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JAN 2024
EXAMINER(S) Dr. R. Nekongo
Dr. E. lthindi
MODERATOR: Mr C. Gwasira
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Write clearly and neatly.
3. Number the answers clearly.
1. Examination paper
2. Examination script
THIS MEMORANDUM CONSISTS OF _6_ PAGES (Including this front page)

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Section A:
Reading comprehension
Read the text below and answer all the questions that follow.
[30 marks]
Wild animals fear humans more than lions, study finds
The lion has long been regarded as the world's most i) fearsome terrestrial carnivore, but the
"king of beasts" has been toppled by humans, new research shows. Elephants, rhinos and giraffes are
all now more afraid of people than other apex predators, according to a scientific paper that supports
the idea that humans are the world's "super predator". Wild ii) animals are twice as likely to run away,
and iii) abandon waterholes 40% iv) faster when they hear the sound of people talking, according to
researchers working in South Africa's Greater Kruger national park, home to one of the largest
remaining lion populations.
Running away or abandoning the a) waterhole was a response seen in 95% of b) species, which
included giraffes, leopards, hyenas, zebras, kudu, warthog and impala. c) "Fear of humans significantly
exceeded that of lions throughout the savanna mammal community," according to the paper,
published in Current Biology. The sounds played were the voices of men and women speaking calmly
in local languages. Lead researcher Prof Liana Zanette, from the University of Western Ontario in
Canada, said she was surprised bv the magnitude of the response from wildlife, as well as the number
of species affected. "Lions should be the scariest thing out there - but humans were much scarier ...
It shows we really are terrifying to animals," Zanette said. She described the findings as "amazing but
depressing too".
Fear itself can have enormous i) effect/ effects on animal populations: fleeing a perceived
threat often comes at the expense of eating and staying in good condition. "Running away from the
waterhole ii) means/mean) they will have to find another place to drink-that is a iii) costs/cost," said
Zanette. Surveys from Australia, North America, Europe and Asia have shown humans kill prey at
higher rates than any other apex predator - partly due to the adoption of guns, and hunting with dogs
- which is why they have gained the title of "super predator". Research from other parts of the world
has shown mountain lions, deer, kangaroos, wallabies and wild boar all fear humans more than other
apex predators.
This human-induced "landscape of fear" will have cascading effects down the food chain, right
down to rodents and plants, as it changes the way animals move through landscapes. It is likely to have
"considerable ecological impacts", researchers said. "If the fear of humans is so pervasive and happens
to all animals out there on our planet, then it really adds a new dimension to the worldwide
environmental impacts that humans might be having," said Zanette.
Wildlife researcher Dr Hugh Webster, who did not work on the study, said the research
indicated that "human impacts on animal behaviour are even more wide-reaching than we thought.
Perhaps the key point is that we need to identify the most disturbance-sensitive species and engineer
protections for them that allow freedom from this pervasive fear." To conduct the study, researchers
used hidden camera-speaker systems at waterholes that were triggered when an animal passed within
10 metres. Waterholes is chosen as the locations because this are where lions - and hunters - tend
to kill prey. The researchers filmed the response of the animal to the sound of either humans speaking
or lions snarling, growling or making hunting noises, and used non-threatening bird calls as the control

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The study highlights how tourism-dependent conservation might affect wildlife populations.
Even when people are just talking in the proximity of wild animals, they might be having previously
unrecognised effects. This poses a particular dilemma in African protected areas, because although
tourism may cause disturbance, many protected areas rely on wildlife tourism for funding, the paper
Adapted from:
1. Choose the most appropriate answer from the choices given below.
1.1 What percentage of species displayed a response of running away or abandoning waterholes
when they heard the sounds of people talking?
A 40%
B 60%
C 95%
D 100%
1.2 What do the researchers in the study mean by the "landscape of fear"?
A A place where animals feel safe from predators
B The way humans impact animal behaviour
C The fear of lions in the animal kingdom
D A place where predators roam freely
1.3 Why does the research suggest that humans have gained the title of "super predator"?
A Due to their physical strength
B Because they are the largest apex predators
C Because they kill prey at higher rates than other apex predators
D Because they are fearless hunters
1.4 How did the researchers conduct the study to observe animal responses to sounds?
A Using hidden cameras at waterholes
B Playing recorded lion noises
C Using non-threatening bird calls as a control sound
D By directly observing animals in the wild
2. Explain the reaction animals such as giraffes, leopards, hyenas, zebras, kudus, impalas and
warthogs have towards humans as compared to the predators.
3. What findings are described as "amazing but depressing too" in paragraph 2?
4. According to Zanette, what are the disadvantages of wild animals', fear of humans?
5. Saywhether the statements below are True or False.
5.1 Fear of humans exceeded fear of lions in the savanna mammal community.
5.2 The research highlights the potential impact of tourism on wildlife behaviour.
6. Explain three ways in which the research discussed in this text was conducted.
7. Explain the dilemma African protected areas face with regards to the human and wild animal
situation at hand.
8. What is Liana Zanette's role in the study?
9. According to surveys, humans kill prey at a higher rate than other apex predators. State the
reasons for this.
10. What does the pronoun they underlined in paragraph 1 refer to?

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11. Vocabulary
Write a synonym for each of the words below as they appear in bold in the stated paragraphs.
11.1 magnitude (paragraph 2)
11.2 terrifying (paragraph 2)
11.3 enormous (paragraph 3)
11.4 pervasive (paragraph 5)
11.5 triggered (paragraph 5)
[30 marks]
1. Identify the parts of speech of the words numbered (i) to (iv) in Paragraph 1. Write down each
part of speech next to the number (i) to (iv).
2. Identify the types of common nouns numbered (a) to (c) in Paragraph 2. Write down each type of
noun next to the number (a) to (c).
3. Identify one reflexive and one demonstrative pronoun in Paragraph 3.
Reflexive -
Demonstrative -
4. Choose the correct answer from the options numbered (i) to (iii) in Paragraph 3. Write down your
choice next to the number (i) to (iii).
5. Identify the tense of the italicised and underlined sentence in Paragraph 2.
Sentence: She was surprised by the magnitude of the response from wildlife.
6. Now write the sentence in question 5 above in the following tenses:
6.1 Simple Present
6.2 Past Perfect tense
6.3 Future simple tense
7. Rewrite the italicised sentence in Paragraph 6 in the forms indicated below.
Sentence: The study highlights how tourism-dependent conservation might affect wildlife
7.1 Question form
7.2 Negative form
8. Indicate whether the underlined and bolded sentences in the following paragraphs are simple,
compound, complex or compound-complex.
8.1 Paragraph 2
8.2 Paragraph 6
9. Write your own compound sentence.

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10. Correct three Subject-Verb-Agreement (concord) errors in the italicised sentence in Paragraph 5.
Rewrite the whole sentence and underline your correction.
SECTIONC: Essay and Paragraph Analysis
[30 marks]
Read the essay below and answer the questions that follow.
In today's digitally connected world, social media platforms have become an integral part of
our daily lives. These platforms offer us the ability to stay in touch with friends and family, share our
thoughts and experiences, and access a wealth of information. However, the increasing dependence
on social media has raised concerns about its potential dangers. This essay explores the risks
associated with social media dependence.
Firstly, social media dependence can have detrimental effects on our mental health.
Constantly scrolling through our feeds and comparing our lives to the carefully curated images of
others can lead to feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and depression. The quest for likes, comments,
and validation can become an obsession, leading to anxiety and low self-esteem. The constant
notifications and fear of missing out can disrupt our ability to focus on real-life tasks and relationships,
further exacerbating stress and anxiety.
Another danger of social media dependence is the erosion of privacy. Many users share
personal information without fully comprehending the consequences. This information can be
exploited by cybercriminals for identity theft, fraud, and other malicious activities. The information
we willingly provide to social media companies can be used for targeted advertising and data mining,
raising concerns about the erosion of personal privacy in the digital age.
Social media can foster and confirm existing prejudices. Users tend to follow and engage with
content and individuals that align with their preexisting beliefs and opinions. This can limit exposure.
Moreover, the spread of misinformation and fake news on social media platforms can further
exacerbate these problems, leading to a less informed and more divided society.
Social media dependence can also impact our physical well-being excessive screen time can
lead to sleep disturbances, eye strain, and sedentary lifestyles. The habit of constantly checking our
devices can disrupt our sleep patterns and contribute to sleep disorders. Additionally, spending too
much time on social media can replace physical activities, leading to a decline in overall health and
Furthermore, social media dependence can negatively affect our relationships, instead of
engaging in meaningful face-to-face interactions, people may prefer virtual interactions, which can be
shallow and lacking in emotional depth. The constant distraction of social media can also lead to
decreased attention and presence in real-life conversations and activities.
Social media has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we communicate and access
information, it is essential to be aware of the dangers of social media dependence. It can harm our
mental health, compromise our privacy, contribute to polarization, affect our physical well-being, and
strain our relationships. To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to use social media mindfully and in
moderation, prioritize real-life connections, and educate ourselves about the potential pitfalls of
on line engagement. By doing so, we can harness the benefits of living a stress-free long life.

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,. '
1. Identify and write down the thesis statement of this essay.
2. Identify and write down the topic of Paragraph 2 topic sentence.
3. Identify and write down the topic sentence of paragraph 3.
4. What is the topic of the sentence you identified in question 3?
5. What is the controlling idea of the sentence identified in question 3?
6. Write the statement that explains why people become dependent on social media
(paragraph 2).
7. Write the statement that explains how social media dependence can lead to our online
safety being compromised (paragraph 3).
8.1 Identify a fragment sentence in paragraph 4.
8.2 Suggest one way to correct the sentence fragment identified in question 8.1.
9.1 Identify and write the run-on-sentence in paragraph 5.
9.2 Suggest one way to correct the run-on-sentence identified in question 9.1.
10.1 Identify and write the comma splice in paragraph 6.
10.2 Suggest one way to correct the comma splice identified in question 10.1.
11. Identify and write the irrelevant sentence in paragraph 7.
12. Identify and write any three transitional words used in paragraphs 4,5,6 respectively.
SECTIONC: Paragraph Writing
[10 marks]
Choose any one of the prompts hereunder and write a body paragraph of about a 100-150 words. Pay
attention to structure, coherence, punctuation, and language. Begin the paragraph with a clear and
suitable topic sentence.
1. Poverty can hinder one's progress in life. Explain how that can happen.
2. Covid 19 brought down the world. Explain.
3. "If you spare the rod, you spoil the child." Explain, or narrate.
4. In today's economy being educated is not enough. Explain, or narrate.
5. The most inspiring song I have ever heard. Explain why you consider that song to be the most