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Price/Cost Indexes from 1875 to 1989; Estimated to 2010 [electronic resource] / Michael Hart
Everybody's Guide to Money Matters : With a description of the various investments chiefly dealt in on the stock exchange, and the mode of dealing therein [electronic resource] / William, F.S.A., of Exeter Cotton
Lombard Street : A Description of the Money Market [electronic resource] / Walter Bagehot
Fiat Money Inflation in France : How it Came, What it Brought, and How it Ended [electronic resource] / Andrew Dickson White
International Finance [electronic resource] / Hartley Withers
The Spirit of 1906 [electronic resource] / George W. Brooks
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 06 : The Drapier's Letters [electronic resource] / Temple Scott
If Not Silver, What? [electronic resource] / John W. Bookwalter
Bank of the Manhattan Company, Chartered 1799 : A Progressive Commercial Bank [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Successful Stock Speculation [electronic resource] / John James Butler
Frenzied Finance, Vol. 1 : The Crime of Amalgamated [electronic resource] / Thomas William Lawson
Le péril jaune [electronic resource] / Yakov Aleksandrovich Novikov
O credito agricola em Portugal [electronic resource] / Jaime de Magalhães Lima
The New York Stock Exchange and Public Opinion : Remarks at Annual Dinner, Association of Stock Exchange Brokers, Held at the Astor Hotel, New York, January 24, 1917 [electronic resource] / Otto H. Kahn
The Paper Moneys of Europe : Their Moral and Economic Significance [electronic resource] / Francis W. Hirst
Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry [electronic resource] / Samuel Vaknin
High Finance [electronic resource] / Otto H. Kahn
Plain Facts [electronic resource] / G. A. Bauman
Elements of Foreign Exchange : A Foreign Exchange Primer [electronic resource] / Franklin Escher
Het Geld van Robinson Crusoe : Populaire uiteenzetting omtrent den oorsprong en het gebruik van geld als ruilmiddel [electronic resource] / David Ames Wells
The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914 [electronic resource] / Henry George Stebbins Noble
Banking [electronic resource] / William Amasa Scott
Freehold Land Societies : Their History, Present Position, and Claims [electronic resource] / J. Ewing Ritchie
How to Invest Money [electronic resource] / George Garr Henry
A New Banking System : The Needful Capital for Rebuilding the Burnt District [electronic resource] / Lysander Spooner
An Example of Communal Currency : The facts about the Guernsey Market House [electronic resource] / Joseph Theodore Harris
The History of Currency, 1252 to 1896 [electronic resource] / William Arthur Shaw
All (Frightfully Unofficial) About an Old Friend of Mine : What He Most Probably Was. What He Most Certainly Will Be, and Who Has Done This? Why the Cat. [electronic resource] / Thomas C. Gash
Readings in Money and Banking : Selected and Adapted [electronic resource] / Chester Arthur Phillips
The Value of Money [electronic resource] / Benjamin M. Anderson
Robinson Crusoe's Money; ; or, The Remarkable Financial Fortunes and Misfortunes of a Remote Island Community [electronic resource] / Thomas Nast
Money : Speech of Hon. John P. Jones, of Nevada, on the Free Coinage of Silver; in the United States Senate, May 12 and 13, 1890 [electronic resource] / John P. Jones
My Adventures with Your Money [electronic resource] / George Graham Rice
A Simple Explanation of Modern Banking Customs [electronic resource] / Humphrey Robinson
A History of Banks for Savings in Great Britain and Ireland [electronic resource] / William Lewins
Profitable Stock Exchange Investments [electronic resource] / Henry Voorce Brandenburg and Co.
Mrs. Leary's Cow : A Legend of Chicago [electronic resource] / C. C. Hine
Honest Money [electronic resource] / Arthur Isaac Fonda
Social Comptabilism : The Cheque and Clearing Service in the Austrian Postal Savings Bank. Proposed Law laid before the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium [electronic resource] / Hector Denis
Indian Currency and Finance [electronic resource] / John Maynard Keynes
Remarks on the production of the precious metals ; and, on the demonetization of gold in several countries in Europe [electronic resource] / Thomson Hankey
Annals, Anecdotes and Legends : A Chronicle of Life Assurance [electronic resource] / John, of the Bank of England Francis
Emerson on Sound Money : A Speech, 1896 [electronic resource] / Willis George Emerson
Federal Stamp Taxes on Drafts, Checks and Promissory Notes, 1919 [electronic resource] / Guaranty Trust Company of New York
Counterfeit Money : The "green goods" business exposed for the benefit of all who have dishonest inclinations. [electronic resource] / Anonymous
The Universal Counterfeit and Altered Bank Note Detector, at Sight [electronic resource] / Henry C. Foote
The Paper Currency of England Dispassionately Considered : With Suggestions Towards a Practical Solution of the Difficulty [electronic resource] / John Haslam
Betsy Gaskins (Dimicrat), Wife of Jobe Gaskins (Republican) : Or, Uncle Tom's Cabin Up to Date [electronic resource] / W. I. Hood
The Federal Reserve Monster [electronic resource]
Other People's Money, and How the Bankers Use It [electronic resource] / Louis Dembitz Brandeis
The Regulating Silver Coin, Made Practicable and Easie, to the Government and Subject [electronic resource] / Samuel Pratt
The Theory of Stock Exchange Speculation [electronic resource] / Arthur Crump
The Stock Exchange [electronic resource] / Charles Duguid
The Stock Exchange from Within [electronic resource] / William C. Van Antwerp
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator [electronic resource] / Edwin Lefevre
Seventeen Talks on the Banking Question : Between Uncle Sam and Mr. Farmer, Mr. Banker, Mr. Lawyer, Mr. Laboringman, Mr. Merchant, Mr. Manufacturer [electronic resource] / Charles N. Fowler
Banks and Their Customers : A practical guide for all who keep banking accounts from the customers' point of view [electronic resource] / Henry Warren
A Week in Wall Street : By One Who Knows [electronic resource] / Frederick Jackson
War Prisoner Money and Medals [electronic resource] / Guido Kisch
John Law of Lauriston : Financier and Statesman, Founder of the Bank of France, Originator of the Mississippi Scheme, Etc. [electronic resource] / A. W. Wiston-Glynn
The Story of the Bank of England : (A History of English Banking, and a Sketch of the Money Market) [electronic resource] / Henry Warren
The Problem of the Rupee, Its Origin and Its Solution [electronic resource] / B. R. Ambedkar
"White man bery unsartin" : "Nigger haint got no friends, no how"; the blackest chapter in the history of the Republican Party; the men who robbed and combined to rob the freedmen of their hard earnings. [electronic resource] / F. Colburn Adams
Foreign Exchange [electronic resource] / Robert L. Owen
The Money Market [electronic resource] / F. Straker
Ye Olde Mint : Being a brief description of the first U.S. Mint, established by Congress in the year 1792, at Seventh Street and Sugar Alley (now Filbert Street) Philadelphia [electronic resource] / Frank H. Stewart
A Tract on Monetary Reform [electronic resource] / John Maynard Keynes
Comment placer sa fortune [electronic resource] / Jacques Bainville
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