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Les hommes de la guerre d'Orient 11 : Le prince du Montenegro [electronic resource] / Edmond Texier
Au jeune royaume d'Albanie [electronic resource] / Gabriel Louis Jaray
The Balkans : A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey [electronic resource] / D. G. Hogarth
In Roemenië : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906 [electronic resource] / Th. Hebbelynck
The Balkan Wars : 1912-1913 : Third Edition [electronic resource] / Jacob Gould Schurman
Les Ordres De Chevalerie : les ordres serbes [electronic resource] / L. Brasier
In het Balkanbergland van Bulgarije : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906 [electronic resource] / L. de Launay
Aus Kroatien : Skizzen und Erzählungen [electronic resource] / Arthur Achleitner
Französisch-slavische Kämpfe in der Bocca di Cattaro 1806-1814. [electronic resource] / Nikolaj Velimirović
Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family ; or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844. [electronic resource] / A. A. Paton
La Péninsule Des Balkans — Tome I : Vienne, Croatie, Bosnie, Serbie, Bulgarie, Roumélie, Turquie, Roumanie [electronic resource] / Emile de Laveleye
Bezoek aan den berg Athos : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873 [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Confédération Balkanique [electronic resource] / Živojin Perić
Roumania Past and Present [electronic resource] / James Samuelson
The Land of the Black Mountain : The Adventures of Two Englishmen in Montenegro [electronic resource] / Reginald Wyon
Serbia in Light and Darkness : With Preface by the Archbishop of Canterbury, (1916) [electronic resource] / Nikolaj Velimirović
Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle [electronic resource] / M. E. Durham
The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1 [electronic resource] / Henry Baerlein
Bulgaria [electronic resource] / Frank Fox
Journal of a Visit to Constantinople and Some of the Greek Islands in the Spring and Summer of 1833 [electronic resource] / John Auldjo
The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2 [electronic resource] / Henry Baerlein
Op het Balkan-schiereiland : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1909 [electronic resource] / Percy E. Henderson
Vääpeli Lemminkäisen päiväkirja : Suomen kaartin retkestä Konstantinopolin muurien edustalle vuosina 1877-1878 [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Macedonia : A Nation at a Crossroads [electronic resource] / Samuel Vaknin
Supplement to "Punch", 16th December 1914 : The Unspeakable Turk [electronic resource] / Various
Viribus unitis : Wie könnte die europäische Cultur nach Bosnien verpflanzt werden? [electronic resource] / Josef von Neupauer
Van Smyrna naar Holland in oorlogstijd : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1917 [electronic resource] / Betsy van der Poel
Area Handbook for Albania [electronic resource] / Eugene K. Keefe
Area Handbook for Bulgaria [electronic resource] / Neda A. Walpole
Area Handbook for Romania [electronic resource] / Donald W. Bernier
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, Vol. 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / John L. Stephens
Peeps at Many Lands : Turkey [electronic resource] / Warwick Goble
The Balkan Wars : 1912-1913 : Second Edition [electronic resource] / Jacob Gould Schurman
Serbia : A Sketch [electronic resource] / Helen Leah Reed
Konstantinopel en het Serail : De Aarde en haar Volken, 1865 [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, Vol. 2 (of 2) [electronic resource] / John L. Stephens
Oriente [electronic resource] / Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Albania : A Narrative of Recent Travel [electronic resource] / E. F. Knight
Through the Land of the Serb [electronic resource] / M. E. Durham
Constantinople, painted by Warwick Goble, described by Alexander Van Millingen [electronic resource] / Alexander Van Millingen
The Balkan Peninsula [electronic resource] / Frank Fox
Constantinople : The Story of the Old Capital of the Empire [electronic resource] / Sydney Cooper
Under the Red Crescent : Adventures of an English Surgeon with the Turkish Army at Plevna and Erzeroum 1877-1878 [electronic resource] / Charles S. Ryan
Our Little Roumanian Cousin [electronic resource] / Clara Vostrovsky Winlow
Guida delle Prealpi Giulie : Distretti di Gemona, Tarcento, S. Daniele, Cividale e S. Pietro [electronic resource] / Antonio Pontini
Our Little Turkish Cousin [electronic resource] / Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade
The Turkish Empire, Its Growth and Decay [electronic resource] / G. Shaw-Lefevre, Baron Eversley
The Walls of Constantinople [electronic resource] / B. Granville Baker
The Passing of the Turkish Empire in Europe [electronic resource] / B. Granville Baker
Légendes démocratiques du Nord [electronic resource] / Jules Michelet
Shall Turkey Live or Die? [electronic resource] / Thomas Carlyle
My Country [electronic resource] / Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania Marie
A Turkish Woman's European Impressions [electronic resource] / hanoum Zeyneb
Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor : Series One and Series Two in one Volume [electronic resource] / Thomas Allom
Speaking of the Turks [electronic resource] / K. Ziya, bey Mufti-zada
The Life of Carmen Sylva (Queen of Roumania) [electronic resource] / Natalie Stackelberg
Reminiscences of the King of Roumania [electronic resource] / Mite Kremnitz
The Diary of a Turk [electronic resource] / Çerkesseyhizade Halil Halit
Turkish Harems and Circassian Homes [electronic resource] / Andrée Hope
Ferdinand of Bulgaria : The Amazing Career of a Shoddy Czar [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Supplement to Commerce Reports Daily Consular and Trade Reports : Turkey, Harput [electronic resource] / Leslie A. Davis
À Angora auprès de Mustafa Kemal [electronic resource] / Alaeddine Haïdar
The History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Chapters I. to IV. [electronic resource] / James Mitchell
The History of the Life and Death of Sultan Solyman the Magnificent, Emperor of the Turks, and of His son Mustapha [electronic resource] / Unknown
From Memory's Shrine : The Reminscences of Carmen Sylva [electronic resource] / Carmen Sylva
The City of the Sultan; and Domestic Manners of the Turks, in 1836, Vol. 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Miss Pardoe
Ibrahim Pasha : Grand Vizir of Suleiman the Magnificent [electronic resource] / Hester Donaldson Jenkins
The life of Midhat Pasha; a record of his services, political reforms, banishment, and judicial murder [electronic resource] / Ali Haydar Mithat
Constantinople, v. 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Edmondo De Amicis
The Causes of the Successes of the Ottoman Turks [electronic resource] / J. Surtees Phillpotts
Turkey; the Awakening of Turkey; the Turkish Revolution of 1908 [electronic resource] / E. F. Knight
Constantinople, v. 2 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Edmondo De Amicis
The Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade : from The English Historical Review, October 1915 [electronic resource] / Albert Howe Lybyer
The City of the Sultan; and Domestic Manners of the Turks, in 1836, Vol. 2 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Miss Pardoe
Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the Seventeenth Century, Vol. I [electronic resource] / Evliya Çelebi
The Antiquities of Constantinople : With a Description of Its Situation, the Conveniencies of Its Port, Its Publick Buildings, the Statuary, Sculpture, Architecture, and Other Curiosities of That City [electronic resource] / Pierre Gilles
Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the Seventeenth Century, Vol. II [electronic resource] / Evliya Çelebi
Vienna 1683 : The History and Consequences of the Defeat of the Turks before Vienna, September 12, 1683, by John Sobieski, King of Poland, and Charles Leopold, Duke of Lorraine [electronic resource] / Henry Elliot Malden
The Sultan and His People [electronic resource] / C. Oscanyan
The Secrets of the Harem [electronic resource] / Anonymous
The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire; a history of the Osmanlis up to the death of Bayezid I (1300-1403) [electronic resource] / Herbert Adams Gibbons
Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia and Montenegro [electronic resource] / R. H. R.
Annals of the Turkish Empire, from 1591 to 1659 [electronic resource] / Charles Fraser
On Horseback Through Asia Minor, Volume 2 (of 2) [electronic resource]
Turkish Memories [electronic resource] / Sidney Whitman
On Horseback Through Asia Minor, Volume 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Fred Burnaby
Daybreak in Turkey : Second Edition [electronic resource] / James L. Barton
Turquie agonisante [electronic resource] / Pierre Loti
The Balkan Trail [electronic resource] / Gilbert Holiday
Muistelmia viimeisestä Wenäjän ja Turkin välisestä sodasta : Päiväkirja-muistelmien ja muiden hyväksyttyjen lähteitten mukaan [electronic resource]
The Lands of the Tamed Turk; or, the Balkan States of to-day : A narrative of travel through Servia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Dalmatia and the recently acquired Austrian provinces of Bosnia and the Herzegovina; with observations of the peoples, their races, creeds, institutions and politics, and of the geographical, historical and commercial aspects of the several countries [electronic resource] / Blair Jaekel
Under the Turk in Constantinople : A record of Sir John Finch's Embassy, 1674-1681 [electronic resource] / G. F. Abbott
Byzantine Constantinople, the walls of the city and adjoining historical sites [electronic resource] / Alexander Van Millingen
Travels in Turkey and back to England [electronic resource] / Edmund Chishull
"The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks" [electronic resource] / James Bryce, Viscount Bryce
Țara mea [electronic resource] / Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania Marie
Travels into Turkey : Containing the most accurate account of the Turks, and neighbouring nations, their manners, customs, religion, superstition, policy, riches, coins, &c. [electronic resource] / Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq
The Rebirth of Turkey [electronic resource] / Clair Price
An Observer in the Near East [electronic resource] / William Le Queux
An Englishwoman in Angora [electronic resource] / L. Raven-Hill
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