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The Crisis in Russia [electronic resource] / Arthur Ransome
Russia in 1919 [electronic resource] / Arthur Ransome
Ten Days That Shook the World [electronic resource] / John Reed
The Discovery of Muscovy [electronic resource] / Richard Hakluyt
Russian Roulette : Russia's Economy in Putin's Era [electronic resource] / Samuel Vaknin
Indrukken van Finland : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906 [electronic resource] / Clara Engelen
Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life [electronic resource] / Thomas Wallace Knox
Tent Life in Siberia : A New Account of an Old Undertaking; Adventures among the Koraks and Other Tribes In Kamchatka and Northern Asia [electronic resource] / George Kennan
Von Haparanda bis San Francisco : Reise-Erinnerungen [electronic resource] / Ernst Wasserzieher
From October to Brest-Litovsk [electronic resource] / Leon Trotsky
A Tramp's Sketches [electronic resource] / Stephen Graham
A Short History of Russia [electronic resource] / Mary Platt Parmele
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism [electronic resource] / Bertrand Russell
Schetsen uit den Kaukasus : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 [electronic resource] / Carla Serena
Bolshevism : The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy [electronic resource] / John Spargo
Kansallista itsetutkistelua : Suomalaisia kulttuuri-ääriviivoja [electronic resource] / Volter Kilpi
Muistoja lapsen ja hopeahapsen 1 : Kuvauksia [electronic resource] / Knut Sarlin
Muistoja lapsen ja hopeahapsen 3 : Kuvauksia [electronic resource] / Knut Sarlin
The Empire of Russia : From the Remotest Periods to the Present Time [electronic resource] / John S. C. Abbott
The Russian Revolution; The Jugo-Slav Movement [electronic resource] / Samuel N. Harper
Muistoja lapsen ja hopeahapsen 2 : Kuvauksia [electronic resource] / Knut Sarlin
Russia [electronic resource] / Donald Mackenzie Wallace
From October to Brest-Litovsk [electronic resource] / Leon Trotsky
Russian Rambles [electronic resource] / Isabel Florence Hapgood
Het Vrije Rusland : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873 [electronic resource] / William Hepworth Dixon
Russia, as Seen and Described by Famous Writers [electronic resource]
Per auto door den Kaukasus naar Perzië : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1907 [electronic resource] / Claude Anet
Venäjän historia 1878-1918 [electronic resource] / V. Malinen
Satanen muistelmia Pohjanmaalta 1 [electronic resource] / Sara Wacklin
Van Orenburg naar Samarkand : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873 [electronic resource] / Vasilïĭ Vasilʹevich Vereshchagin
De Reis van Prins Scipio Borghese naar de Hemelsche Bergen : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1907 [electronic resource] / Jules Brocherel
The Story of Russia [electronic resource] / R. Van Bergen
Nelka : Mrs. Helen de Smirnoff Moukhanoff, 1878-1963, a Biographical Sketch [electronic resource] / Michael Moukhanoff
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands [electronic resource] / Mary Seacole
Peter the Great [electronic resource] / Jacob Abbott
Päiväkirja [electronic resource] / Elisabeth Löfgren
Reis naar Merw : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Life of Schamyl : And Narrative of the Circassian War of Independence Against Russia [electronic resource] / J. Milton Mackie
La Russie en 1839, Volume I [electronic resource] / Astolphe, marquis de Custine
La Russie en 1839, Volume II [electronic resource] / Astolphe, marquis de Custine
La Russie en 1839, Volume III [electronic resource] / Astolphe, marquis de Custine
La Russie en 1839, Volume IV [electronic resource] / Astolphe, marquis de Custine
Peter the Great [electronic resource] / Jacob Abbott
A Journey in Russia in 1858 [electronic resource] / Robert Heywood
Through Siberia and Manchuria By Rail [electronic resource] / Oliver George Ready
My First Battle : A Sergeant's Story [electronic resource] / Adam Mickiewicz
Through Finland in Carts [electronic resource] / Alec-Tweedie,
Moja Pierwsza Bitwa : Opowiadanie Sierżanta [electronic resource] / Adam Mickiewicz
Московия в представлении иностранцев XVI-XVII в. [electronic resource] / P. N. Apostol
Kościuszko : A Biography [electronic resource] / Monica M. Gardner
Adlercreutzin sanansaattaja : Tapaus Revonlahden tappelusta v. 1808 [electronic resource] / Arvo Lempiranta
Martelaren van Rusland [electronic resource] / Jules Michelet
Russian Life To-day [electronic resource] / Herbert, Bp. Bury
Kuusi vuotta Siperiassa [electronic resource] / Johannes Granö
Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, &c. [electronic resource] / Adèle Hommaire de Hell
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, Vol. 2 (of 2) [electronic resource] / John L. Stephens
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, Vol. 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / John L. Stephens
Seitsemän päivää keskusasemalla [electronic resource] / Johan Kock
Our Revolution : Essays on Working-Class and International Revolution, 1904-1917 [electronic resource] / Leon Trotsky
A Letter to American Workingmen, from the Socialist Soviet Republic of Russia [electronic resource] / Vladimir Il'ich Lenin
Rasputin the Rascal Monk : Disclosing the Secret Scandal of the Betrayal of Russia by the Mock-Monk Grichka and the Consequent Ruin of the Romanoffs. With official documents revealed and recorded for the first time. [electronic resource] / William Le Queux
In Search of a Siberian Klondike [electronic resource] / Homer B. Hulbert
Russia : Its People and Its Literature [electronic resource] / Emilia, condesa de Pardo Bazán
What Shall We Do? [electronic resource] / Isabella Fyvie Mayo
A Russian Gentleman [electronic resource] / S. T. Aksakov
Thirty Days in Lithuania in 1919 [electronic resource] / Peter Saurusaitis
Our Little Finnish Cousin [electronic resource] / Harriet O'Brien
Sketches of Central Asia (1868) : Additional chapters on my travels, adventures, and on the ethnology of Central Asia [electronic resource] / Ármin Vámbéry
En Rusujo per Esperanto [electronic resource] / A. Rivier
Soyer's Culinary Campaign : Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War. : With The Plain Art of Cookery for Military and Civil Institutions [electronic resource] / Alexis Soyer
The Russian Turmoil; Memoirs : Military, Social, and Political [electronic resource] / Anton Ivanovich Denikin
Our Little Polish Cousin [electronic resource] / Florence Emma Voigt Mendel
La Cour de Lunéville au XVIIIe siècle : Les marquises de Boufflers et du Châtelet, Voltaire, Devau, Saint-Lambert, etc. [electronic resource] / Gaston Maugras
The History of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia [electronic resource] / Voltaire
Historisch dagverhaal der reize van den heer De Lesseps : Zedert het verlaten van den Heer Graaf de la Perouse en zyne togtgenooten in de haven van St. Pieter and Paulus op Kamchatka, enz. [electronic resource] / Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy, baron de Lesseps
Through Scandinavia to Moscow [electronic resource] / William Seymour Edwards
Valkoinen armeija Antrean rintamalla [electronic resource] / Aarne Sihvo
Travels in Central Asia : Being the Account of a Journey from Teheran Across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand [electronic resource] / Ármin Vámbéry
Dernières Années de la Cour de Lunéville : Mme de Boufflers, ses enfants et ses amis [electronic resource] / Gaston Maugras
Muistelmia matkoilta Venäjällä vuosina 1854-1858 [electronic resource] / August Ahlqvist
The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg, : Through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tartary, &c. [electronic resource] / Alexander Michie
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta VI : Kaarle X Kustaa [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
The Cause of the Charge of Balaclava [electronic resource] / Thomas Morley
A Soldier's Experience; or, A Voice from the Ranks : Showing the Cost of War in Blood and Treasure. A Personal Narrative of the Crimean Campaign, from the Standpoint of the Ranks; the Indian Mutiny, and Some of its Atrocities; the Afghan Campaigns of 1863 [electronic resource] / T. Gowing
Our Little Russian Cousin [electronic resource] / Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade
Suomenlahden salaisuus [electronic resource] / Karl August Tavaststjerna
Our Little Cossack Cousin in Siberia [electronic resource] / Walter S. Rogers
Memoirs of the Empress Catherine II. : Written by Herself [electronic resource] / Aleksandr Herzen
Matkakertomuksia Karjalan kankahilta [electronic resource] / Samuli Paulaharju
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta IV : Sigismund ja Kaarle IX [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
Mémoires de l'Impératrice Catherine II. : Écrits par elle-même [electronic resource] / Empress of Russia Catherine II
The British Expedition to the Crimea [electronic resource] / William Howard, Russell
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta II : Kustaa Vaasa [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta V : 2 : Kustaa Aadolf ja Kristiina: Suomen sisällinen tila [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta III : Eerikki XIV ja Juhana III [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta I : Unionin aika [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
The Rise of the Russian Empire [electronic resource] / Saki
The Story of Moscow [electronic resource] / Wirt Gerrare
Polnische Geschichte [electronic resource] / Clemens Brandenburger
Kun kansa nousee : Muistelmia ja kokemuksia Suomen vapaussodasta [electronic resource] / Kyösti Wilkuna
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta V : 1 : Kustaa Aadolf ja Kristiina: Sodat [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
Légendes démocratiques du Nord [electronic resource] / Jules Michelet
Travels in Kamtschatka, during the years 1787 and 1788, Volume 2 [electronic resource] / Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy, baron de Lesseps
Siperian samojedien keskuudessa vuosina 1911-13 ja 1914 [electronic resource] / Kai Donner
Muoto- ja muistikuvia II [electronic resource] / Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
From Paris to Pekin over Siberian Snows : A Narrative of a Journey by Sledge over the Snows of European Russia and Siberia, by Caravan Through Mongolia, Across the Gobi Desert and the Great Wall, and by Mule Palanquin Through China to Pekin [electronic resource] / Victor Meignan
The Kingdom of Georgia : Notes of travel in a land of women, wine, and song [electronic resource] / John Oliver Wardrop
Travels in Kamtschatka, During the Years 1787 and 1788, Volume 1 [electronic resource] / Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy, baron de Lesseps
Muistelmia vuosien 1808-1809 sodasta : Kansan suusta kokoillut [electronic resource] / Kaarle Alfred Castrén
Muoto- ja muistikuvia I [electronic resource] / Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
Mitä meidän siis on tekeminen? [electronic resource] / K. W. Järnefelt
Kuuden vuosikymmenen ajoilta : Muistelmia Suomesta [electronic resource] / Santeri Ivalo
Tampereen kaupunki : Muisto Sen Satavuotis-Juhlastansa Lokakuun 1. päivänä 1879 [electronic resource] / Henrik August Reinholm
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta 1 : Pakanuuden aikakausi [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
Alfred Kihlman : Elämän kuvaus. 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
"Barbarous Soviet Russia" [electronic resource] / Isaac McBride
Muoto- ja muistikuvia III [electronic resource] / Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
Alfred Kihlman : Elämän kuvaus. 2 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta 2 : Katolinen aikakausi [electronic resource] / Julius Krohn
Free Russia [electronic resource] / William Hepworth Dixon
"The Greatest Failure in All History" : A Critical Examination of the Actual Workings of Bolshevism in Russia [electronic resource] / John Spargo
Mikael Speranski [electronic resource] / Eemil Forsgren
Confessions of the Czarina [electronic resource] / Catherine, Princess Radziwill
Pietari Suuri : Venäjän ensimmäinen keisari [electronic resource] / K. O. Lindeqvist
Tiedot Suomen-suvun muinaisuudesta : Yliopistollinen väitöskirja [electronic resource] / Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen
Suomalaiset Jäämeren rannalla : Matkamuistelmia [electronic resource] / A. V. Ervasti
Päiväkirja matkaltani Venäjällä, ja käynti Leo Tolstoin luona keväällä 1899 [electronic resource] / Arvid Järnefelt
Muistelmia matkalta Venäjän Karjalassa kesällä 1879 [electronic resource] / A. V. Ervasti
Turun linna [electronic resource] / Adolf Waldemar Jahnsson
Voyages en Sibérie [electronic resource] / N. A. Kubalski
Vankilasta ja Siperiasta [electronic resource] / Oskar Relander
Sortovuosilta : Poliittisia muistelmia [electronic resource] / Konni Zilliacus
Leo Mechelinin elämä [electronic resource] / Th. Rein
Russian Memories [electronic resource] / Stephen Graham
Aatteiden mies : Piirteitä August Fredrik Soldanin elämästä [electronic resource] / Juhani Aho
Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 1/3 : Ensimmäinen ja toinen viikko [electronic resource] / Juhani Aho
Sixteen years in Siberia : Some experiences of a Russian revolutionist [electronic resource] / Helen Chisholm
Bolshevismi ja olot Venäjällä [electronic resource] / K. N. Rauhala
Kiannan rannoilta Kaspian poikki : Päiväkirjani kotimaassa ja Venäjällä v. 1902 [electronic resource] / Ilmari Kianto
Itsenäinen Suomi, unelmasta todellisuuteen [electronic resource] / Edv. Hjelt
Red Dusk and the Morrow : Adventures and Investigations in Red Russia [electronic resource] / Paul Dukes
In het Hol van den Leeuw : Reisschetsen uit Sovjet-Rusland [electronic resource] / Piet C. Wagner
Russian Portraits [electronic resource] / Clare Sheridan
Travels Into Bokhara (Volume 1 of 3) : Being the Account of A Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia; Also, Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, From the Sea to Lahore, With Presents From the King of Great Britain; Performed Under the Orders of the Supreme Government of India, in the Years 1831, 1832, and 1833 [electronic resource] / Alexander, Burnes
The Heart of Asia : A history of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the earliest times [electronic resource] / E. Denison, Ross
The Romance of the Romanoffs [electronic resource] / Joseph McCabe
Muinais-tiedustuksia Pohjanperiltä [electronic resource] / J. W. Calamnius
Suomen kultainen kirja I [electronic resource] / Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa
Au pays russe [electronic resource] / Jules Legras
Kynällä ja kiväärillä : "Sissin" itsenäisyys- ja vapaustaistelumme ajalta [electronic resource] / Eino Railo
Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 2/3 : Kolmas ja neljäs viikko [electronic resource] / Juhani Aho
The Land of Riddles (Russia of To-day) [electronic resource] / Hugo Ganz
Memories of the Russian Court [electronic resource] / Anna Aleksandrovna Vyrubova
Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 3/3 : Loppuviikot [electronic resource] / Juhani Aho
The Real Tsaritsa [electronic resource] / Lili Den
The White Eagle of Poland [electronic resource] / E. F. Benson
Suomalaisia keskiajan tutkimuksia : Veroja, laitoksia, virkamiehiä [electronic resource] / Väinö Voionmaa
The Englishwoman in Russia : Impressions of the Society and Manners of the Russians at Home [electronic resource] / A lady
A Vagabond in the Caucasus : With Some Notes of His Experiences Among the Russians [electronic resource] / Stephen Graham
Kalevalan laulumailta : Elias Lönnrotin poluilla Vienan Karjalassa : Kuvaus Vienan Karjalan maasta, kansasta, siellä tapahtuneesta runonkeruusta ja runoista itsestään [electronic resource] / Into Konrad Inha
Russia in the Shadows [electronic resource] / H. G. Wells
One Year at the Russian Court : 1904-1905 [electronic resource] / Renée Gaudin de Villaine Maud
Försök att förklara Caj. Corn. Taciti omdömen öfver Finnarne [electronic resource] / C. A. Gottlund
History of the Late Polish Revolution and the Events of the Campaign [electronic resource] / Joseph Hordynski
My Disillusionment in Russia [electronic resource] / Emma Goldman
Thirteen years at the Russian court : (a personal record of the last years and death of the Czar Nicholas II. and his family) [electronic resource] / Pierre Gilliard
The Red Reign : The True Story of an Adventurous Year in Russia [electronic resource] / Kellogg Durland
Syntymä, lapsuus ja kuolema : Vienan Karjalan tapoja ja uskomuksia [electronic resource] / Samuli Paulaharju
Nälkämailta : Kuvia ja havaintoja Koillis-Suomesta nälkävuodelta 1902 [electronic resource] / Kalle Kajander
The Arab conquests in Central Asia [electronic resource] / H. A. R. Gibb
Behind the veil at the Russian court [electronic resource] / Catherine, Princess Radziwill
The Cable Game : The Adventures of an American Press-Boat in Turkish Waters During the Russian Revolution [electronic resource] / Stanley Washburn
Travels Into Bokhara (Volume 2 of 3) : Being the Account of A Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia; Also, Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, From the Sea to Lahore, With Presents From the King of Great Britain; Performed Under the Orders of the Supreme Government of India, in the Years 1831, 1832, and 1833 [electronic resource] / Alexander, Burnes
The Last Days of the Romanovs [electronic resource] / N. Sokolov
Kainuun mailta : Kansantietoutta Kajaanin kulmilta [electronic resource] / Samuli Paulaharju
Itämerenmaakuntien venäläistyttämisyritys vuosina 1886-1906 [electronic resource] / Maanpakolainen
Savonlinna 1475-1875 [electronic resource] / J. R. Aspelin
The Way of Martha and the Way of Mary [electronic resource] / Stephen Graham
Leivän ja seikkailun haussa : Hämäläisen mökinpojan tarina [electronic resource] / Aatu Koskelainen
Kesäkausi Jäämeren ja Vienanmeren rannoilla : Matkamuistelma [electronic resource] / Julius Edvard Ailio
Around the Black Sea : Asia Minor, Armenia, Caucasus, Circassia, Daghestan, the Crimea, Roumania [electronic resource] / William Eleroy Curtis
My empress; twenty-three years of intimate life with the empress of all the Russias from her marriage to the day of her exile [electronic resource] / Marfa Mouchanow
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