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Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North [electronic resource] / Frédéric Guillaume Bergmann
Early Kings of Norway [electronic resource] / Thomas Carlyle
Letters from High Latitudes : Being Some Account of a Voyage in 1856 of the Schooner Yacht "Foam" to Iceland, Jan Meyen, and Spitzbergen [electronic resource] / Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of Dufferin and Ava
Norwegian Life : An Account of Past and Contemporary Conditions and Progress in Norway and Sweden [electronic resource]
Von Haparanda bis San Francisco : Reise-Erinnerungen [electronic resource] / Ernst Wasserzieher
Hero Tales of the Far North [electronic resource] / Jacob A. Riis
Utan anförare : Fem svenskors fjellvandring i Norge [electronic resource] / Eva Wigström
A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. [electronic resource] / Charles Morton
Denmark [electronic resource] / M. Pearson Thomson
In en om Java's Paradijs : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1907 [electronic resource] / A. Koorevaar
The Danish History, Books I-IX [electronic resource] / Oliver Elton
Op de Faröer : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1907 [electronic resource] / Anna Seé
The Swedish Revolution Under Gustavus Vasa [electronic resource] / Paul Barron Watson
The Land of the Long Night [electronic resource] / Paul B. Du Chaillu
The Swedish-Norwegian Union Crisis : A History with Documents [electronic resource] / Karl Nordlund
Historic Tales : The Romance of Reality. Vol. 09 (of 15), Scandinavian [electronic resource] / Charles Morris
Relation de l'Islande [electronic resource] / Isaac de La Peyrère
Door Noorwegen : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1908 [electronic resource] / G. Bosch
Northern Travel : Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland [electronic resource] / Bayard Taylor
Peeps at Many Lands : Norway [electronic resource] / A. Heaton Cooper
De Ziel van het Noorden : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1917 [electronic resource] / Gino Bertolini
A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden : 2nd edition [electronic resource] / William A. Ross
Rättigheter och Skyldigheter gentemot Statskyrkan : En hjälpreda för svenska medborgare [electronic resource] / Georg Stjernstedt
Lachesis Lapponica; Or, A Tour in Lapland, Volume 1 [electronic resource] / Charles Troilius
The Story of Norway [electronic resource] / Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
Ten Years Near the German Frontier : A Retrospect and a Warning [electronic resource] / Maurice Francis Egan
Lachesis Lapponica; Or, A Tour in Lapland, Volume 2 [electronic resource] / Charles Troilius
Memoirs of Leonora Christina, Daughter of Christian IV. of Denmark : Written During Her Imprisonment in the Blue Tower at Copenhagen 1663-1685 [electronic resource] / F. E. Bunnett
Norway [electronic resource] / Beatrix Jungman
Af mit Levned [electronic resource] / Johan Louis Ussing
Three in Norway, by Two of Them [electronic resource] / J. A. Lees
Leonora Christina Ulfeldt's "Jammers-minde". En egenhændig skiedring of hendes fangenskab i Blaataarn i aarene 1663-1685 [electronic resource] / S. Birket Smith
Canute the Great, 995 (circa)-1035, and the Rise of Danish Imperialism during the Viking Age [electronic resource] / Laurence Marcellus Larson
Mari, Our Little Norwegian Cousin [electronic resource] / L. J. Bridgman
Through Scandinavia to Moscow [electronic resource] / William Seymour Edwards
Our Little Danish Cousin [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Otis
Peeps at Many Lands : Sweden [electronic resource] / Anders Zorn
Sweden [electronic resource] / Victor Alfred Nilsson
Across Iceland [electronic resource] / W. Bisiker
Reise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845. Zweiter Band. [electronic resource] / Ida Pfeiffer
Through Arctic Lapland [electronic resource] / Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne
Reise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845. Erster Band. [electronic resource] / Ida Pfeiffer
The Norwegian Fjords [electronic resource] / A. Heaton Cooper
Life and Times of Her Majesty Caroline Matilda, Vol. 1 (of 3) : Queen of Denmark and Norway, and Sister of H. M. George III. of England [electronic resource] / Lascelles, Wraxall
Briefe aus dem hohen Norden : Eine Fahrt nach Spitzbergen mit dem HAPAG-Dampfer "Auguste Viktoria" im Juli [electronic resource] / Elias Haffter
Livserindringer [electronic resource] / J. N. Madvig
Muistelmia vuosien 1808-1809 sodasta : Kansan suusta kokoillut [electronic resource] / Kaarle Alfred Castrén
History of the Scottish expedition to Norway in 1612 [electronic resource] / Thomas Michell
Life and Times of Her Majesty Caroline Matilda, Vol. 2 (of 3) : Queen of Denmark and Norway, and Sister of H. M. George III. of England [electronic resource] / Lascelles, Wraxall
Kansantaruja Laatokan luoteis-rannikolta : kesällä 1879 [electronic resource] / Theodor Schvindt
The Vikings [electronic resource] / A. Mawer
Kansa ja sen kuninkaat : Kertomuksia nuorten ja vanhain luettavaksi [electronic resource] / Vihtori Lehtonen
History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the Reformation [electronic resource] / Harriet Earhart Monroe
Kaarle XII : n historia [electronic resource] / Voltaire
A Queen of Tears, vol. 2 of 2 : Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway and Princess of Great Britain and Ireland [electronic resource] / W. H. Wilkins
The Oxonian in Thelemarken, volume 1 (of 2) ; or, Notes of travel in south-western Norway in the summers of 1856 and 1857. With glances at the legendary lore of that district. [electronic resource] / Frederick Metcalfe
A Queen of Tears, vol. 1 of 2 : Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway and Princess of Great Britain and Ireland [electronic resource] / W. H. Wilkins
Om mordet på Karl XII : Historisk och juridisk undersökning [electronic resource] / Olaf Johan Hultgren
Scandinavian Relations with Ireland During the Viking Period [electronic resource] / A. Walsh
The Oxonian in Thelemarken, volume 2 (of 2) ; or, Notes of travel in south-western Norway in the summers of 1856 and 1857. With glances at the legendary lore of that district. [electronic resource] / Frederick Metcalfe
Matkustus Suomessa [electronic resource] / Zacharias Topelius
Life and Times of Her Majesty Caroline Matilda, Vol. 3 (of 3) : Queen of Denmark and Norway, and Sister of H. M. George III. of England [electronic resource] / Lascelles, Wraxall
Suomalaisia sankareita I : Historiallisia kertomuksia [electronic resource] / Santeri Ivalo
Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809 [electronic resource] / Carl Johan Holm
The Viking Age. Volume 1 (of 2) : The early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking nations [electronic resource] / Paul B. Du Chaillu
The Viking Age. Volume 2 (of 2) : The early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking nations [electronic resource] / Paul B. Du Chaillu
Lifvet på Island under sagotiden [electronic resource] / Hans Hildebrand
Suomalaisia sankareita II : Historiallisia kertomuksia [electronic resource] / Santeri Ivalo
Anmärkningar och nödvändiga Upplysningar vid Herr C. J. Holms Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809 [electronic resource] / Gustav Magnus Adlercreutz
The Charm of Scandinavia [electronic resource] / Francis E. Clark
Tent life with English Gipsies in Norway [electronic resource] / Hubert Smith
Iceland : Horseback tours in saga land [electronic resource] / W. S. C. Russell
Midnight Sunbeams; or, Bits of Travel Through the Land of the Norseman [electronic resource] / Edwin Coolidge Kimball
Lapin muisteluksia [electronic resource] / Samuli Paulaharju
The History of Lapland : Wherein Are Shewed the Original, Manners, Habits, Marriages, Conjurations, &c. of That People [electronic resource] / Johannes Scheffer
Ultima Thule; or, A Summer in Iceland. vol. 2/2 [electronic resource] / Richard Francis, Burton
Ultima Thule; or, A Summer in Iceland. vol. 1/2 [electronic resource] / Richard Francis, Burton
History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, Vol. 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / S. A. Dunham
Norway [electronic resource] / Sigvart Sörensen
History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, Vol. 2 (of 2) [electronic resource] / S. A. Dunham
Indtryk og Minder fra Dybbøl [electronic resource] / Carl Vilhelm Behagen Castenschiold
Norðurfari; or, Rambles in Iceland [electronic resource] / Pliny Miles
"Gamle Norge" : Rambles and Scrambles in Norway [electronic resource] / R. T. Pritchett
Kåtornas folk [electronic resource] / Ester Blenda Nordström
Vanhaa Lappia ja Peräpohjaa [electronic resource] / Samuli Paulaharju
Across the Vatna Jökull; or, Scenes in Iceland : Being a Description of Hitherto Unkown Regions [electronic resource] / William Watts
De Danske paa Schelden (1808-1809) : Under Kapitainerne S. U. Rosenvinge og H. Baron Holsten. [electronic resource] / Otto George Lütken
Kuvauksia Hailuodosta [electronic resource] / Samuli Paulaharju
De Danske paa Schelden (1809-1813) [electronic resource] / Otto George Lütken
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