NUST past examination papers between 2020 and 2024
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Papers A-Z
Business Law
- BLW512S
Intromodal Transporation
- IMT711S
Theory and Practice of World Poetry 2A
- TPP611S
Principles of Language Use
- PLU411S
Public Finance
- PNF712S
- GDG621S
Business Applications 1A
- BAP511S
Public Law and Policy in Education
- PLP810S
Strategic Management in Hospitality and Tourism
- SMH810S
Mobile Networks and Architectures
- MNA810S
Administrative Management 3
- AMM721S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Business Law
- BLW512S
Advance Project Management
- ACM801S
Comparative African Cities
- CAC610S
Business Information Systems 1A
- BIS511S
Plant Protection
- PPN610S
Marketing in VET
- MVT610S
Intercultural Communication
- ICC511S
System Virtualisation
- SVT710S
Psychology of Learning A
- PSL510S
SME Support
- SES821S
Marketing Principles
- MPS521C
Quality Management in Hospitality and Tourism
- QHT710S
Planning Theory 1
- PTY510S
Intermediate Microeconomics
- IMI611S
Strategic Human Resource Management
- SHR811S
Auditing 310
- GAU711S
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- ERP720S
Leading and Managing Projects
- LMP721C
History in TVET
- HTV510S
Performance Management
- PMG612S
Critical City Structure and Components
- CCS611S
Evidence in Labour Law
- ELL812S
Operating Systems
- OPS611S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Land Transport Safety and Infrastracture Considerations
- LTI611S
Rooms Division Management
- RDM710S
Geoinfomration Management
- GMN621S
Database Fundamentals
- DBF510S
Rangeland Ecology and Management
- REM611S
Rangeland Ecology
- RGE811S
Managing Employee Performance
- MEP711S
Literary Drama
- LTD611S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Tourism Geography
- TGE510S
Administrative Management 1A
- AMM511S
Introduction to Computing
- ICG511S
Operating Systems
- OPS611S
Marketing Management
- MKM711S
Basic Spanish
- BAS112S
Procurement and Good Governance
- PPG801S
Advanced Management Accounting
- AMA811S
Administrative Management 2A
- AMM611S
Biology for Natural Sciences
- BNS511S
Kitchen Management
- KMT710S
Remote Sensing 1
- RES511S
Portfolio and Pragramme Management
- PGM811S
Broadband Networks
- BBN810S
Cadastral Surveying 2
- CAS610S
Cost and Management Accounting 201
- CMA611S
Business Application 2A
- BAP611S
Basic Organisational Psychology
- BOP511S
Business Applications 3
- BAP721S
Applied Regional and Rural Economic Development
- ARR720S
Introduction to Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- IPS511S
Organisation Development and Change
- ODC711S
Global Supply Chain Diligence
- GSD801S
Culinary Arts 1 Pastry Bakery and Desserts
- CAP610S
Principles of Microeconomics
- PMI511S
Professional Writing
- PWR611S
Food Production Theory
- FPT510S
Applied Spatial Planning
- ASP720S
Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
- HTM610S
Intromodal Transporation
- IMT811S
Gender Communication
- GDC611S
Research Methods for Natural Sciences
- RMC811S
Fundamentals of Marketing
- FOM511S
Database Administration
- DBA712S
Business Management Information Systems
- BMC511S
Applied Econometrics
- AEM810S
Management Accounting 310
- GMA711S
Introduction to Language in Society
- ILS511S
Financial Accounting 310
- GFA711S
Global Business Management
- GBM811S
Labour Relations Practice
- LRP812S
Property Development and Marketing
- PDM611S
English for Academic Purposes
- EAP511S
Business Management Information Systems
- BMC511S
Safety Security and First Aid
- SSF510S
Operational Logistics Management
- OLM611C
Basic Research Methodology
- RME620S
Development Management
- DMA711S
Rural Livelihoods and Community Development
- RLC620S
Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development
- NRS711S
Theoretical Linguistics
- TRL811S
Comparative Public Governance
- CPG811S
Quality Management Systems
- QMS610S
Medical Information Systems 2A
- MIS611S
Business Information Systems 2A
- BIS611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SRH611S
Contemporary Issues in Human Resources
- CHR612S
Strategic Marketing and Innovation
- SMI810S
Mobile and Cloud Forensics
- MCF811S
Conservation Biology
- CSB810S
Internet and WAN Telecommunication
- IWT711S
Systems Thinking
- BST61S
Advanced Industrial Relations
- ADR811S
Procurement and Good Governance
- PPG801S
Agricultural Statistics
- AGS520S
Reflective Teaching and Practice
- RTP610S
Foundations of Customer Service
- FCS510S
Civil Engineering for Planning
- CEP610S
Computerised Accounting 301
- CAC710S
Business Accounting 2B
- BAC621C
Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
- GRE811S
Product Pricing Management
- PPM712S
Commercial Law 1B
- CML512C
Classroom and Workshop Management
- CWM510S
Environment Planning
- EVP510S
Introduction to Economics
- ITE411S
Data Structures and Algorithms 2
- DSA711S
Agricultural Mechanisation
- AMC520S
Introduction to Linguistics
- ILG511S
Mathematics for Agribusiness
- MTA611S
Advanced Microeconomics
- AMI810S
Regional Economic Governance
- REG811S
Human Resource Management in TVET
- HRV610S
Information System Strategy and Governance
- ISG711S
Financial Techniques for Logistics Management Operations
- FTP801S
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
- PSM611S
Financial Management for Hospitality and Tourism
- FMH810S
English Morphology
- EMP511S
Software Processes
- SPS611S
Commercial Law 1B
- CML112S
Food and Beverage Operations
- FBO510S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Consumer Behaviour
- CSB711S
International Trade
- INT711S
Cultural and Natural Heritage Management
- CNH710S
Public Communication
- PCC811S
Capacity Building and Talent Management
- CBT811S
Fundamentals of Agricultural Statistics
- FAS411S
Data Networks
- DTN611S
Public Policy
- PPO711S
Plant Studies 2
- PTS710S
Regional and Local Government Mamagement
- RLG611S
Advanced Logistics Management
- ALM811S
Leading and Project Managing
- LMP711S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Conservating Ecology
- CSE511S
GIS and Remote Sensing in Practice
- GRS811S
Secure Systems
- SSS811S
Taxation 310
- GTA711S
Information System Audit
- ISA822S
Media Law
- MDL611S
English for Academic Purposes
- EAP511S
Culinary Arts 3 Advanced Cold Kitchen
- ACK710S
Artifical Intelligence
- ARI711S
Basic Surveying
- BSV521S
Introdction to General Biology
- IBI511S
Operations Management
- OPM611S
Management and Leadership
- MAL811S
Financial Techniques for Sport Management
- FTS811S
English in Practice
- EPR521C
Food Safety Management
- FSM610S
- EOA611S
Medical Office Applications 2A
- MOA611S
Advance Project Management
- APM811S
Information Technology in Logistics
- ITL611S
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- GSC711S
Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting
- FAR811S
Geographic Information Systems 1
- GES512S
Introduction to Communication
- COM511S
Introduction to Training and Development
- ETD711S
Policy Development
- PDT610S
Princples of Selling
- POS611S
Intelligent Transport Systems
- ITT611S
Introduction to Marketing and ITS Environment
- IME511S
Human Resource Management in the Public Sector
- HPS611S
Demography and Population Studies
- DPS610S
Fares and Ticketing Operations
- FST710S
Organisational Behaviour
- OSB611S
Planning for Housing
- PNH610S
Media and Public Relations
- MPR711S
English in Practice
- EPR511S
Computer Forensics
- CFR712S
Operating Systems Security
- OSS711S
Digital Forensics Management
- DFM811S
Money and Banking
- MAB611S
Professional Development and Practice
- PDP610S
Tourism Destination Management
- TDM620S
Introduction to Business Management
- BMI511S
Strategic Management and Leadership
- SML610S
Retail Management
- BRM711S
Literary Theory
- LIT811S
Multimedia Applications
- MMA710S
Advanced Intrusion and Log Analysis
- AIL811S
Information Technology in Logistics
- ITL611S
Introduction to Sociology
- ITS511S
Introduction to Public Management
- ITP511S
Fundamentals of Crop Production
- FOC411S
Building Services
- BSS511S
Consumer Behaviour in Sports
- CBS711S
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
- ISM511C
Basic German 1A
- GER110S
Financial Economics
- FEO810S
Hospitality Property and Facility Management
- HPM710S
Professional Communication
- PCO611S
Business Ethics
- BEC610S
Applied Cryptography
- APC811S
Business Information Systems 3
- BIS721S
Land Use Planning 2
- LUP610S
Food and Beverage Management
- FBM710S
Property Management and Maintenance
- PMM611S
Training and Development Practices
- TDP711S
Human Resource Management in Sports
- HRS811S
Business Research for Sport Managers
- BRS711S
Natural Resource Management
- NRM511S
Foundations of Tourism and Hospitality
- FTH510S
Conflict Management
- CMV620S
Labour Relations Theory
- LRT811S
Enterprise Architecture
- EAT810S
- ECM712S
African Oral Literature
- AOL811S
Governance and Management of Public Enterprises
- GME811S
Operating Systems Security
- OSS711S
Contemporary Issues in Human Resources
- CIH811S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
- RTC611S
SME Support
- BEM711S
Fundamentals of TVET Assessment and Moderation
- FTA510S
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Accounting
- IHA521S
Introduction to Geospatial Data
- IGD411S
Consumer Behaviour in Sports
- CBS711S
Rangeland Ecology and Management
- REM611S
Hospitality Property and Facility Management
- HPM710S
Tourism Destination Management
- TDM620S
Introduction to Communication
- COM511S
Financial Accounting 310
- GFA711S
Kitchen Management
- KMT710S
Writing for Specific Purposes
- WSP511S
Secure Systems
- SSS811S
Comparative African Cities
- CAC610S
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
- PSM611S
Agricultural Mechanisation
- AMC520S
Planning Theory 1
- PTY510S
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- ERP720S
Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development
- NRS711S
- ECM712S
Conservation Biology
- CSB801
Introduction to Linguistics
- ILG511S
Data Networks
- DTN611S
Mathematics for Agribusiness
- MTA611S
Human Resource Management in the Public Sector
- HPS611S
Conflict Management
- CMV620S
Land Use Planning 2
- LUP610S
Principles of Language Use
- PLU411S
Business Applications 1A
- BAP511S
English for Academic Purposes
- EAP511S
Environment Planning
- EVP510S
Introduction to Literature 1A
- ILT511S
Advanced Logistics Management
- ALM811S
Principles of Language Use
- PLU411S
Applied Spatial Planning
- ASP720S
Remote Sensing 1
- RES511S
Principles of Selling
- POS611S
Agricultural Statistics
- AGS520S
Introduction to Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- IPS511S
Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
- HTM610S
Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
- RTC611S
Regional Economic Governance
- REG811S
Intromodal Transportation
- IMT811S
Public Policy
- PPO711S
Geographic Information Systems 1
- GES512S
Comparative Public Governance
- CPG511S
Principles and Methods of Valuation
- PMV611S
Advance Contract Management
- ACM801S
Financial Management for Hospitality and Tourism
- FMH810S
Gender Communication
- GDC611S
Cadastral Surveying 1
- CAS520S
Cost and Management Accounting 201
- CMA611S
Labour Relations Practice
- LRP812S
Applied Econometrics
- AEM810S
Intermediate Microeconomics
- IMI611S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Medical Information Systems 2A
- MIS611S
Conservating Ecology
- CSE511S
Human Resource Management in TVET
- HRV610S
Labour Relations Practice
- LRT811S
Rooms Division Management
- RDM710S
Performance Management
- PMG612S
Quality Management in Hospitality and Tourism
- QHT710S
Systems Thinking
- BST61S
Business Ethics
- BEC610S
Governance and Management of Public Enterprises
- GME811S
Digital Forensics Management
- DFM811S
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Accounting
- IHA521S
Safety Security and First Aid
- SSF510S
English in Practice
- EPR511S
SME Support
- BEM711S
Classroom and Workshop Management
- CWM510S
Intergrated Water and Weltland Management
- IWW821S
Public Finance
- PFN712S
Training and Development Practices
- TDP711S
Advance Intrusion and Log Analysis
- AIL811S
Commercial Law 1B
- CML512C
English Morphology
- EMP511S
Software Process
- SPS611S
Marketing in VET A
- MVT610S
Fares and Ticketing Operations
- FST710S
Financial Accounting 101
- FAC511S
Artifical Intelligence
- ARI711S
Introduction to Language in Society
- ILS511S
Basic Spanish
- BAS112S
Reflective Teaching and Practice
- RTP610S
Fundamentals of Agricultural Statistics
- FAS411S
Intromodal Transportation
- IMT711S
Civil Engineering for Planning
- CEP610S
Water and Wetland Resources Management
- WWR711S
Strategic Marketing and Innovation
- SMI810S
Database Fundamentals
- DBF510S
Public Law and Policy in Education
- PLP810S
Business Information Systems 2A
- BIS611S
Money and Banking
- MAB611S
Plant Studies 2
- PTS710S
Leading and Project Managing
- LMP711S
Introduction to Sociology
- ITS511S
Capacity Building and Talent Management
- CBT811S
Introduction to Marketing and ITS Environment
- IME511S
SME Support
- SES821S
Administrative Management 3
- AMM721S
Land Transport Safety and Infrastracture Considerations
- LTI611S
Multimedia Applications
- MMA710S
Auditing 301
- GAU711S
Financial Accounting 310
- FAC611S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Operational Logistics Management
- OLM611C
Media Law
- MDL611S
Cadastral Surveying 1
- CAS520S
Regional and Local Government Mamagement
- RLG611S
Intercultural Communication
- ICC511S
Portfolio and Pragramme Management
- PGM811S
Introduction to Geospatial Data
- IGD411S
Strategic Management and Leadership
- SML610S
Marketing Management
- MKM711S
Labour Law 1B
- LAL112S
Land Transport Safety and Infrastracture Considerations
- LTI611S
Food and Beverage Management
- FBM710S
Contemporary Issues in Human Resources
- CIH811S
Professional Communication
- PCO611S
Financial Techniques for Logistics Management Operations
- FTP801S
Organisation Development and Change
- ODC711S
Business Ethics
- BBE612C
Introdction to General Biology
- IBI511S
Introduction to Business Management
- BMI511S
Introduction to Economics
- ITE411S
Biology for Natural Sciences
- BBNS511S
International Trade
- INT711S
Business Applications 3
- BAP721S
Fundamentals of Marketing
- FOM511S
Basic Organisational Psychology
- BOP511S
Theoretical Linguistics
- TRL811S
Medical Office Applications 2A
- MOA611S
- GDG621S
Internet and WAN Telecommunication
- IWT711S
Applied and Rural Economic Development
- ARR720S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Human Resource Management in Sports
- HRS801S
Information System Audit
- ISA822S
Advance Operations Logistics
- AOL711S
Advaced Management Accounting
- AMA811S
Introduction to Computing
- ICG511S
Business Information Systems 3
- BIS721S
Property Development and Marketing
- PDM611S
Business Accounting 1A
- BAC1100S
Intelligent Transport Systems
- ITT611S
Media and Public Relations
- MPR711S
Demography and Population Studies
- DPS610S
Natural Resource Management
- NRM511S
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
- ISM511C
Fundamentals of Crop Production
- FOC411S
Property Management and Maintenance
- PMM611S
Professional Development and Practice
- PDP610S
Product Pricing Management
- PPM712S
Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
- GRE811S
Theory and Practice of World Poetry 2A
- TPP611S
Retail Management
- BRM711S
Broadband Networks
- BBN810S
Operations Management
- OPM611S
Communication for Development
- CFD811S
Managing Employee Performance
- MEP711S
Global Business Management
- GBM811S
Applied Cryptography
- APC811S
Planning for Housing
- PNH610S
Advance Operations Logistics
- AOL711S
Introduction to Public Management
- ITP511S
Culinary Arts 1 Pastry Bakery and Desserts
- CAP610S
Basic German 1A
- GER110S
Strategic Human Resource Management
- SHR811S
Advance Project Management
- APM811S
History in TVET
- HTV510S
Computerised Accounting 301
- CAC710S
Global Supply Chain Diligence
- GSD801S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Computer Forensics
- CFR712S
Business Application 2A
- BAP611S
GIS and Remote Sensing in Practice
- GRS811S
Administrative Management 2A
- AMM611S
Fundamentals of TVET Assessment and Moderation
- FTA510S
Administrative Management 1A
- AMM511S
Building Services
- BSS511S
Database Administration
- DBA712S
Policy Development
- PDT610S
Professional Writing
- PWR611S
Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting
- FAR811S
Foundations of Customer Service
- FCS510S
Communication for Development
- CFD811S
Advanced Macroeconomics
- AMI810S
Enterprise Architecture
- EAT810S
Management and Leadership
- MAL811S
Quality Management Systems
- QMS610S
Food Safety Management
- FSM610S
Rangeland Ecology
- RGE811S
Intergrated Water and Weltland Management
- IWW821S
Organisational Behaviour
- OSB611S
Financial Economics
- FEO810S
English for Academic Purposes
- EAP521C
Business Ethics
- BBE612C
Advanced Transport Economics
- ATE711S
Strategic Management in Hospitality and Tourism
- SMH810S
Contemporary Issues in Human Resources
- CHR612S
Business Research for Sport Managers
- BRS711S
Basic Surveying
- BSV521S
Information Systems Strategy and Governance
- ISG711S
Introduction to Literature 1A
- ILT511S
Writing for Specific Purposes
- WSP511S
Critical City Structure and Components
- CCS611S
Culinary Arts 3 Advanced Cold Kitchen
- ACK710S
Development Management
- DMA711S
Principles of Microeconomics
- PMI511S
Foundations of Customer Servive in Hospitality and Tourism
- FTH510S
Principles and Methods of Valuation
- PMV611S
Financial Techniques for Sport Management
- FTS801S
System Virtualisation
- SVT710S
English for Academic Purposes
- EAP511S
Financial Accounting 310
- FAC611S
Business Accounting 2B
- BAC621C
Leading and Managing Projects
- LPM721C
Business Accounting 1A
- BAC1100S
Public Communication
- PCC811S
Food Production Theory
- FPT510S
Mobile Networks and Architectures
- MNA810S
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- GSC711S
Plant Protection
- PPN610S
Cadastral Surveying 2
- CAS610S
Literary Theory
- LIT811S
Rural Livelihoods and Community Development
- RLC620S
Tourism Geography
- TGE510S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SHR611S
Food and Beverage Operations
- FBO510S
Cultural and Natural Heritage Management
- CNH710S
Procurement and Good Governance
- PPG801S
Data Structures and Algorithms 2
- DSA711S
Psychology of Learning A
- PSL510S
African Oral Literature
- AOL811S
Mobile and Cloud Forensics
- MCF811S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Advanced Industrial Relations
- ADR811S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Literary Drama
- LTD611S
Advanced Transport Economics
- ATE711S
Taxation 310
- GTA711S
Management Accounting 310
- GMA711S
Geoinfomration Management
- GMN621S
Business Information Systems 1A
- BIS511S
Basic Research Methodology
- RME620S
Economics for Agriculture
- EOA611S
Research Methods for Natural Sciences
- RMC811S
Financial Strategies for Logistics and Supply Chain Optimisation
- FSL811S
Labour Law 1B
- LAL112S
Commercial Law 1B
- CML112S
Linear Algebra 1
- LIA502S
Data Analytics
- DTA621S
Labour Law 1B
- LAL112S
Biosynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology
- BPM821S
Computer Organisation and Architecture
- COA511S
Introduction to Survey and Mapping
- ISM520S
Data Science and Analytics
- DSA822S
Probability Theory 1
- PBT501S
Legislation and Ethics in Health Information Management
- LET521S
Wireless Technologies
- WLT620S
Southern African Literature
- SAL721S
Literary Prose
- LTP621S
Psychology of Learning B
- PSL620S
Business Accounting 2B
- BAP621S
Air Pollution and Noise
- APN612S
Business Information Systems 2B
- BIS621S
Web Application Security
- WAS621S
Applied Operations Research
- AOR802S
International Classification of Disease 1A
- ICD611S
Business Accounting 1B
- BAP521S
Statistics for Economists 2B
- SFE612S
Systems Analysis and Design
- SAD621S
General Physics 1B
- GNP502S
Mathematical Modelling 2
- MMO702S
Digital Communication
- DCO521S
Gastro-Intestinal and Endocrine Physiology
- GEP521S
Law for Public Managers 1A
- LPM521S
Water and Sanitation
- WAS512S
Land Economics and Taxation
- LET621S
Legal Ethics Issues in Communication
- LEC721S
Distributed Systems
- DTS620S
Human Resource Management For Hospitality and Tourism
- HRH610S
Rooms Division Operations
- RDN520S
Professional Writing
- PWR611S
Introduction to Biochemistry
- IBC521S
English for Academic Purposes
- EAP511S
Beverage Studies
- BVS520S
- PRG721S
Management Communication
- MCO721S
Food and Meat Hygiene 2B
- FMH612S
Urban Economics
- UEN621S
Principles of Language Use
- PLU411S
Building Construction
- BCS512S
Management of TVET
- MTV620S
Basic Pathophysiology
- BPP521S
Numerical Methods 2
- NUM702S
- IMH621S
Study of Semantics
- SOS721S
General Biology 1B
- GNB502S
Medical Information Systems 2B
- MIS621S
Design and Analysis of Experiment
- DAE702S
Biochemistry - Biochemical Principles and Practice
- BPP702S
Linux Systems Administration
- LSA721S
Economic Development of Tourism
- EDT520S
Education for Sustainable Development B
- ESB620S
Basic Mathematics
- BMS411S
Introduction to Curriculum Studies
- ICS620S
Children's Literature
- CHL821S
Councelling and Career Guidance
- CCG620S
Business Information Systems 3B
- BIS721S
Food Service Systems
- FSS621S
Introduction to Mathematics
- ITM111S
Food Chemistry
- FCH621S
Business Applications 3
- BAP721S
Propaganda and Persuasion
- PAP721S
Basic Business Statistics 1B
- BBS112S
Statistical Inference 2
- SIN601S
Human Nutrition 2
- HTN721S
- DEM602S
Environmental Chemistry
- ENC702S
Second Language Acquisition
- SLA721S
- BIO702S
Electronic Health Records
- EHR621S
Culinary Arts 2 Advanced Hot Kitchen
- CAK620S
Medical Microbiology 2B
- MMB621S
Traffic and Transportation Legislation
- TTL621S
Maternal and Early Childhood Nutrition
- MCN621S
Database Programing
- DPG621S
Management of Organisational Development and Learning
- MOD620S
Mathematics for Economists 1B
- MFE512S
Calculus 2
- CLS601S
Education for Sustainable Development A
- ESD620S
African Literature
- AFL721S
Health Information Management
- HIM621S
Linear Algebra 2
- LIA601S
- ODC721S
Public Relations Theory and Practice
- PRT721S
Complex Analysis
- CAN702S
Statistical Inference 1
- SIN502S
Land Tenure Systems
- LTS520S
Mathematical Programming
- MAP602S
Basic Hotel Information Systems
- BHI520S
Functional Analysis
- FAN802S
Literary Criticism
- LRC621S
Introduction to Foods, Nutrition and Health
- IFN521S
Multivariate Analysis
- MVA802S
Agricultural Statistics
- AGS520S
Ordinary Differential Equations
- ODE602S
Healthcare Delivery Systems
- HDS621S
Principles and Application of Informatics
- PAI621S
Systems Administration
- SAD622S
Regression Analysis and ANOVA
- RAA602S
Electrical Circuits and Electronics
- ECE602S
Financial Mathematics 1
- FIM502S
System Audit
- SAU620S
Theory and Practice of World Poetry 2B
- TPP621S
Traffic and Transportation Legislation
- TTL621S
Public Health Legislation 2B
- PHL612S
English Syntax
- ESY611S
Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
- IPP521S
Community Health Promotion
- CHP521S
Mediation Communication
- MCM721S
Health Database Management
- HDM621S
Basic Science
- BSC410S
Distributed Systems and Applications
- DSA612S
Food Composition and Analysis
- FCA621S
Introduction to Applied Statistics
- IAS501S
Programming 1
- PRG510S
Geographic Information Systems 1
- GES512S
Advanced Microbiology
- AMB821S
Tourism Information Systems
- TIS520S
Hospitality and Tourism Law
- HTL510S
Gender Communication
- GCO621S
Clinical Chemistry 2B
- CLC621S
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- ERP720S
Programming for Security Personnel
- PRS821S
Professional Communication
- PCO611S
Communication Networks
- CMN620S
Medical Information Systems 2B
- MOA621S
Molecular Diagnostics
- MOD621S
English in Practice
- EPR511S
Intercultural Communication
- ICC511S
Ethics for Computing
- EFC621S
Communication Theories
- COT721S
Administrative Management 1B
- AMM521S
Business Management Information Systems
- BMC511S
Constractive Linguistics
- CTL821S
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Remediation
- EPM821S
Language Policy and Planning
- LPP821S
Organisational Communication
- OCO521S
Applied Econometric Modelling
- AEM702S
Marketing in VET B
- MVT620S
Administrative Management 2B
- AMM621S
Administrative Management 3
- AMM721S
Calculus 1
- CLS502S
Business Accounting 1B
- BIS521S
Budget and Asset Management
- BMT620S
- GEN602S
Web Development Fundamentals
- WDF521S
Business Analysis and Process Management
- BAP620S
Introduction to Literature 1B
- ILT521S
Project Management in VET
- PMV630S
General Chemistry 1B
- GNC502S
Namibian Literature
- NLI521S
Introduction to Valuation
- ITV521S
Microbial Systematics and Processes
- MAP512S
Applied Mathematical and Statistical Computing
- AMS602S
Biomedical Physics
- BPH702S
Data Structures and Algorithms 1
- DSA521S
Quality Management Systems
- QMS620S
Strategic Management and Leadership B
- SML620S
- MSC702S
Foundations of Health Information Management
- FOH521S
Security Analytics
- SAS821S
Numerical Methods 2
- NUM702S
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