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The History of the Lives and Bloody Exploits of the Most Noted Pirates; Their Trials and Executions : Including a Correct Account of the Late Piracies Committed in the West-Indies, and the Expedition of Commodore Porter; also, Those Committed on the Brig Mexican, Who Were Tried and Executed at Boston, in 1835 [electronic resource] / Ezra Baldwin Strong
Author:  Strong, Ezra Baldwin, 1805-1846
Subject:  F2155, Pirates -- Caribbean Area -- Biography, Buccaneers -- Biography, Privateering -- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) -- History, Buccaneers -- History, Pirates -- Caribbean Area -- History, Atlantic Coast (U.S.) -- History, Naval, Caribbean Area -- History, Naval, Privateering -- Caribbean Area -- History, Trials (Piracy), Pirates -- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) -- History, Pirates -- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) -- Biography
Format:   Text
Date issued:  2017
Language:   English
Publisher:  Project Gutenberg,
Rights:  Public domain in the USA.
Download link:  The History of the Lives and Bloody Exploits of the Most Noted Pirates; Their Trials and Executions : Including a Correct Account of the Late Piracies Committed in the West-Indies, and the Expedition of Commodore Porter; also, Those Committed on the Brig Mexican, Who Were Tried and Executed at Boston, in 1835 [electronic resource] / Ezra Baldwin Strong