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Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations : Demonstrating the existence of spirits and their communion with mortals. Doctrine of the spirit world respecting heaven, hell, morality, and God. Also, the influence of Scripture on the morals of Christians. [electronic resource] / Robert Hare
Author:  Hare, Robert, 1781-1858
Subject:  BF, Bible and spiritualism, Spiritualism
Format:   Text
Date issued:  2020
Language:   English
Publisher:  Project Gutenberg,
Rights:  Public domain in the USA.
Download link:  Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations : Demonstrating the existence of spirits and their communion with mortals. Doctrine of the spirit world respecting heaven, hell, morality, and God. Also, the influence of Scripture on the morals of Christians. [electronic resource] / Robert Hare