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Fresh Every Hour : Detailing the Adventures, Comic and Pathetic of One Jimmy Martin, Purveyor of Publicity, a Young Gentleman Possessing Sublime Nerve, Whimsical Imagination, Colossal Impudence, and, Withal, the Heart of a Child. [electronic resource] / John Peter Toohey
Author:  Toohey, John Peter, 1880-1946
Subject:  PS, Press agents -- Fiction
Format:   Text
Date issued:  2018
Language:   English
Publisher:  Project Gutenberg,
Rights:  Public domain in the USA.
Download link:  Fresh Every Hour : Detailing the Adventures, Comic and Pathetic of One Jimmy Martin, Purveyor of Publicity, a Young Gentleman Possessing Sublime Nerve, Whimsical Imagination, Colossal Impudence, and, Withal, the Heart of a Child. [electronic resource] / John Peter Toohey