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Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine [electronic resource] / George M. Gould
How and When to Be Your Own Doctor [electronic resource] / Isabel A. Moser
The Doctor's Dilemma : Preface on Doctors [electronic resource] / Bernard Shaw
De Usu Ratiocinii Mechanici in Medicina [electronic resource] / Herman Boerhaave
Issues in Population and Bioethics [electronic resource] / Samuel Vaknin
Doctor and Patient [electronic resource] / S. Weir Mitchell
Introduction à l'étude de la médecine expérimentale [electronic resource] / Claude Bernard
Het Nut der Mechanistische Methode in de Geneeskunde [electronic resource] / Herman Boerhaave
Gilbertus Anglicus : Medicine of the Thirteenth Century [electronic resource] / Henry E. Handerson
Old-Time Makers of Medicine : The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages [electronic resource] / James J. Walsh
The Evolution of Modern Medicine : A Series of Lectures Delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation in April, 1913 [electronic resource] / William Osler
Elsie Inglis : The Woman with the Torch [electronic resource] / Eva Shaw McLaren
De Graecorum Medicis Publicis [electronic resource] / Rudolf Pohl
Opuscula Selecta Neerlandicorum : Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde [electronic resource]
Encomium Artis Medicae : De Lof Der Geneeskunde [electronic resource] / Desiderius Erasmus
Moral Principles and Medical Practice : The Basis of Medical Jurisprudence [electronic resource] / Charles Coppens
Outlines of Greek and Roman Medicine [electronic resource] / James, Elliott
Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery [electronic resource] / Robert Means Lawrence
傷寒論 [electronic resource] / Zhongjing, active 168-196 Zhang
In Mesopotamia [electronic resource] / Maurice Nicoll
Some Personal Recollections of Dr. Janeway [electronic resource] / James Bayard Clark
North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826 [electronic resource] / Various
Pioneer Surgery in Kentucky : A Sketch [electronic resource] / David Wendel Yandell
Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699 [electronic resource] / Thomas Proctor Hughes
Forty Years in the Wilderness of Pills and Powders : Cogitations and Confessions of an Aged Physician [electronic resource] / William A. Alcott
The History of the Medical Department of Transylvania University [electronic resource] / Johanna Peter
Sir James Young Simpson and Chloroform (1811-1870) : Masters of Medicine [electronic resource] / Ernest Abraham Hart
Juizo Verdadeiro sobre a carta contra os Medicos, Cirurgioens e Boticarios [electronic resource] / Bento Morganti
Medicina Flagellata; Or, The Doctor Scarify'd [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Sustos da Vida nos Perigos da Cura [electronic resource] / Bento Morganti
Suomalaisen talonpojan koti-lääkäri [electronic resource] / Elias Lönnrot
Man's Redemption of Man : A Lay Sermon [electronic resource] / William Osler
Makers of Modern Medicine [electronic resource] / James J. Walsh
The Doctor in History, Literature, Folk-Lore, Etc. [electronic resource]
Curiosities of Medical Experience [electronic resource] / J. G. Millingen
Quacks and Grafters [electronic resource] / Anonymous
The Story of a Doctor's Telephone—Told by His Wife [electronic resource] / Ellen M. Firebaugh
The Funny Side of Physic : Or, The Mysteries of Medicine, Presenting the Humorous and Serious Sides of Medical Practice. An Exposé of Medical Humbugs, Quacks, and Charlatans in All Ages and All Countries. [electronic resource] / Addison Darre Crabtre
A Book About Doctors [electronic resource] / John Cordy Jeaffreson
Medieval Medicine [electronic resource] / James J. Walsh
The Ethics of Medical Homicide and Mutilation [electronic resource] / Austin O'Malley
William Harvey [electronic resource] / D'Arcy, Power
Little Masterpieces of Science : Health and Healing [electronic resource]
The Mystery and Romance of Alchemy and Pharmacy [electronic resource] / C. J. S. Thompson
Superstition in Medicine [electronic resource] / Hugo Magnus
An Epitome of the History of Medicine [electronic resource] / Roswell Park
Clergymen and Doctors : Curious Facts and Characteristic Sketches. [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Gunshot Roentgenograms : A Collection of Roentgenograms Taken in Constantinople During the Turko-Balkan War, 1912-1913, Illustrating Some Gunshot Wounds in the Turkish Army [electronic resource] / Clyde S. Ford
Portraits of Dr. William Harvey [electronic resource] / Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain)
Dr. Elsie Inglis [electronic resource] / Frances, Lady Balfour
The Cleveland Medical Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 5, March 1886 [electronic resource] / Samuel Walter Kelley
The Cholera Gazette, Vol. I. No. 5. Wednesday, August 8th, 1832. [electronic resource] / Various
Medical Women : Two Essays [electronic resource] / Sophia Jex-Blake
The London Medical Gazette; December 27, 1828 : Being a Weekly Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences [electronic resource] / Various
The Hospital Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 2, April 15, 1909 [electronic resource] / Various
The Gold-Headed Cane [electronic resource] / Francis R. Packard
The Cholera Gazette, Vol. I. No. 4. Wednesday, August 1st, 1832. [electronic resource] / Various
The Cleveland Medical Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 3, January 1886 [electronic resource] / Various
The Hospital Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 3, May 15, 1909 [electronic resource] / Various
The Cleveland Medical Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1886 [electronic resource] / A. R. Baker
The Æsculapian Labyrinth Explored; Or, Medical Mystery Illustrated [electronic resource] / William Taplin
The Life of Sophia Jex-Blake [electronic resource] / Graham Travers
Joseph Rogers, M.D. : Reminiscences of a Workhouse Medical Officer [electronic resource] / Joseph Rogers
Memoirs of John Abernethy : With a View of His Lectures, His Writings, and Character; with Additional Extracts from Original Documents, Now First Published [electronic resource] / George Macilwain
Medical Inquiries and Observations, Vol. 3 : The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author [electronic resource] / Benjamin Rush
Termini medici in lingua fennica occurrentes : Dissertatio academica [electronic resource] / Johannes Agapetus Törngren
The Brooklyn Medical Journal. Vol. II. No. 2. Aug., 1888 [electronic resource] / Fred. D. Bailey
Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Vol. CX. March, 1916. No. 3 [electronic resource] / W. T. Briggs
Geschichte der Medizin. I. Band [electronic resource] / Max Neuburger
The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences [electronic resource] / Frederick Treves
North Carolina Medical Journal. Vol. 3. No. 4. April, 1879 [electronic resource] / Moses John De Rosset
Medical Inquiries and Observations, Vol. 1 : The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author [electronic resource] / Benjamin Rush
The Origin and Growth of the Healing Art : A Popular History of Medicine in All Ages and Countries [electronic resource] / Edward Berdoe
Medical Inquiries and Observations, Vol. 2 : The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author [electronic resource] / Benjamin Rush
Galeni pergamensis de temperamentis, et de inaequali intemperie [electronic resource] / Thomas Linacre
Medical Inquiries and Observations, Vol. 4 : The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author [electronic resource] / Benjamin Rush
The American Practitioner and News. Vol. XXV. No. 3. Feb. 1, 1898 : A Semi-Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery [electronic resource] / Various
Large Fees and How to Get Them : A book for the private use of physicians [electronic resource] / Albert V. Harmon
Geschichte der Medizin. II. Band, Erster Teil [electronic resource] / Max Neuburger
Medicine in the Middle Ages : Extracts from "Le Moyen Age Medical" by Dr. Edmond Dupouy; translated by T. C. Minor [electronic resource] / Thomas C. Minor
The Dawn of Modern Medicine : An Account of the Revival of the Science and Art of Medicine Which Took Place in Western Europe During the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century and the First Part of the Nineteenth [electronic resource] / Albert H. Buck
The Journal-Lancet, Vol. XXXV, No. 5, March 1, 1915 : The Journal of the Minnesota State Medical Association and Official Organ of the North Dakota and South Dakota State Medical Associations [electronic resource] / W. A. Jones
Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Blackwell
Of Medicine, in Eight Books [electronic resource] / James Greive
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