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From Paris to Pekin over Siberian Snows : A Narrative of a Journey by Sledge over the Snows of European Russia and Siberia, by Caravan Through Mongolia, Across the Gobi Desert and the Great Wall, and by Mule Palanquin Through China to Pekin [electronic resource] / Victor Meignan
Author:  Meignan, Victor
Subject:  DK, Siberia (Russia) -- Description and travel, Mongolia -- Description and travel, China -- Description and travel, Russia -- Description and travel
Format:   Text
Date issued:  2015
Language:   English
Publisher:  Project Gutenberg,
Rights:  Public domain in the USA.
Download link:  From Paris to Pekin over Siberian Snows : A Narrative of a Journey by Sledge over the Snows of European Russia and Siberia, by Caravan Through Mongolia, Across the Gobi Desert and the Great Wall, and by Mule Palanquin Through China to Pekin [electronic resource] / Victor Meignan