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Is a Ship Canal Practicable? : Notes, Historical and Statistical, Upon the Projected Routes for an Interoceanic Ship Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in Which is Included a Short Account of the Character and Influence of the Canal of Suez, and the Probable Effects Upon the Commerce of the World of the Two Canals, Regarded Either as Rivals, or as Parts of One System of Interoceanic Navigation [electronic resource] / S. T. Abert
Author:  Abert, S. T. (Silvanus Thayer), 1828-1903
Subject:  TC, Canals, Interoceanic
Format:   Text
Date issued:  2020
Language:   English
Publisher:  Project Gutenberg,
Rights:  Public domain in the USA.
Download link:  Is a Ship Canal Practicable? : Notes, Historical and Statistical, Upon the Projected Routes for an Interoceanic Ship Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in Which is Included a Short Account of the Character and Influence of the Canal of Suez, and the Probable Effects Upon the Commerce of the World of the Two Canals, Regarded Either as Rivals, or as Parts of One System of Interoceanic Navigation [electronic resource] / S. T. Abert