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JUNE 2023
Mr B. Kamwi
Ms T. Kanime
Mr C. Gwasira
Ms Y. Lyamine
Dr S. lthindi
Dr N. Mlambo
1. Answer all questions
2. Write clearly and neatly
3. Number the answers clearly
1. Examination paper
2. Examination script
THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 20 PAGES {Including this front page)

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Read the following research article and answer the questions below. The original article has been
adapted for assessment purposes.
Approaching the use of Facebook to improve academic writing and to acquire social competences
in English in higher education
Marfa Martinez Lirola
A (Abstract omitted)
B The twenty-first century is a virtual era that involves rethinking the role of education and the
incorporation of digital skills apart from the content requested in any subject (Cozar-Gutierrez & Saez-
Lopez, 2016). In this sense, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Social Networking
Sites (SNS)can play a key role in updating education, because their use can have pedagogical purposes
(Lin et al., 2016; Rwodzi et al., 2020). This article offers a proposal for integrating the social network
Facebook into an English as a Foreign Language (EFL)classroom in tertiary education. The purpose of
this study is to show how Facebook provides opportunities to develop writing in English and to acquire
social competences in the EFL classroom. In fact, this research establishes a relationship between
using Facebook to motivate students to write and to reflect on global social topics associated with the
oral presentations they have to prepare every week. In this sense, writing is combined with other skills
and with the revision of grammar at the same time that both contribute to promoting the acquisition
of social competences. Students have to reflect upon the social issuesthat the oral presentations were
based upon.
C The main objectives of this article are the following: 1. To offer a pedagogical proposal so that
students can develop written skills and grammar at the same time that they acquire social
competences using the social network Facebook and 2. To know students' opinions about the use of
Facebook in an EFLsubject and the main competences that they have acquired while using this social
network in the teaching-learning process. The hypothesis is that Facebook is an appropriate social
medium to integrate the practice of different skills and grammatical aspects at the same time that
social competences are acquired in an educational context. Consequently, the paper will be guided by

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the following research question: Is Facebook a suitable social network for students to develop written
skills and to revise grammar at the same time that they acquire social competences?
D This study is justified because, during the pandemic, students' attendance in class was restricted.
This also meant there were limited opportunities to interact and discuss different points of view or to
work on cooperative writing in the classroom. For this reason, the teacher chose Facebook so that
students had a social network as a supplementary platform of the subject where they could write
during the semester and as a collaborative learning tool. The popularity of social media among young
learners provides opportunities for students to communicate using English for academic purposes. In
this sense, students can write their own posts, and they can read what others write, which facilitates
interaction in a virtual environment. The fact that the teaching-learning process was dual, i.e., teaching
was synchronously done with students in the classroom and students connected on line (the students
in the classroom were different each week because they were rotating) was a challenge that involved
difficulties. Students at home had to be able to hear the comments that students made in the
classroom. Consequently, Facebook offered the opportunity to post comments at any time for both
students in the classroom and students at home. In this way, students' posts could be read at any time
by the other students, and students could write before, during, or after the lecture. What was initially
an oral practice activity also became a written activity that involved the use of the grammar and
vocabulary studied in the subject.
This section is divided in two sub-sections: the first is more general and concentrates on the use of
technology for educational purposes; the second is more specific and deals with the educational uses
of Facebook.
Technologyfor Educational Purposes
E In the last few decades, technology has had a key role in education because it has been used to
facilitate students' learning. It has an integral part in the preparation of the lessons and in the
teaching-learning process (Ahmadi, 2018; Pourhossein, 2017). The use of the internet increases
students' motivation (Arifah, 2014). Following Ahmadi (2018, p. 118): "When learners learn with
technology, it assists them in developing their higher order thinking skills. It can be concluded that the
true combination of multimedia and teaching methodology is very important to attract learners'
attention towards English language learning." The way students learn through technology is diverse,
for example, mobile learning (m-learning) and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) (C::akmak,

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2019a; Kukulska-Hulme & Viberg, 2018), wikis and biogs (Seaman & Tinti-Kane, 2013). Social
networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, or lnstagram have been applied to
foreign language education for more than a decade (Alnujaidi, 2017; Andujar & Salaberri-Ramiro,
2019; <;:akmak,2019b; Gallardo-Lopez & L6pez-Noguero, 2020; Gettman & Cortijo, 2015; Lomicka &
Lord, 2016; Vahdat et al., 2020). Their use is justified because they can facilitate language learning at
the same time that digital competence is incorporated in the teaching-learning process (Alsaied, 2017;
Martfn-Monje et al., 2018; Solmaz, 2018). Social media facilitate interaction and continuous learning.
They also promote online communication (Ruiz & Fachinetti, 2018) by creating a network where
students generate content and share knowledge at the same time that they interact with each other,
by promoting participation and cooperation (Cela-Ranilla et al., 2017; Fernandez-Ferrer & Cano, 2019).
This involves blended learning models (Chen Hsieh et al., 2017; Hung, 2015; Law et al., 2019), which
facilitate education taking place in more autonomous contexts than traditional classrooms.
Facebook for Educational Purposes
F This article will concentrate on the use of Facebook in English as an EFLclassroom within the context
of a Spanish university. Facebook is one of many Web 2.0 tools (wikis, YouTube, podcasts, etc.) that
are listed as having potential applications for teaching and learning. It is used to maintain or create
new networks, which justifies it being an educational micro-community of students registered in a
language subject in tertiary education (see Methodology). The literature on the educational uses of
Facebook is constantly growing. This section offers an overview of the direction that research has
taken on the pedagogical uses of Facebook. Then it concentrates on the literature review on using
Facebook for English learning. Facebook was created in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard
University. Membership was originally limited to Ivy League college students but was later (since 11
September 2006) extended to anyone with a valid email address (Torgeson, 2006). According to the
report Digital 2020: Global Digital Overview, prepared by the companies 'We are social' and
'Hootsuite' (2020), about 3.484 billion people use social networks, that is, 45% of the world's
population. The number of people who use social networks in an active way in Spain is 29 million. In
January 2020, Facebook was the third most visited website in the world, only surpassed by Google and
YouTube, and had a total of 2.41 billion active monthly users (Newberry, 2020).
G In December 2020, Martin del Campo Fernandez-Paniagua (2020) affirmed that Facebook can be
considered the most famous social network in the world, used by 87% of users, followed by YouTube
(68%) and lnstagram (54%). Some researchers have concentrated on using Facebook for teaching and
learning in an innovative way and how this has an effect on effective learning (Daher, 2014; David &
Akcaoglu, 2014; Li et al., 2013; Shraim, 2014). There are also studies that have explored the effect of

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using Facebook on students' interests and motivation (Aubry, 2013; Ru-Chu, 2011) and on the
relationship between students and teachers (Ellison et al., 2011; Mazer et al., 2007). In addition,
research has explored the positive and negative effects of Facebook (Hutchens & Hayes, 2014; Manca,
& Ranieri, 2016; Vural, 2015). Some of the main positive aspects are its benefits for interaction and
collaboration and the possibilities it offers to share interests and to make connections; students can
develop content and language knowledge through Facebook; it favours positive relationships between
students and between students and teachers; it can also contribute to incidental learning of language
skills (Adi Kasuma, 2017). Some of the negative aspects are that learners can be distracted by the
different features of Facebook such as friend requests, notifications, and chat box. There are also
issues of security and privacy that can be problematic. Moreover, it involves extra work for teachers
because they have to monitor the suitability of the language so that students do not learn inaccurate
language production in online environments, for example (Marin-Diaz & Cabero-Almenara, 2019;
Miller, 2020).
H Focusing on English learning, generally, studies concentrate on the use of Facebook to improve
students' English communication skills (Adi Kasuma, 2017; Chugh & Ruhi, 2018; Dweikat, 2016;
Mariappan et al., 2017), paying special attention to post classroom materials, to reach students with
learning materials, to post words and definitions for vocabulary review, to share questions and ideas
about discussions, etc. (Kabilan et al., 2010). Research has explored specifically the use of Facebook
to improve writing in English (Annamalai, 2016; Ibrahim, 2013; Majid et al., 2015; Shih, 2011). For
example, Melor and Salehi (2012) highlight the effectiveness of Facebook to improve writing at the
same time that students can learn new vocabulary from reading other students' comments. Similarly,
Vikneswaran and Krish (2014) point out that students wrote better in English through Facebook thanks
to peer influence, due to the fact that students exchanged ideas with each other. However, hardly any
study concentrates on adding a reflection on social topics to writing and on the acquisition of social
competences. The few studies found show that the acquisition of social competences contributes to
students' engagement and socialization (Ainin et al., 2015; Junco, 2012). In consequence, this study
will focus on that area in order to show that the implementation of the writing proposal through
Facebook goes beyond the development of writing skills, by incorporating social competences in the
Design of the Study
The methodology is mainly qualitative-descriptive because it is based on the compilation and
analysis of the students' posts in the discussions on Facebook. The teacher divided students into 18

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groups (9 in group A and 9 in group B) so that they could prepare a cooperative oral presentation on
a social topic of their choice. Each presentation had to be followed by a discussion on Facebook.
Facebook was a complementary tool to the UACloud platform provided by the University of Alicante,
which was used by the teacher to provide materials for students, to answer tutorials, hand in tasks,
etc. The Facebook group was created at the beginning of the semester, and all the students registered
in the subject were invited to join the page. Students' comments on Facebook were taken into account
for the grade in attendance and participation. In this way, the active participation of students in an
online discussion was encouraged. The group in charge of the week's discussion had to post a list of
at least five questions. Students were asked to use that advanced vocabulary and the formal
grammatical expressions explained in the classroom on the posts. The results of the questionnaire
students answered at the end of the semester and the analysis of the main grammatical errors of the
students offer some quantitative data based on students' answers and posts.
Participants and Context
J The participants were 94 third-year students enrolled in the subject English Language V (79 women
and 15 men) during the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year of the degree in English Studies
at the University of Alicante. Most students were 20 years old and had studied English from the first
year in the degree. They would like to work as high school teachers or in international companies
when they finish the degree. The main aim of the subject is that students develop the different skills
in English in order to acquire level Cl (Council of Europe, 2001). The subject was taught twice a week
for two hours each day during fifteen weeks. The first two hours were devoted to academic writing
and to grammar; the second two hours were devoted to oral and interaction skills through oral
presentations and discussions.
Research Instruments
K The research instruments were students' posts in the Facebook group and a questionnaire
constructed by the teacher. The Facebook group 'English Language V' allows students to interact
based on a common interest or affiliation, i.e., students participate in this study because they are
registered in the subject. The teacher collected all the posts and revised the grammar and vocabulary.
After that, a classification of the main grammatical mistakes was established so that students could
get some feedback for the next grammar lesson. The questionnaire on google forms consisted of ten
questions whose purpose was to know the opinion of the students who have participated in the

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Facebook discussions during the semester (see Appendix 1). There were three yes/no questions and
seven using the Likert scale (S=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neutral, 2=disagree, l=strongly disagree).
L The teacher decided to create a Facebook group because the COVID-19 pandemic involved
uncertainty in the teaching-learning process in the number of students who could come to class and
of the types of activity that could be done in the classroom. Moreover, the possibility that, in any
moment, a resurgence of the pandemic would limit students' access to the classroom was another
reason to choose Facebook. The limitation of students per classroom and the distance that it was
necessary to keep among them made the teacher think of the necessity of choosing a social network
that facilitated cooperation between students without being physically present and of the necessity
of providing a virtual environment to facilitate the acquisition of skills and competences of the subject
with only some students present in the classroom. Firstly, the teacher created the Facebook group
'English Language V' and informed students about it so that they could join this page and create a
Facebook account if they did not have one. Secondly, the teacher posted discussion topics on social
issues during the first three weeks of the semester so that student could share their opinions, read
other students' comments, practice vocabulary associated with the topic being discussed and reflect
on the social issue studied every week.
M Students were informed that the Facebook group was only used for the discussions associated
with the oral presentations. If they had questions about the subject, they had to use the platform
UACloud provided by the University of Alicante. From week four on, one group of students was in
charge of posting the discussion topic and the questions based on the topic of the oral presentation
in Facebook. The discussions in the Facebook environment were confined during the lessons and
outside classroom time. In fact, each group was asked to post the questions for the discussion at least
two days before the oral presentation. Thirdly, the teacher revised students' posts and prepared a list
with the main grammatical mistakes found in the posts. Next, the teacher revised the grammatical
mistakes in the next grammar class and asked students to revise the grammar associated with them.
The discussion contents with grammatical mistakes were reported by using quotes from the students'
posts without indicating students' names. Finally, if students had doubts or questions, they could ask
the teacher in a tutorial. These phases continued until the last week of the semester when students
presented the last oral presentation and the discussion through Facebook.

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N Facebook is a social network that facilitates interaction and engagement in communication in the
teaching-learning process. The Facebook group 'English Language V' is an instrument that allows
students to interact based on the common fact that they are registered in the subject at the same
time that they engage with the social topic that is discussed every week. Integrating Facebook into a
language subject as a supplementary learning tool can provide students with a real and natural setting
of communication and enhance their motivation. Consequently, students learn easily and actively by
interacting with their classmates and teacher using social network that they also use for personal
communication. Encouraging students to communicate through Facebook discussions in and outside
the classroom offers students many opportunities to write in Engli~h without time restrictions.
Moreover, students learn and write at their own pace, which promotes a learner-centred approach.
Consequently, shy students can be more confident about writing and interacting than when the
interaction takes place face to face in the classroom. Facebook is a flexible environment that students
can access synchronously and asynchronously (Shih, 2011). The flexibility already mentioned has
implications for teachers and educator managers because it is necessary that they check students'
comments in Facebook regularly so that they can provide students with the appropriate feedback and
address the main mistakes as soon as they appear. In this sense, it is useful that teachers advice
students about the main times of the day and of the week they will check the Facebook group so that
students do not expect an immediate answer to their comments or some suggestions to improve their
writing. In addition, using Facebook as a pedagogical resource is challenging for teachers because they
have to learn about the multiple uses of Facebook in general in order to adapt it for the educational
activity selected.
0 Moreover, the use of Facebook is also challenging for students because they have to clearly
distinguish the academic use of Facebook from the personal or entertainment one. This challenge is
associated with the use of standard English for the on line discussions, i.e., the teacher needs to make
sure that students avoid informal English or Spanglish so that the quality of English in online
discussions is as good as possible. In this sense, it is essential that the teacher insist on the importance
of revising the writing before it is posted in Facebook, which involves revising vocabulary, grammar,
and spelling. The Facebook group 'English Language V' encouraged group cohesion and the collective
creation of knowledge because students got engaged with the topic that was discussed each week by
answering the questions that the presenting group had prepared, by making reference to what other

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students had said in the Facebook posts and by establishing connections between the various
discussions. Consequently, collaborative learning and a participatory methodology are observed in the
teaching-learning process. Although the teacher encouraged students to write in Facebook during the
teaching-learning process, some students were reluctant to do so, which means that they did not
make the most of the opportunity of using Facebook to practice writing skills. On balance, Facebook
contributed to promoting reading (some students did not write, but they read what other students
wrote) and cooperative learning, because students can learn from each other by reading the different
posts. The fact that the oral presentations are cooperative and that the same group has to prepare
and post the questions for the discussion in Facebook and comment on other students' posts also
reinforces collaboration between group members.
P Consequently, communication and cooperation are social competences that are promoted by
participating in the Facebook discussions. The group in charge of organising the Facebook discussion
each week had to motivate the rest of the classmates to participate. This contributed to promoting
leadership, a social competence that students need for the labour market. The results of the
questionnaire show that Facebook is effective for English learning, for connecting different skills and
for improving students' literacy. The social topics that frame students' interaction through Facebook
contribute to students' development of language knowledge and social competences at the same
time. It is remarkable that some groups (10 out of 18) not only shared some questions to discuss
aspects about the oral presentation topic, but they also shared the links to some videos and articles
associated with the topic. This shows that students took the initiative to provide extra information for
their classmates. Measuring the academic performance of students though Facebook is always
challenging: it is difficult to select the aspects to be analysed and to determine the type of feedback
that students will receive. In this study, giving students the opportunity to discuss social topics had a
central role although the quality of the language was also important, and the grammar mistakes were
also analysed (see Figure 2).
Q Technology and social networks such as Facebook facilitate effective distance learning in a context
like the one we live in nowadays, where a pandemic has challenged traditional classroom practices.
This article has explored the use of Facebook for online discussions in higher education and has
observed that Facebook discussions contribute to forging interaction and good relationships between
students and to facilitating the acquisition of social competences. Using Facebook in an English subject
offers the opportunity to apply a social network environment so that students can learn about social
topics at the same time that they practice their English. In this sense, Facebook promotes web-based

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interaction between students outside the classroom, i.e., there is flexibility to interact without having
the time and space constraints of the classroom. This reinforces autonomous learning, because
students were free to participate in the Facebook group synchronously and asynchronously during the
teaching-learning process. In addition, the teacher decided to use Facebook for online discussions as
a substitute for cooperative writing in the classroom because it shows that the English language is
constructed throughout the cooperative-based discussions on social topics that take place every
week. In fact, Facebook is an appropriate tool to stimulate students to write in English at the same
time that they reflect on social topics. Consequently, different skills and competences are integrated
and developed during the teaching-learning process. The use of Facebook in the subject English
Language V involved incorporating into the classroom a new trend of today's communication and a
change in students' academic performance. In this sense, students can associate using Facebook with
their personal communication, which means that the task of academic writing done through Facebook
can be more motivating than doing it in the classroom without using social network. In conclusion,
Facebook contributes to improving students' writing in English language and promotes authentic
language interaction and the acquisition of social competences.
(Source: Lirola, M. M. (2022). Approaching the Use of Facebook to improve academic writing and to
acquire social competences in English in higher education. Contemporary Educational Technology,
14(1), 1-15.)
Part 1: Comprehension questions
[20 marks]
1. Who wrote this journal article?
2. Why can ICT and SNS play a role in updating education?
3. According to this article, what is the purpose of this study?
4. Which social media was used in this study?
5. Say whether the following statements are True or False.
a) During the pandemic, students' ability to attend classes was limited.
b) The pandemic did not restrict students' ability to interact with each other and collaborate
on writing activities in class.
c) The popularity of social media among young people is a great opportunity for them to
communicate in English for Academic Purposes.
d) Grammar and vocabulary were not part of the oral activity.

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6. Choose the correct answer.
ii) The true combination of ____
and ____
can attract learners' attention
towards English language learning.
a) multimedia and learners
b) multimedia and teaching methodology
c) teaching methodology and higher thinking skills
d) higher thinking skills and technology
7. The following social networking skills have been applied to foreign language education.
a) wikis, Facebook, Twitter
b) biogs, Facebook, lnstagram
c) biogs, wikis, Facebook
d) Facebook, WhatsApp, and lnstagram
8. Connect each source(s) to their findings. Write down the Roman number of the finding and the
letter of the corresponding source(s). One of the study options is a distractor.
The findings
The studies (sources)
Some researchers have
a) Daher, 2014; David & Akcaoglu,
concentrated on using Facebook
2014; Li et al., 2013; Shraim, 2014)
for teaching and learning in an
innovative way and how this has
b) (Aubry, 2013; Ru-Chu, 2011)
an effect on effective learning
and on the relationship between
c) (Ellison et al., 2011; Mazer et al.,
students and teachers
9. Find a word that is closest in meaning to each of the following descriptions in each of the given
a) not physically existing (Par B)
b) relating to teaching (Par C)
c) consisting of two parts (Par D)
10. To what does each of the following pronouns refer?
a) they (Par C)
b) it (Par E)
c) it (Par F)
d) it (Par

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Part 2: Language usage
[10 marks]
1. What word formation process was used to create the following words?
a) EFL(Paragraph B)
b) Facebook (Paragraph B)
c) WhatsApp (Paragraph E)
2. State whether the underlined affix in each word below is derivational or inflectional. {2)
a) Problematic (Paragraph G)
b) effectiveness (Paragraph H)
3. Classify each word below from paragraph N according to its morpheme structure. {2)
a) teaching-learning
b) asynchronously
4. What is the function of the underlined inflections to each of the words from paragraph E
a) studenW
b) learner~
c) incorporate_g_
Part 3: Research analysis questions
[10 marks]
1. One of the research objectives was: To know the students' opinions about the use of
Facebook in an EFLsubject and the main competences that they have acquired while using
this social network in the teaching-learning process.
Formulate a research question from this research objective.
2. What evidence in the article suggests that this was a qualitative-descriptive study? (2)
3. How significant was the use of UACloud tool in the study?
4. Comment on the gender and age distribution of the study participants
5. Besides the questionnaire, Facebook was used as a data collection instrument.
Explain how?

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PART 1: Report writing questions
[15 marks]
Read the extract below taken from an academic article, before attempting to answer the question.
The focus of the article is on the challenges that new students experience when they move from
high school to university.
Transition of first year students into the university can be difficult for some students. This report will
provide a discussion about the issues affecting the transition of first year students into university life.
Making a transition of first year students into academic life at a tertiary institution can be one of the
most challenging experiences. It is challenging not only in terms of academic purposes but also as it is
the stage in students' life where they will most likely experience emotional, financial, and social
problems. As a student of tertiary school there will be huge adjustments that will have to be by
students such as adjustments to new learning and teaching styles, assessments styles and writing
practices. Despite it all, transition to university life is a very rewarding experience they will ever have.
Transition is simply defined as moving from one level to another, it is a process and not an event. It
symbolises change. It can be seen as a motion from familiar into unfamiliar (Levin, 1987), for example
environment. The student's relationship with tertiary education is not the same as the one they had
in primary or secondary. University has a more complex and comprehensive environment than
secondary schools, and many students give up their closeness with their families, friends, and home
to cope within the university life. The students' transition is all about the students dealing with the
whole university life and not just simply the university as formal and more academic institutions.
Students have to adjust into new learning styles and new surroundings. They also have to
communicate and familiarise with new people, strangers in the institutions during their university life.
Anthropologist Van Gennep, Tinto (1988) has stated that the cycle of entering the university moves
through three distinct stages - separation, transition and incorporation. During the separation stage,
student will require to disconnect theirselves from their connections of prior relationships with
communities such as family, high school or home environments in order to adapt to university life.
There are some main experiences in which transition can be problematic. People tend to worry
themselves when entering a new stage of their life, just like how students worry when entering
university life. Continuity with respect to subject course studies can be problematic because some
students are not aware of the difference of the subject studied in high school and universities, in terms
of workloads and assessments style.
Most students undertaking their first year at the university have hard times fitting into the new
environment. Most students often start their first year at the university excited in making friends and
meeting new people but sometimes, university is not described as a friendly place, as more students
going to the university focus more on their academic life than their social life.

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One of the issues that cause a student to withdraw and give up their studies is the workload. Students
who do not know how to manage their time for every subject end up lagging behind their study course.
Finally, when students enter university, they become independent from family. They have a sense of
freedom which they sometimes abuse by doing what they would not do if they were at home.
[Retrieved from https://www.ukes/education/transition-of..first-year-students-into-university-life-
education-e.php ?vref=1]
The Report question:
Many students experience some problems when they transition from high school to university. These
challenges may jeopardise their education and life in general. You have been instructed by The
Director of Student Affairs at NUST to research and identify three main problems new university
students encounter when they transition from high school to university. You then have to compile a
Recommendation Report. You have decided to focus your report content on three main challenges 1.
Students experience emotional, financial, and social problems, 2. They have difficulty adjusting to new
learning and teaching styles, assessments styles, and writing practices, and 3. They are unable to
manage their time and workload.
Write your Report title and Conclusion section ONLY, paying attention to the correct format,
paragraph structure and content required for the Conclusion section of a report.
Part 2: Academic writing
(20 marks]
Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
In December 2020, Martfn (2020, p.20) affirmed that "Facebook might be considered one of the most
famous social networks in the word. Used by 87% of users, followed by YouTube {68%) and lnstagram
(54%)". Some researchers have concentrated on using Facebook for teaching and learning in an
innovative way and how these has an effect on effective learning (Daher, 2014; David & Akcaoglu,
2014; Li et al., 2013; Shraim, 2014). There aren't studies that have explored the effect of using
Facebook on students' interests and motivation (Aubry, 2013; Ru-Chu, 2011) and on the relationship
between students and teachers (Ellison et al., 2011; Mazer et al., 2007). In addition, research has
explored the positive and negative effects of Facebook (Hutchens & Hayes, 2014; Manca, & Ranieri,
2016; Vural, 2015), some of the main positive aspects are its benefits for interaction and collaboration
and the possibilities it offers to share interests and to make connections; students develops content

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and language knowledge through Facebook; it fevers positive relationships between students and
between students and teachers; it can also contribute to incidental learning of language skills (Adi
Kasuma, 2017). Some of the negative aspects are that learners can be distracted by the different
features of Facebook such as friend requests, notifications, and chat box. There is also issues of
security and privacy that can be problematic moreover, it involves extra work for teachers because
they have to monitor the suitability of the language so that students does not learn inaccurate
language production in online environments, for example (Marin-Diaz & Cabero-Almenara, 2019;
Miller, 2020).
Identify the spelling errors in the following sentences from the text. Write the misspelt word
and its correct format only.
(a) In December 2020, Martin (2020, p.20) affirmed that "Facebook might be considered one of
the most famous social networks in the word.
(b) Some researchers have concentrated on using Facebook for teaching and learning in an
innovative way and how these has an effect on effective learning (Daher, 2014; David & Akcaoglu,
2014; Li et al., 2013; Shraim, 2014).
In addition, research has explored the positive and negative effects of Facebook (Hutchens &
Hayes, 2014; Manca, & Ranieri, 2016; Vural, 2015), some of the main positive aspects are its benefits
for interaction and collaboration and the possibilities it offers to share interests and to make
connections; students develops content and language knowledge through Facebook; it fevers positive
relationships between students and between students and teachers; it can also contribute to
incidental learning of language skills (Adi Kasuma, 2017).
Which academic conventions do the following sentences respect or disrespect?
Some researchers have concentrated on using Facebook for teaching and learning in an
innovative way and how this has an effect on effective learning (Daher, 2014; David & Akcaoglu, 2014;
Li et al., 2013; Shraim, 2014).
(b) Facebook might be considered one of the most famous social networks in the word. Used by
87% of users, followed by YouTube (68%) and lnstagram (54%)".
(c) There aren't studies that have explored the effect of using Facebook on students' interests
and motivation (Aubry, 2013; Ru-Chu, 2011) and on the relationship between students and teachers
(Ellison et al., 2011; Mazer et al., 2007).
What type of sentence construction error does each of the following sentences exemplify? (6)
(a) Used by 87% of users, followed by YouTube (68%) and lnstagram (54%).
(b) In addition, research has explored the positive and negative effects of Facebook (Hutchens &
Hayes, 2014; Manca, & Ranieri, 2016; Vural, 2015), some of the main positive aspects are its benefits
for interaction and collaboration and the possibilities it offers to share interests and to make

2.6 Page 16

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connections; students develops content and language knowledge through Facebook; it fevers positive
relationships between students and between students and teachers; it can also contribute to
incidental learning of language skills (Adi Kasuma, 2017).
(c) There are also issues of security and privacy that can be problematic moreover, it involves
extra work for teachers because they have to monitor the suitability of the language so that students
do not learn inaccurate language production in online environments, for example (Marfn-Dfaz &
Cabero-Almenara, 2019; Miller, 2020).
The following sentences have wrong subject-verb agreement. Correct them so that they can
be grammatically correct. Underline the corrected part. (3)
(a) ...some of the main positive aspects are its benefits for interaction and collaboration and the
possibilities it offers to share interests and to make connections; students develops content and
language knowledge through Facebook...
(b) There is also issues of security and privacy that can be problematic moreover, it involves extra
work for teachers because they have to monitor the suitability of the language so that students does
not learn inaccurate language production in online environments, for example (Marfn-Dfaz & Cabero-
Almenara, 2019; Miller, 2020).
Study the citations of the following incorporated information and mention the way of
incorporation that was used in each example. (2)
(a) In December 2020, Martin (2020, p.20) affirmed that "Facebook might be considered one of
the most famous social networks in the word.
(b) ...moreover, it involves extra work for teachers because they have to monitor the suitability
of the language so that students does not learn inaccurate language production in online
environments, for example (Marfn-Dfaz & Cabero-Almenara, 2019; Miller, 2020).
Part 3: Text structure
Use the information in the Venn diagram to construct a paragraph.
[10 marks]

2.7 Page 17

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Skin Color: Tan or
greenish gray
In closed mouth, both
top & teeth are visible
---- vs. Alligator
Skin Color: Dark gray
or black
Sharp Teeth
In closed mouth, only
top teeth are visible.
Narrow head and a long
"V" shaped snout
Sensor pits all over
Lays about SOeggs
,,\\t /
. -.~h'ort Legs
Scaly Skin
Wide head and wide "U"
shaped snout
Sensor pits only on
Laysabout 45 eggs
Builds nest under
the ground
Builds nest above,
---the ground
, '·
Your paragraph should consist of:
(a) Topic sentence
(b) Supporting details
(c) Concluding sentence
(d) Three text structure cohesive devices (3)
(e) Name the pattern of organisation used to present information in the paragraph you
Part 4: Citation and reference (APA 7THedition)
[15 marks]
Use the reference list below and answer questions 1 and 2. Use page 6 if you need to use a page
1. World Health Organization . WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the Media
Briefing on COV/0-19-11 March 2020. World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland:
2. Chavez S., Long B., Koyfman A., Liang S.Y.Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A primer
for emergency physicians. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 2021;44:220-229.
doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2020.03.036.
3. Counted V., Pargament K.I., Bechara A.O., Joynt S., Cowden R.G. Hope and well-
being in vulnerable contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does religious coping
matter? J. Posit. Psycho/. 2022;17:70-81. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2020.1832247.

2.8 Page 18

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4. Qiu J., Shen B., Zhao M., Wang Z., Xie B., Xu Y. A nationwide survey of psychological
distress among Chinese people in the COVID-19 epidemic: Implications and policy
recommendations. Gen. Psychiatry. 2020;33:100213. doi: 10.1136/gpsych-2020-
5. Snyder, C.R.; Harris, C.; Anderson, J.R.; Holleran, S.A.; Irving, L.M.; Sigmon, S.T.;
Yoshinobu, L.; Gibb, J.; Langelle, C.; Harney, P. The will and the ways: Development and
validation of an individual-differences measure of hope. J. Pers. Soc. Psycho/. 1991, 60,
Question 1
1.1 Fill in the missing information by inserting source details as appropriate in the spaces below. Write
only the number and the correct answer next to it.
The numbering in the text corresponds with the numbering of the sources in the reference list.
The COVID-19 pandemic was an extraordinary event, arising unexpectedly and creating a
worldwide outstanding public health concern. Strict public health measures were taken to
contain the global spread of the SARS-CoV-2virus, which was declared a pandemic by the
WHO on 11 March 2020 [1] ______
. The constantly increasing number of cases and
deaths has led authorities to impose social distancing and home confinement [2]
. According to [3] ------~
alongside concerns about financial
security, people had their daily routines disrupted indefinitely and were abruptly isolated from
people and places that were part of their daily lives. [4] _______
all of these changes
seriously affected people's mental health, especially with regard to anxiety-related symptoms.
Given this, investigating the resilience and protective factors of people's mental health during
the COVID-19 outbreak represents a relevant and impactful issue.
1.2 Choose the correct intext-citation for the quote below. Write only the number of the question and
the letter of your answer next to it.
According to Snyder's cognitive model of hope, hope refers to "a motivational positive state that is
based on an inter-actively derived sense of successful (i) agency (goal-oriented energy) and (ii)
pathways (preparation to achieve goals)" [5].
a) Snyder, Harris, Anderson, Holleran, Irving, Sigmon, Yoshinobu, Gibb, Langelle, Harney (1991,
b) Snyder, C.R.; Harris, C.; Anderson, J.R.; Holleran, S.A.; Irving, L.M.; Sigmon, S.T.; Yoshinobu, L.;
Gibb, J.; Langelle, C.; Harney, P (1991, p. 6)
c) Snyder et al., (1991, p. 6)
d) Snyder et al. (1991, p. 6)

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Question 2
2.1 The reference entries above are not aligned to the APA style of referencing. Select one option in
each case that best represents the APA 7th edition style for the first three sources.
2.1.1 World Health Organization. WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on
COV/0-19-11 March 2020. World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland: 2020.
a) World Health Organization. WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing
on COV/0-19-11 (March 2020). World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland:
b) World Health Organization. (March 2020). WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the
Media Briefing on COVID-19-11. World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland:
c) World Health Organization. (2020). WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the Media
Briefing on COV/0-19-11. World Health Organization.
d) World Health Organization. (2020). WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the Media
Briefing on COV/0-19-11 March 2020. World Health Organization; Geneva,
Switzerland: 2020.
2.1.2 ChavezS., Long B., Koyfman A., Liang S.Y.Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A primer for
emergency physicians. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 2021;44:220-229. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2020.03.036.
a) Chavez S., Long B., Koyfman A., and Liang S.Y.Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A primer for
emergency physicians. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 2021;44:220-229. doi: 10.1016/j. ajem.
2020.03.036. https//doi.org /10.1016 /j.ajem . 2020.03.036.
b) Chavez, S., Long, B., Koyfman, A., and Liang, S.Y.(2020). Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A
primer for emergency physicians. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 2021;44:220-229. doi: 10.
1016 /j.ajem. 2020.03.036. doi: 10. 1016 /j.ajem. 2020 .03. 036.
c) Chavez, S., Long, B., Koyfman, A., & Liang, S.Y.(2020). Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A
primer for emergency physicians. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 2021;44:220-229. doi: 10.
1016 /j.ajem. 2020 .03. 036.
d) Chavez, S., Long, B., Koyfman, A., & Liang, S.Y.(2021). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A
primer for emergency physicians. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 244, 220-229. https//doi.org
/10.1016 /j.ajem . 2020.03.036.

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2.1.3 Counted V., Pargament K.I., Bechara A.O., Joynt S., Cowden R.G. Hope and well-being in
vulnerable contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does religious coping matter? J. Posit.
Psycho/. 2022;17:70-81. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2020.1832247.
a) Counted, V., Pargament, K. I., Bechara, A. 0., Joynt, S., & Cowden, R.G. (2022). Hope and
well-being in vulnerable contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does religious
coping matter? J. Posit. Psycho/, 17, 70-81. https//doi.org/10.1080/17439760. 2020.
b) Counted, V., Pargament, K. I., Bechara, A. 0., ... (2022). Hope and well-being in vulnerable
contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does religious coping matter? J. Posit.
Psycho/. 2022;17:70-81. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2020.1832247.
c) Counted, V., Pargament, K. I., Bechara, A. 0., and Joynt, S., Cowden R.G. Hope and well-
being in vulnerable contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does religious coping
matter? J. Posit. Psycho/. 2022;17:70-81. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2020.1832247.
d) V., Counted, K. I., Pargament, A. 0., Bechara,, & S., Joynt. (2022). Cowden R.G. Hope and
well-being in vulnerable contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does religious
coping matter? J. Posit. Psycho/. 2022;17:70-81.
doi: 10.1080/17 439760.2020.183224 7.
Question 3
Which of the following statements about how to compile a reference list is correct? In each case, write
the number of the statement only and True or False next to it.
1. All reference entries must be in alphabetical order and numbered.
2. The label References should be in bold, underlined, and centred.
3. Each reference entry should be indented after the first line.
4. If there is amble space, the reference list does not need to start on a separate page.