fifteen and a half inches in aperture, and its use in celestial photography [electronic resource] / Henry Draper
Practical Talks by an Astronomer [electronic resource] / Harold Jacoby
Stargazing : Past and Present [electronic resource] / G. M. Seabroke
The Telescope [electronic resource] / Louis Bell
Biography of Percival Lowell [electronic resource] / A. Lawrence Lowell
The Ways of the Planets [electronic resource] / Martha Evans Martin
Memoir and Correspondence of Caroline Herschel [electronic resource] / John, Herschel
New Edition of Hints on Silver-Glass Reflecting Telescopes Manufactured by Mr. G. Calver, F.R.A.S. : with Directions for Silvering, Adjusting, &c. [electronic resource] / George Calver
Die Milchstraße [electronic resource] / R. Oeffinger
Jorden och solsystemet : Några blad ur historien om vetenskapens strider [electronic resource] / Karl Brohlin
Symmes's Theory of Concentric Spheres : Demonstrating that the Earth is hollow, habitable within, and widely open about the poles [electronic resource] / John Cleves Symmes
Stories of Starland [electronic resource] / Mary Proctor
One Hundred Proofs That the Earth Is Not a Globe [electronic resource] / William Carpenter
Flowers of the Sky [electronic resource] / Richard A. Proctor
The Practical Astronomer : Comprising illustrations of light and colours--practical descriptions of all kinds of telescopes--the use of the equatorial-transit--circular, and other astronomical instruments, a particular account of the Earl of Rosse's large telescopes, and other topics connected with astronomy [electronic resource] / Thomas Dick
Pioneer Saturn Encounter [electronic resource] / United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Voyager 1 Encounters Saturn [electronic resource] / United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Voyager Encounters Jupiter [electronic resource] / United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Through the Telescope [electronic resource] / James Baikie
The Destinies of the Stars [electronic resource] / Joens Elias Fries
Die Welt der Planeten [electronic resource] / M. W. Meyer
The Study of Astronomy, adapted to the capacities of youth : In twelve familiar dialogues, between a tutor and his pupil: explaining the general phænomena of the heavenly bodies, the theory of the tides, &c. [electronic resource] / John, teacher of astronomy Stedman
The Copernicus of Antiquity (Aristarchus of Samos) [electronic resource] / Thomas Little, Heath
Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings [electronic resource] / William F. Denning
Was mir das Sternenlicht erzählt : Eine populäre Himmelskunde für die Jugend [electronic resource] / Felix Erber
The Source and Mode of Solar Energy Throughout the Universe [electronic resource] / Isaac W. Heysinger
Astronomy for Young Australians [electronic resource] / James Bonwick
The Moon : considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite. [electronic resource] / James Nasmyth
Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles : And made easy to those who have not studied mathematics [electronic resource] / James Ferguson
A Short History of Astronomy [electronic resource] / Arthur Berry
Holcomb, Fitz, and Peate : Three 19th Century American Telescope Makers [electronic resource]
Ye Sundial Booke [electronic resource] / T. Geoffrey W. Henslow
Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia : From Authentic Sources [electronic resource] / Karl von Gebler
The Earth's Beginning [electronic resource] / Robert S. Ball
Star-land : Being Talks With Young People About the Wonders of the Heavens [electronic resource] / Robert S. Ball
Voyage to Jupiter [electronic resource] / David Morrison
De Wonderbouw der Wereld : De Grondslagen van Ons Sterrekundig Wereldbeeld Populair Uiteengezet [electronic resource] / Anton Pannekoek
Komet und Erde : Eine astronomische Erzählung [electronic resource] / Camille Flammarion
The Heavens Above : A Popular Handbook of Astronomy [electronic resource] / J. A. Gillet
History of the Harvard College Observatory During the Period 1840-1890 [electronic resource] / Edward C. Pickering
The Description and Use of the Globes and the Orrery : To Which is Prefix'd, by Way of Introduction, a Brief Account of the Solar System [electronic resource] / Joseph Harris
Galileo and His Judges [electronic resource] / F. R. Wegg-Prosser
Beschrijving van het Rijks-Planetarium te Franeker : Van 1772 tot 1780 uitgedacht en vervaardigd door Eise Eisinga [electronic resource] / Jan Hendrik van Swinden
A Century's Progress in Astronomy [electronic resource] / Hector Macpherson
Komet und Weltuntergang [electronic resource] / Wilhelm Bölsche
An epitome of astronomy, with the new discoveries : including an account of the eídouraníon, or transparent orrery [electronic resource] / A. Walker
Agnes Mary Clerke and Ellen Mary Clerke : An Appreciation [electronic resource] / Lady Huggins
The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.C. [electronic resource] / J. S. Plaskett
Nat the Navigator. A Life of Nathaniel Bowditch. For Young Persons [electronic resource] / Henry I. Bowditch
Mathematische Geographie für Lehrerbildungsanstalten [electronic resource] / Erwin Eggert
The Evolution of Worlds [electronic resource] / Percival Lowell
The New Astronomy [electronic resource] / S. P. Langley
The Herschels and Modern Astronomy [electronic resource] / Agnes M. Clerke
Modern cosmogonies [electronic resource] / Agnes M. Clerke
The dawn of astronomy : A study of the temple-worship and mythology of the ancient Egyptians [electronic resource] / Norman, Lockyer
Sonne und Sterne [electronic resource] / M. W. Meyer
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