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n Am I BI A u n IVE Rs ITY
MARKS: 100
Ms C. Bates
Ms T.Kavihuha
Mr A. Tjijoro
MrT. Kanime
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Write clearly and neatly.
3. Number the answers clearly.
1. Examination paper
2. Examination script

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Read the passage below and then answer all the questions that follow.
How to implement the Integrated Farming System
By Erastus Ngaruka, Technichal officer at Agribank
Last year, I travelled through the country to find out how the drought in Namibia is
affecting the farmers. I (i) (to study) the effects of climate change for several years
before I finally (ii) (to publish) a book on the topic two years ago. It is a topic that (iii)
(to intrigue) me since I first learned about it in Geography. I (iv) (to meet) many
innovative and interesting farmers while I (v) (to travel) through the country. It
opened my eyes to the difficulties that each farmer (vi) (to face) every day and to the
fact that farmers (vii) (to be) totally dependent on the weather. It is clear that climate
change (viii) (to influence) farming in Namibia in the next decade.
Agriculture production in Namibia is very vulnerable to the threats of climate change
amongst others, and this in turn is threatening food security and sustainable
livelihoods. This vulnerability can be lessened by adopting appropriated farming
systems aimed at achieving sustainable agriculture.
Sustainable agriculture is the continued production of food by using appropriate
farming practices that will not compromise the production environment, including
human health and animal welfare. The one farming system that will achieve this
sustainability is called an Integrated Farming System {IFS).
This simply refers to a system of farming with crops and livestock in combination such
that they complement each other in terms of input resource utilisation, while ensuring
diversified sources of income. In contrast to IFS,monoculture systems only involve a
single production component line, for example crops only. Mr Charles Kavetuna, an
experienced farmer, said: "In an attempt to cope with climate change, I decided to
combine the best of modern tools and technologies with traditional or indigenous
practices ten years ago."

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Common Integrated Farming Systems include a combination of crops, for example
cereal, fruits and vegetables, and chicken, cattle, goats and sheep. Therefore, for IFS
to function efficiently, the products and by-products from one component are used
by the other. This simply means that waste materials from one component are used
as inputs into the other components. An Integrated Farming System combines the
best of modern tools and technologies with traditional or indigenous practices
according to a given site and situation.
In Namibia, IFS in practice can be described as follows: The role of livestock in the
system is to supply manure as fertilizer for the crops. Their dung/manure is either
collected from kraals or they are allowed onto the fields to eat crop residues while
dropping manure onto the soil. Livestock trample upon the fields and incorporate
litter (e.g. dead leaves) into the soil with their hooves to improve soil organic matter
content. In addition, animals also break soil surface layers to facilitate water
infiltration. In particular, cattle can also be used for ploughing the crop fields.
On the other hand, crop (e.g. maze and mahangu) residues will be used as livestock
feed. These can be collected and processed (milled) to improve digestibility.
Commonly, farmers allow animals to eat them while standing in the field. The crop or
plant materials are also used to cover the soil surface (mulching) to minimise excessive
water loss (evaporation) from the soil, and as compost to improve soil humus or
organic matter in order to enhance soil fertility.
Poultry (e.g. chicken and ducks) can be used as cleaners in orchards or vegetable
gardens, removing rotten fruits, vegetables, pests and weeds while adding
manure/fertilizer to the soil.
An Integrated Farming System is thus not just simply the keeping of animals or growing
of crops, but a comprehensive system that includes sustainable resource utilisation
such as soil and water conservation, which is critical to a healthy farming system.

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Compared to the common monoculture practices, IFSis an important tool to minimise
farm production costs and associated risks. The advantages of IFSinclude increased
farm production and income with limited inputs, increased household food self-
sufficiency and security, recycling of farm by-products, and use of organic materials.
IFS can be a tool to enhance farmers' resilience and adaptation to climate changes,
thus ensuring sustainable production and lasting food security at both household and
national levels. If farmers learn to adapt, the lasting effects of climate change will not
devastate agriculture in Namibia.
[Source: Adapted from Die Boer, March 2018]
1. What are the main threats of climate change in Namibia?
2. Give an example of sustainable agriculture.
3. Explain the main difference between integrated and monoculture farming
4. Explain the four roles that livestock can play in crop farming in detail.
5. How can the residue plant materials be used to aid soil conditions?
6. How can poultry benefit vegetable farmers?
7. Which two components are critical for a healthy farming system in Namibia? (2)
8. Name three advantages of IFSfor the farmer.
9. What is the main advantage of equipping farmers with the tools to adapt to
climate change?
10. Explain the meaning of "it opened my eyes" (par. 1) in your own words.
11. Vocabulary:
For each of the terms below, choose the explanation that best describes the
meaning of the balded words as used in the passage from the list given below the
words. Write down only the letter of the meaning of your choice next to each
(i) complement (par. 4)

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(ii) indigenous (par. 4)
(iii) residues (par. 6)
(iv) comprehensive (par. 9)
(v) resilience (par. 10)
A Including all the parts that may be concerned.
B Affecting or including the whole world or universe.
C To add to something in a way that improves it or makes it more useful.
D A small amount of something that remains at the end of a process.
E The ability of people or things to return to its original state after it has been
through some difficulties.
F Something that can be continued for a long time.
G Belonging to a particular place.
Read the questions below and then answer the grammar questions based on the
passage' How to implement the Integrated Farming System'.
1. Change the verbs numbered (i) - (viii) in par. 1 into the correct verb tense.
2.1 Identify whether the following sentences are in the active or passive voice. (3)
a) Animals break soil surface layers to facilitate water infiltration.
b) Food production has been increased by appropriate farming practices.
c) Climate change is altering farming practices in Namibia.
2.2 Change the sentences at 2.1 to the opposite voice.
3. Write the following sentence from par. 4 in reported speech.
Mr Charles Kavetuna, an experienced farmer, said: "In an attempt to cope with
climate change, I decided to combine the best of modern tools and technologies
with traditional or indigenous practices ten years ago."

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4.1 Identify the type of conditional used in the following sentence from the last
Iffarmers learn to adapt, the lasting effects of climate change will not devastate
agriculture in Namibia.
4.2 Now, change the sentence at 4.1 into a third conditional.
5. Complete the following conditional sentences with any suitable result clause. (2)
a) If the farmer had taken the expert's advice, .................................................
b) If it rains less than 100mm per annum, .................................................
6. Identify the following from the last paragraph:
a) Two gerunds.
b) Two infinitives.
1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
This passage is adapted from David Rotman
How Technology Is Destroying Jobs
MIT business scholars Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee have argued that
impressive advances in computer technology-from improved industrial robotics to
automated translation services-are largely behind the sluggish employment growth
of the last 10 to 15 years. Even more ominous for workers, they foresee dismal
prospects for many types of jobs as these powerful new technologies are increasingly
adopted not only in manufacturing, clerical, and retail work but in professions such as
law, financial services, education, and medicine.
That robots, automation, and software can replace people might seem obvious to
anyone who's worked in automotive manufacturing or as a travel agent. But
Brynjolfsson and McAfee's claim is more troubling and controversial. They believe that

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rapid technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them,
contributing to the stagnation of median income and the growth of inequality in the
United States. And, they suspect, something similar is happening in other
technologically advanced countries.
As evidence, Brynjolfsson and McAfee point to a chart that only an economist could
love. In economics, productivity-the amount of economic value created for a given
unit of input, such as an hour of labour-is a crucial indicator of growth and wealth
creation. It is a measure of progress. On the chart Brynjolfsson likes ~o use, two
separate lines represent productivity and total employment in the United States. For
years after World War II, the two lines closely tracked each other, with increases in
jobs corresponding to increases in productivity. The pattern is clear: as businesses
generated more value from their workers, the country as a whole became richer,
which fueled more economic activity and created even more jobs. Then, beginning in
2000, the lines diverge; productivity continues to rise robustly, but employment
suddenly wilts. By 2011, a significant gap appears between the two lines, showing
economic growth with no parallel increase in job creation. Brynjolfsson and McAfee
call it the "great decoupling." And Brynjolfsson says he is confident that technology is
behind both the healthy growth in productivity and the weak growth in jobs.
It's a startling assertion because it threatens the faith that many economists place in
technological progress. Brynjolfsson and McAfee still believe that technology boosts
productivity and makes societies wealthier, but they think that it can also have a dark
side: technological progress is eliminating the need for many types of jobs and leaving
the typical worker worse off than before. Brynjolfsson can point to a second chart
indicating that median income is failing to rise even as the gross domestic product
soars. "It's the great paradox of our era," he says. "Productivity is at record levels,
innovation has never been faster, and yet at the same time, we have a falling median
income and we have fewer jobs. People are falling behind because technology is
advancing so fast and our skills and organizations aren't keeping up."
While technological changes can be painful for workers whose skills no longer match
the needs of employers, Lawrence Katz, a Harvard economist, says that no historical
pattern shows these shifts leading to a net decrease in jobs over an extended period.
Katz has done extensive research on how technological advances have affected jobs
over the last few centuries-describing, for example, how highly skilled artisans in the
mid-19th century were displaced by lower-skilled workers in factories. While it can
take decades for workers to acquire the expertise needed for new types of
employment, he says, "we never have run out of jobs. There is no long-term trend of
eliminating work for people. Over the long term, employment rates are fairly stable.
People have always been able to create new jobs. People come up with new things to
Still, Katz doesn't dismiss the notion that there is something different about today's
digital technologies-something that could affect an even broader range of work. The
question, he says, is whether economic history will serve as a useful guide. Will the
job disruptions caused by technology be temporary as the workforce adapts, or will

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we see a science-fiction scenario in which automated processes and robots with
superhuman skills take over a broad swath of human tasks? Though Katz expects the
historical pattern to hold, it is "genuinely a question," he says. "If technology disrupts
enough, who knows what will happen?"
[Source: https://www.technologyreview.com]
1.1 The main purpose of the passage is to
A examine the role of technology in workers' lives during the last century.
B advocate for better technology to enhance workplace conditions.
C argue for changes in how technology is deployed in the workplace.
D assessthe impact of advancements in technology on overall job growth.
1.2 According to Brynjolfsson and McAfee, advancements in technology since
approximately the year 2000 have resulted in
A low job growth in the United States.
B global workplace changes.
C more skilled laborers in the United States.
D no global creation of new jobs.
1.3 Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
A Lines 1-4 ("MIT ... years")
B Lines 8-9 ("That ... agent")
C Lines 13-14 ("And ... countries")
D Lines 21-23 ("as businesses... jobs")
1.4 The primary purpose of lines 16-17 ("the amount ... labour") is to
A describe a process.
B highlight a dilemma.
C clarify a claim.
D explain a term.
1.5 As used in line 21, "clear" most nearly means
A pure.
B keen.
C untroubled.
D unmistakable.

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1.6 Which of the following best characterizes Katz's attitude toward "today's digital
technologies" (lines 50-51)?
A He is alarmed about countries' increasing reliance on them.
B He is unconcerned about their effect on the economy.
C He is uncertain how they might affect job growth.
D He is optimistic that they will spur job creation to a degree not seen since the
mid-nineteenth century.
1.7 Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
A Lines 42-44 ("Katz ... factories")
B Lines 44-46 ("While ... jobs")
C Line 48-49 ("People come ... do")
D Lines 56-57 ("If ... happen")
1.8 As used in line 51, "range" most nearly means
A region.
B scope.
C distance.
D position.
1.9 Read line 56: "Katz expects the historical pattern to hold". This means that Katz
is of the opinion that
A technology will displace workers
B workers will be replaced by robots
C technology will force changes
D people will create new jobs
1.10 McAfee and Brynjofsson believe that
A technology improves productivity but destroys jobs
B technology slows productivity while increasing jobs
C technology increases jobs and accelerates productivity
D technology boosts job creation whole decreasing productivity
2. Briefly summarise McAfee and Brynjolfsson's main claim and the main supporting
evidence they give for this claim. Use your own words as far as possible.

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Write an essay based on ONE of the following topics. You should write between 300
and 350 words (about one and a half pages). Indicate the number of words used.
1. Many people are of the opinion that juveniles should receive the same harsh
punishments as other criminals that break the law. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of treating juvenile prisoners the same as adult prisoners.
2. In your opinion, what can The Ministry of Health do to encourage people to eat
healthier and lose weight?
3. It is often reported in the media that someone has been fired for something
he/she said on Facebook. Some people think that what you say and post on social
media should be grounds for getting someone fired while others disagree. To
what extent do you agree and disagree with this?
4. Discuss the three most important ways in which parents can encourage their
children to get good grades.
5. It is much better to work from home than in an office. Support and refute this
6. Many employers complain that their employees have no work ethics and loyalty.
In your opinion, what can employers do to restore and improve these attributes?