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Voyages and travels -- Fiction
Frances Waldeaux : A Novel [electronic resource] / Rebecca Harding Davis
In Search of the Castaways; Or, The Children of Captain Grant [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
The Light That Failed [electronic resource] / Rudyard Kipling
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Cinq Semaines En Ballon [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Dialstone Lane, Part 5. [electronic resource] / W. W. Jacobs
A Prisoner in Fairyland (The Book That 'Uncle Paul' Wrote) [electronic resource] / Algernon Blackwood
The Adventures of Captain Horn [electronic resource] / Frank Richard Stockton
Dick Sand : A Captain at Fifteen [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
A Reputed Changeling; Or, Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago [electronic resource] / Charlotte M. Yonge
Les enfants du capitaine Grant [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Dialstone Lane, Part 4. [electronic resource] / W. W. Jacobs
The Adventures of a Special Correspondent Among the Various Races and Countries of Central Asia : Being the Exploits and Experiences of Claudius Bombarnac of "The Twentieth Century" [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Dialstone Lane, Complete [electronic resource] / W. W. Jacobs
The Captain's Toll-Gate [electronic resource] / Marian E. Stockton
Dialstone Lane, Part 3. [electronic resource] / W. W. Jacobs
Pomona's Travels : A Series of Letters to the Mistress of Rudder Grange from her Former Handmaiden [electronic resource] / Frank Richard Stockton
A Dream of the North Sea [electronic resource] / James Runciman
Elizabeth Visits America [electronic resource] / Elinor Glyn
Dialstone Lane, Part 1. [electronic resource] / W. W. Jacobs
Dialstone Lane, Part 2. [electronic resource] / W. W. Jacobs
In Search of the Castaways [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
The Motor Maid [electronic resource] / A. M. Williamson
A Voyage of Consolation : (being in the nature of a sequel to the experiences of 'An American girl in London') [electronic resource] / Sara Jeannette Duncan
The Honorable Percival [electronic resource] / Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice
The Lady of the Aroostook [electronic resource] / William Dean Howells
Dick Sands, the Boy Captain [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
La Jangada : Huit cent lieues sur l'Amazone [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
The Log School-House on the Columbia [electronic resource] / Hezekiah Butterworth
Five Weeks in a Balloon [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
My Friend the Chauffeur [electronic resource] / A. M. Williamson
Een Kapitein van Vijftien Jaar : De Walvischjagers [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen [electronic resource] / Rudolf Erich Raspe
Vijf weken in een luchtballon [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Set in Silver [electronic resource] / A. M. Williamson
It Happened in Egypt [electronic resource] / A. M. Williamson
The Mission Of Mr. Eustace Greyne : 1905 [electronic resource] / Robert Hichens
The Wreck of the Nancy Bell; Or, Cast Away on Kerguelen Land [electronic resource] / John C. Hutcheson
Lady Betty Across the Water [electronic resource] / C. N. Williamson
Peck's Bad Boy Abroad : Being a Humorous Description of the Bad Boy and His Dad in Their Journeys Through Foreign Lands - 1904 [electronic resource] / George W. Peck
Lord Stranleigh Abroad [electronic resource] / Robert Barr
Kaptajnen paa 15 Aar (I Slavelænker) [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
The Silent Barrier [electronic resource] / J. V. McFall
Le Vallon Aérien : Ou, Relation du voyage d'un aéronaute dans un pays inconnu jusqu'à présent; suivie de l'histoire de ses habitans et de la description de leurs moeurs [electronic resource] / Jean-Baptiste, baron Mosneron de Launay
The Brassbounder : A Tale of the Sea [electronic resource] / David W. Bone
Gullible's Travels, Etc. [electronic resource] / May Wilson Preston
Erstes Kapitel des Buches "Richard und Samuel" : Die erste lange Eisenbahnfahrt (Prag-Zürich) [electronic resource] / Max Brod
De kinderen van Kapitein Grant, derde deel (van 3) : De Stille Oceaan [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
A New Sensation [electronic resource] / Albert Ross
De kinderen van Kapitein Grant, tweede deel (van 3) : Australië [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Ο δεκαπενταετής πλοίαρχος [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Kapteeni Grantia etsimässä [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
The Incredible Honeymoon [electronic resource] / E. Nesbit
De kinderen van Kapitein Grant, eerste deel (van 3) : Zuid-Amerika [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Kapteeni Grantin löytyminen [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Kapteeni Grantin lapset [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
De verrezen Gulliver; : behelzende de zonderlinge reizen en avonturen, van den baron van Munchhausen, In Rusland, Ysland, Turkije, Egipte, Gibraltar, in de Kaspische, Middellandsche en Atlantische Zeëen, en door het middenpunt van den berg Etna naa de Zuid-zee [electronic resource] / Rudolf Erich Raspe
In Search of the Castaways : A Romantic Narrative of the Loss of Captain Grant of the Brig Britannia and of the Adventures of His Children and Friends in His Discovery and Rescue [electronic resource] / Jules Verne
Ford of H.M.S. Vigilant : A Tale of the Chusan Archipelago [electronic resource] / T. T. Jeans
The Cruise of The Violetta [electronic resource] / Arthur Colton
Florens Abentheuer in Afrika, und ihre Heimkehr nach Paris. Zweiter Band. [electronic resource] / Julius von Voss
Cursed [electronic resource] / George Allan England
Aventures de Baron de Münchausen [electronic resource] / Rudolf Erich Raspe
Paroni von Münchhausenin retket ja seikkailut [electronic resource] / Samuli Suomalainen
Viisi viikkoa ilmapallossa : Kolmen englantilaisen löytöretkiä Afrikassa [electronic resource] / Samuli Suomalainen
Florens Abentheuer in Afrika, und ihre Heimkehr nach Paris. Erster Band. [electronic resource] / Julius von Voss
The Travelling Thirds [electronic resource] / Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
Das Naturforscherschiff : oder Fahrt der jungen Hamburger mit der "Hammonia" nach den Besitzungen ihres Vaters in der Südsee. [electronic resource] / S. Wörishöffer
A Dream of the North Sea [electronic resource] / James Runciman
Anthony the Absolute [electronic resource] / Samuel Merwin
Left to Themselves : Being the Ordeal of Philip and Gerald [electronic resource] / Edward Prime-Stevenson
The Sealed Valley [electronic resource] / William Sherman Potts
Kolme miestä matkalla : Kertomus Juhanin, Tuomaan ja Simeonin pikaretkestä pyramiideille [electronic resource] / Eino Railo
The Second Mate [electronic resource] / H. Bedford-Jones
Baron von Münchhausens merkværdige reiser og eventyr [electronic resource] / Rudolf Erich Raspe
The Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda : A Northern Story [electronic resource] / Louisa Dorothea Stanley
Italian tytär [electronic resource] / Esteri Paalanen
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